
Sunday, January 8, 2017

#QueerAF: (Re)presenting Gender & Sexuality in History & Cultural Studies

5th Annual Dean Hopper NEW SCHOLARS Conference

May 5-6, 2017
The Ehinger Center, Drew University, Madison, NJ

“Queer” is such a simple, unassuming little word. Who ever could have guessed that we would come to saddle it with so much pretentious baggage–so many grandiose theories, political agendas, philosophical projects, apocalyptic meanings? A word that was once commonly understood to mean “strange,” “odd,” “unusual,” “abnormal,” or “sick,” and was routinely applied to lesbians and gay men as a term of abuse, now intimates possibilities so complex and rarified that entire volumes are devoted to spelling them out.” -David Halperin

#QueerAF is a hashtag used on Twitter and Tumblr by trans, lesbian, gay, bisexual, androgynous and gender fluid users to celebrate content that is unapologetically queer, or “queer as fuck.” The use of “AF” in the title of this conference indicates our interest in exploring the power of language to form community in a digital space through the assignation of #QueerAF. The invocation of slurs such as queer, dyke, homo, slut, bitch, and tranny degrades individuals, and those same words have been subsequently reclaimed, yet not without deep controversy. Establishing a conference that is “#QueerAF” represents our resistance to societal politeness by participating in the reclamation of “queer” and disrupting the heteronormative discourse that terms certain behaviors and bodies dangerous or degenerate.

The conference theme draws on multiple disciplines and perspectives on gender and sexuality, inviting challenges to the heteronormative, cisgender, patriarchal discourse of history. Proposals are invited for papers on any aspect of Gender & Sexuality across all time periods and geographical locations. In particular, this conference will be centering around three major themes: Historical & Cultural studies, Linguistics & Theory, and Activism & Media. 

Areas include but are not limited to the topics below:

Historical & Cultural Studies:

Empire, colonialism and gender
Gender, Sexuality and the politics of Health Care & Psychiatry
Sex work
Holocaust & Gender
Intersectional feminism
Subaltern reading communities & Book History
Representations of “queer” and gendered “other” in literature and fanzine culture
Representations of queer and gendered other in underground music culture
Representations of Gender and Sexuality in Video Games
Diversity and Harassment in Video Game Culture
Gender and Online Abuse
Representations of queerness in film and media (Transparent, The New Normal)
Explorations of the horror genre and the “monstrous queer” (Hannibal, Penny Dreadful)
Reclaiming of queer figures “hidden from history”

Linguistics & Theory:

Gender as performance; queer as performance
Theoretical challenges to Foucauldian readings and post-structuralism
Heterosexism of Theory (Freud, Lacan, etc.)
The Gendered Body & Disability Studies
Sexology (Hirschfeld, Carpenter, Krafft-Ebbing, Ellis)
Radical Feminisms and the “queering” of language and theory
Reclaiming and reappropriation of slurs (Queer, dyke, slut, gay, feminist, bitch, tranny)
Misgendering as an act of violence

Activism & Media

Social Media Activism
Queerness and citizenship
Radical Gendered Activism, Fourth Wave Feminism, Riot Grrrl
Remembrance & Curating Queer History (Stonewall, national monuments, museums, archives)
Gender, Sexual Identity & the Law in the United States
Global/Transnational social movements, LGBTQ & Gender-based Human Rights
AIDS, Race and Gender

Deadline for Submissions is 1 March 2017!

International Conference

Protest and Dissent in Translation and Culture

organized by

Department of Anglophone Cultures and Literatures

University of Social Sciences and Humanities (SWPS)

Warsaw, 11-13 May 2017


Though dissent and protest seem to be strongly linked with politics and with political actions, the range of their senses and uses is much broader and, as Amit Chaudhuri has noticed, dissent is inscribed in the very idea of the literary which, "in its resistance to interpretation, is a peculiar species of dissent." The common ground of protest and dissent is, very generally, a disagreement with what is, and an expression of the necessity of some change which seems to be standing behind the very gestures of dissension or protestation. This expression may take various forms and make use of various modalities coming from different cultures, states and places. Protest and dissent may sometimes be individual gestures, as seems to be the case with   Melville's Bartleby's famous "I would prefer not to", though the outdoor reading of "Bartleby, the Scrivener" organized by Occupy Wall Street supporters at Zuccotti Park in New York in November 2011 was an event which renarrated the story as "resonating quite well with the mission of the OWS protest" because it not only questioned the assumed hierarchy and expressed the strength of passive resistance, but also because it was set on Wall Street. Dominance and resistance seem to be inevitably speaking through various narratives and stories we live by, the stories which are narrated and renarrated, framed and reframed in different social, political and language communities and realities, through different media and means, and translated into different contexts and languages.  The notion of framing, Mona Baker claims in "Reframing Conflict in Translation", allows us "to see translational choices not merely as local linguistic challenges but as contributing directly to the narratives that shape our social world". The ways in which we name, rename, or label events, groups of people, even places have implications in the real world and may help us realize that the world is not made up of universally accepted norms, but that we also partake in negotiating its construction, its changing meanings and senses. Protest and dissent do not necessarily have to be an incentive to a revolutionary change, to a shift of the dominant, but may testify to there being what Edward Said called simply "something beyond the reach of dominating systems", something which limits power and "hobbles" it also through translatological resistance to finality.

We invite papers looking at protest and dissent from different theoretical and methodological perspectives (Translation Studies, Literary Criticism, Critical Theory, Cultural Studies, Discourse Analysis, Feminist and Gender Studies, Queer Theory, Philosophy, Sociology, History of Ideas, Colonial and Postcolonial Studies), papers not only theorizing  protest and dissent but also papers engaged in broadly understood disagreement, disapproval, critique or resistance, potentials of conflict management and/or the educational and pedagogical dimensions of dissent.  We also invite papers showing how narratives of dissent and protest (novels, poems, stories, histories, films, news, press articles, protest songs …) are renarrated/translated in different social and political contexts and the ways in which translators' choices may be oriented or disoriented.   If Jacques Rancière is right saying that "the essence of politics is the manifestation of dissensus as the presence of two worlds in one", then translation, as an inevitably divided activity, may be a kind of discourse which reveals that oneness may be one of those ideas which harbour consensual dominance and the end of politics, the end of dissensual plurality and the beginning of the police which, in different disguises, finds these days its way to the streets of numerous places of the world.

We suggest the following, broad, thematic areas as issues for disputes and highly probable clashes of ideas:

Rhetoric(s) of protest and dissent
Narrating/renarrating protest and dissent
Dissent and protest in intercultural contexts
Dissent and protest in the culture of global/local politics
Translating protest
Translating dissent
Empowerment and translation
Resisting power/power of resistance
Discourses of dissent and protest
Discursive strategies of protest and dissent
Discursive analyses of protest and dissent
Pedagogy/ies of dissent
Manipulating protest and dissent

Protest and persuasion
Translating conflict
Literature(s) of protest
Protest/dissent and media
Protesters/dissenters as friends
Protester/dissenters as enemies
Good guys and bad guys
Protest and activism
Activating/de-activating protest and dissent
Global dissents and/in translation
Solidarity in translation
Translating collectives/collective translations

Keynote speakers:
Professor Mona Baker (University of Manchester)
Professor Ben Dorfman (Aalborg University)
Professor Hanna Komorowska (University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw)
Professor Tadeusz Rachwał (University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw)

Venue: University of Social Sciences and Humanities, ul. Chodakowska 19/31, Warsaw, Poland.

Proposals for 20-minute papers (ca 250 words) should be sent to by 30 January 2017. We also encourage panel proposals (comprised of 3 to 4 papers, and an additional 100-150 words explaining how they are interlinked in addressing the panel theme). Panel proposals are due by 15 January 2017.
Notification of acceptance will be sent by 28 February 2017.
The deadline for registration and payment of the conference fee: 31 March 2017.

The conference fee is 550 PLN | 130 EUR | 140 USD for all participants.

Conference organizers: Dr. Agnieszka Pantuchowicz and Dr. Anna Warso.

Scholarship  - MSc and DPhil in Sustainable Urban Development

Deadline 20 January 2017

Applications are invited for the part-time MSc and DPhil in Sustainable Urban Development at the University of Oxford.  
The next admissions round closes on 20 January 2017.  

The MSc Programme Scholarship also closes on this date (more information below).
We would be grateful if list members would share this information with students, colleagues and associates for whom it will be of interest.
The Sustainable Urban Development programme at the University of Oxford offers part-time master's and doctoral courses for practitioners and researchers engaged in cities and urban issues. It attracts architects, educators, engineers, lawyers, financiers and investment analysts, landscape architects, project managers, planners, property developers and surveyors.
  • Flexible part-time master's and doctoral programmes – study while working
  • Dynamic and thriving research, graduate and practitioner community
  • International perspective and reach, drawing on Oxford's interdisciplinary expertise
  • Strong associations with leading organisations, including the Prince's Foundation for Building Community and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
  • Opportunities to network and to develop valuable cross-sector connections
  • Access to Oxford’s internship schemes

 MSc Full Fee Programme Scholarship
The MSc Programme Scholarship will cover all course fees (and college fees) across both years of the MSc in Sustainable Urban Development for October 2017 entry. The Scheme is open to all new candidates for the MSc. No separate application process will apply, but candidates seeking to be considered for the Scholarship need to have submitted a full application by 20 January 2017. Candidates need to present a consistent record of excellence both academically and professionally.  Full details are available on the MSc website.

Please visit our website or contact us on and +44 (0)1865 286952 for further information about each course, funding opportunities and how to apply.

Gender in Southeast Asian Art Histories

An International Symposium hosted by Power Institute, University of Sydney, Australia
11-13 October 2017

Proposals due 28 February 2017

Studies focused on gender in Southeast Asian societies have emerged, in recent decades, in approximate concurrence with the development of regionally focused Southeast Asian art histories. The founding premise of this international symposium is that there has hitherto been insufficient discursive intersection between these two fields.

Topics discussed may include:
  • accounts of individual artists and collectives whose work engages with gender;
  • investigations of gender in the exhibitionary, critical, and historiographical receptions of works of art, from any period
  • considerations of the relationships between artists and/or works of art and larger Southeast Asian cultural constructs of gender, as enacted in political, economic, religious and other domains.
Proposals will be particularly welcomed for papers that address what new perspectives and methodological approaches are brought to the fore through studies that are attentive to gender, and/or that re-assess art historical narratives through the lens of gender. Histories of art from antiquity to the present will be considered, in the hope that intellectual exchange between scholars working on the “pre-modern,” “modern,” and “contemporary” will be mutually generative.

As the first symposium of its kind, Gender in Southeast Asian Art Histories aims to establish the parameters of current research, and to develop inter-disciplinary and transnational frameworks for future studies in the field. To this end, proposals are invited from researchers working in and between a range of disciplines, including but not limited to: archaeology, area studies, comparative literature, gender studies, heritage studies, history, film studies and media studies, in addition to art history.

In addition to more established scholars, early career researchers (including postgraduate researchers) are particularly welcomed. The conference organizers are pleased to offer selected participants financial assistance toward the cost of travel and accommodation, with preference given to those based in Southeast Asia. In developing scholarly networks, the event organizers will also facilitate international collaborations and mentorships, in which early career researchers accepted for participation will be given feedback on their presentations, and encouraged to submit their papers to the scholarly, peer-reviewed journal of the Asian Studies Association of Australia, the Asian Studies Review (indexed in Scopus).

The symposium will be launched by a keynote address from Professor Ashley Thompson, the Hiram W. Woodward Chair in Southeast Asian Art at SOAS, University of London. Symposium participants and up to twelve additional attendees, on a competitive basis, will also be invited to participate in a half-day masterclass led by Professor Thompson, and a professional development workshop.

Abstracts in English of approximately 500 words, as well as biographical statements of approximately 100 words, should be sent to before 28 February 2017. 

Applicants seeking support for travel and accommodation expenses should also include a short statement of financial need.

Gender in Southeast Asian Art Histories is convened by Yvonne Low, Roger Nelson, Clare Veal, and Stephen Whiteman. The event is generously supported by the Asian Studies Association of Australia, the Power Institute, the Sydney Southeast Asia Centre, and the School of Literature Art and Media at the University of Sydney.

International Conference in Translation Studies: “Translation and Minority”

University of Ottawa, School of Translation and Interpretation

November 10-11, 2017

Keynote speakers (confirmed):

Anthony Pym, Rovira i Virgili University, Spain

Debbie Folaron, Concordia University, Canada

Here at University of Ottawa’s School of Translation and Interpretation we provide established and emerging researchers of various backgrounds with an opportunity to share the results of their work on Translation Studies as an academic discipline and on its future avenues of development. This year’s topic is Translation and Minority.

Scientific committee:

Lin Chen, Tongji University, China; Rainier Grutman, University of Ottawa, Canada; Germana Henriques Pereira, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil; Hala Kamal, Cairo University, Egypt; Catherine Leclerc, McGill University, Canada; Kris Peeters, University of Antwerp, Belgium; Nike Pokorn, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; Peng Wang, University of Maryland, USA

Minor-ness has been imagined in various ways: from unspeakability in Giorgio Agamben’s Homo Sacer (1998) or Julia Kristeva’s notion of the abject (1982) and from carnival in Mikhail Bakhtin’s concept of grotesque body (1993) or Georges Battaille’s notion of excess (1991), to the potentially revolutionary Body without Organs that embarks on various lines of flight (Deleuze and Guattari 1988) in order to escape sameness and embrace difference. In all its forms, the minor has the potential to be truly free: in becoming, in already being constructed and still being constructed, as a way to acknowledge interstices and particularity, ethnic diversity, and cultural heterogeneity.

In ‘minor’ contexts, translation is the underpinning condition for difference, preserving identity, and serving local concerns—which have often been neglected for the benefit of a more general image of the global ethos. In recent years, there have been claims that Translation Studies is becoming wonderfully aware of its Eurocentric / Western roots and biases (Gentzler 2008, Tymoczko 2007, Trivedi 2006) and that efforts are being made towards a more democratic view on the role translators and Translation Studies scholars from all cultures play in defining the field. However, various terms such as Eurocentrism or Westernization are still actively used in TS and so are a number of biased comparative paradigms that acknowledge and endorse the precedence of a centre. Various small European countries are still happily pigeonholed as ‘minor’ nations that follow in the footsteps of ‘major’ cultures like France and England, while other small countries all over the world, for which translation plays a paramount role, are largely unaccounted for.

First, our conference aims to contribute to the internationalization of the field of Translation Studies by presenting scholarly work which focuses on theories and practices originating in ‘minor’ contexts (which translate more) and in lesser-translated languages. Second, we invite contributions which address new translation practices and new ways of defining translation in more visible cultures, which have long been associated with certain more hegemonic traditions. Last but not least, we welcome research work that places translation at the nexus between humanities and science and shows how technology helps redefining translation beyond the prevailing geographical paradigm.

The conference themes will revolve around, but will not be limited to, the following topics:

Theoretical understandings of minor-ness;

New paradigms for ‘minor’ and minority cultures in Translation Studies;

Narratives of marginality and identity: small nations in translation;

Nomadism and transnationalism: translators redefining themselves;

Restoring the balance: lesser-translated languages in TS;

Practices of the peripheries: translators at work in ‘minor’ contexts;

Activist translation: the voice of the few;

Bilingualism, multilingualism, and diglossia;

Minoritization of ‘major’ languages through heteroglossia;

‘Minor’ practices in translation;

Translation and cultural analytics;

Overcoming minor-ness through the digital revolution.

Each presentation will be allotted 20 minutes, followed by a 10-minute question period. The working languages of the conference are French and English.

Scholars are invited to submit a 300-word abstract in Word format (Times New Roman, 12 pt, single spaced). Please make sure to include the following information (in this order): the title of your presentation, your name, affiliation, e-mail address, abstract, 5 key-words, short bio (70-80 words), and selected bibliography. Pdf files are not accepted.

Papers are to be submitted via the Easy Chair system by May 30, 2017. We are unable to accept e-mail submissions.

Submission link: 

All authors are to be notified on June 15. For questions, please do not hesitate to contact the organizer, Raluca Tanasescu, at rtana014 [at]

We look forward to receiving your submissions!
For More Details visit us at