
Friday, August 18, 2017

ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar On Law, Court and Politics: Re-negotiating Global and National Perspectives on 16th & 17th September, 2017 -Department of Law, Bankura University.West Bengal


Law and politics are closely associated with each other as law structures the composition and function of the government and at the same time regulates and controls the action of the Government. Government is supposed to follow the ‘Rule of Law’ and the necessary corollary of the same postulates good governance. The prime stipulation of a civilized and welfare state is to have an independent and impartial judicial system which will keep vigil on different organs of the government and will ensure justice to the people. Law shapes the politics and often politics determines the legal structure of a state. Political discourse creates such concepts as constitutionalism, democratic state, anarchism, nihilism, oligarchy, republic, monarchy etc. which affect the adjudicatory process and the legal system of a state and in a same way decisions made in the judicial process affect the political process. Court is an organ of the government but it becomes distinct from the legislative and executive organs of the government due to its radical approach, activism and vast role in the modern state. Courts inflect on every issue of politics like the Constitution, executive and legislature, political parties, election, pressure groups, policies, media etc. In the modern welfare states, there are scarcely any political questions which have not been converted into legal issues and resolved by the courts. 

Courts are now deciding the political questions in areas ranging from hunger, health care, distributive justice, law and order to corruption, criminalization of politics, black money etc. In other words, the roles of socio-political culture may be considered under the general rubric of the Foucauldian dynamics of power as a major determinant of contemporary global scenario. In fact in a trans-cultural global society it becomes increasingly incumbent on us how the mechanism of law and the court are constantly redefining its relationship with political power. It is therefore imperative that the power exercised by the legal system as well as the court interfaces the overarching, political power. These two clashing concepts of power generate new perceptions in the domain of socio-political ideology. 

In the light of the above discussion it is pertinent to unfold the intrinsic relationship within a broad range of law, politics perceived in terms of the legislative and judicial process to resolve the issues as mentioned above


This seminar is involved with the greater aspect of judicial process and politics and becomes an instrument of interdisciplinary research which invites the academics and scholars from across the disciplines of Law, Political Science, Sociology, History and other branches of humanities and social sciences to renegotiate legal and political discourse. This seminar will therefore address, but not limited to, the following issues:

  • Constitutionalism , Constitutional Dictatorship and democratic polity
  • Impact of politics on judicial process
  • The changing concept of welfare state in the era of Globalization
  • Equality and privatization
  • Impact of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization on Human Right
  • Importance of Human Right Education 
  • The politics of religion, State policy and Law
  • Appointment of Judges, Judicial politics and an attempts to affect the judicial system 
  • Judicial activism and PIL- An Welfare Politics
  • Sustainable Development, Politics of Environmental Justice and Law
  • Good Governance and Justice

The Academicians, Scholars, Jurists and Lawyers are invited to send the Abstract consists of not more than 300 (Three Hundred) words of their scholarly writings on or before 1st September, 2017. Acceptance of paper will be communicated on 3rd September, 2017. The authors of the accepted papers are requested to send their full length paper on or before 15th September, 2017. Abstract as well as the full article must be sent by e-mail only. E- Mail address is

Full length Scholarly writings should not be less than 5000 words. Selected paper, the selection of which will be made through peer review, will be published in book with ISBN Number and from a reputed publisher in India.


Registration is mandatory for the participants to participate in the seminar.. The participants have to register themselves by filling up the registration form attached herewith within 5th September but the registration process will only be completed by paying the registration fee on 16thSeptember, 2017 on the spot i.e. on the venue of the seminar.

Registration Fee: Rs. 1000 (One Thousand) only

Local Hospitality, Tea/ Coffee, Snacks, Seminar Lunch and Seminar Kits will be provided to the participants. Due to the paucity of fund we cannot provide any Travelling Allowances or Accommodations. However on request of the participants we can arrange the Hotels within reasonable prices. 


Date of the Seminar :16th & 17thSeptember, 2017
Last Date of Submission of Abstract :1st September, 2017
Communication of Acceptance of Paper :3rd September, 2017
Last date of submission of duly filled up Registration Form :5thSeptember,2017
Last Date of Submission of Full Article :15th September,2017

Contact Info: 
Dr. Subir Kumar Roy 
Associate Professor& Head,
Department of Law,
Convenor, Anti-Ragging Cell
Bankura University &
Convenor of the seminar
M: 9733215777
Contact Email: