
Friday, May 19, 2017

International Research Conference on Women's and Gender Studies and for Women in Research 
10th to 11th October 2017 
Edinburgh, United Kingdom 


  • Discussion relating to the current status of women, with a special focus on the following categories that constitute potential challenges to gender equality and women’s rights: the UK’s decision to leave the EU, the refugee crisis, rising levels of (and political legitimisation of) sexual violence and misogyny, cuts in child-care and services for disabled people, lack of access to paid parental leave, tax and welfare reforms, the gender pay gap, sexual harassment and the rise of zero-contract hours.
  • International researchers and scientists from academia, industry and government to present their studies to a multi-disciplinary audience, exchange experiences, discuss proposals, and disseminate results on women’s and gender studies.
  • Raising awareness and encouraging dialogue on the proposed topics, with the aim of creating lasting productive partnerships between the participants.

All submitted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, edited under the Creative Commons Licence (Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International/CC BY-ND 4.0), which will also contain a report and catalogue of activities. This book will be available on the WomenBeing webpage to download for free, and it will also be freely distributed to schools, institutions, research centres and individuals who request it.

The aim of this conference is to create an international forum for debate and exchange on the main challenges facing women in today’s society, and to reflect on the ways in which we can, individually and collectively, propose solutions to these problems.

The conference begins on the 10th of October – Ada Lovelace day – which celebrates women of the present and the past, whose achievements have contributed so much to humanity. Like Ada Lovelace, there are many women fighting for equality, for their rights, and for peace. In the last year, there has been a growing awareness of the need to address the problems that women are experiencing, to speak and to take action.

WomenBeing builds upon this momentum by providing a ‘loudspeaker’ for academics, civil servants, researchers, social activists, journalists and private individuals to make their voices heard on the main challenges that women are facing in 2017.


Submission of abstracts: 1st of August 2017

Acceptance notification: 20th of August 2017

Submission of full papers: 20th of August 2017

Early bird registration: 10th of September 2017

Submit Your Abstract:


(In case of acceptance, the author or one of the co-authors should be available to present the paper at the conference.)

If you have any question, please send us an e-mail to

Please Do Visit our Website for more details:

Join us on the 10th and 11th of October in Edinburgh to enrich our discussions.

International Conference on Performing and Visual Arts 9th to 11th January 2018,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Call for Papers
The 2018 International Conference on Performing and Visual Arts is investigating the importance and relevance of regionalism in culture and the arts.
Although not new, the concept of regionalism has been eclipsed in recent decades by research on localism and globalism. However, protectionist nationalism has recently re-emerged in international political and popular narratives. In these, yet again, changing political and cultural relations, is there a place for regionalism or studies from a regional perspective in academia? If so, what are some productive approaches one can take (comparative studies, identifying shared cultural features, pinpointing idiosyncratic affiliations, questioning boundaries, trans-cultural analysis, etc.)? How helpful is the concept of Asia as a region, when it comes to the study of culture and the arts today?

We welcome topics on the Visual Arts, Music, Theatre, Dance, Cultural Studies, Asian Studies (including Southeast Asian Studies, East Asian Studies, South Asian Studies), Cultural Heritage, Museum Studies, Fine Arts, and any other area of study related to culture or the arts.

Guidelines for Submission of Abstract.
You first need to register to the UM conference system, by clicking on 'Registration online' and filling out the form. Only after registering to our Conference Management System and selecting a login ID, will you be able to submit your abstract. Registering to the Conference Management System and sending an abstract does not automatically mean that your paper will be accepted.
Once your abstract has been accepted (usually within 2-3 weeks), you need to confirm your attendance via email and make the appropriate payment (no later than December 1st) on our website. Only after payment will your registration be fully processed.
If you are a student and would like to avail yourself of the student registration rates, you also need to send us a copy of your student status via email. You can prove your status with a letter from your Registrar's Office, or an image of a valid student ID card. You will also be asked to present the appropriate document when arriving at the conference as well.

Deadlines for Submission
Deadline for submitting abstract: September 30th, 2017
Deadline for early bird registration: October 31st, 2017*
Deadline for regular registration: December 1st, 2017
Conference: January 9-10-11, 2018.

Details for submission
Abstracts should be between 200-300 words and be submitted in clear English of a quality suitable for publication. Your abstract should include the following:
1. Name(s) of authors, including affiliation. If there are multiple authors, the presenter is the first author
2. Email and complete mailing address of all authors. However the first author/presenter will be responsible for all communication with the ICPVA committee.
3. Title of paper
4. Abstract (maximum 300 words)
5. All documents should be sent using Microsoft word (.doc or .docx)
All abstracts should be uploaded to our website; we will not accept proposals sent via email.

Guidelines for presentations
Time allocated for each presentation is 20 min with an additional 5 min for Q&A. It is the responsibility of the panel Chair to keep track of time. Each room will be equipped with data projectors and sound systems. Panelists are encouraged to upload their presentations (if applicable) during tea breaks to facilitate smooth transition between panelists.

How to contact us
Cultural Centre, University of Malaya
1st Floor, Old Chancellery Building
University of Malaya
50603 Kuala Lumpur
You can also contact us via email