
Monday, June 25, 2018

CFP: International Seminar on Partition Revisited - Looking Back at the Political, Historical, Socio-cultural and Economic Circumstances of the Great Divide-19- 20th Sep 2018 Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India

Concept Note – Partition Revisited

The Partition of India was one of the most cataclysmic events of the 20th century, engendering a veritable civil war in a country that was itself on the verge of claiming its hard fought independence. It involved a series of catastrophic circumstances that split the subcontinent along the lines of community and culture, tearing apart centuries’ old shared social fabric and homeland, splitting families and dispossessing millions of ordinary people, with a stroke of a pen on the map of undivided India.
The upheaval caused by the Partition of the subcontinent impacted every aspect of the life of entire populations that had to cross the newly drawn borders overnight, not knowing if they would even make it to the other side alive. It was a bloodsoaked freedom that dawned upon the new nations of India and Pakistan, with massacres, rapes, abductions, riots and the agony of exile clouding the joy of independence from colonial rule. Immediately, the cold reality of dislocation from ancestral homes and livelihoods became the only concern for people who had migrated en masse seeking refuge across these borders, devastated by total loss and traumatized by the frenzy of violence and killing that had ripped through every neighbourhood, town, city and village.
Seventy one years have gone by since the Partition, yet its tremors and aftershocks continue to be felt by all South Asians even today. The circumstances of the Partition have served to define and shape an innately troubled and hostile Indo-Pakistan relationship, and hold little promise for trust and peace between the two nations and thus in South Asia. Its legacy lives on in deeply embedded attitudes, political ideologies and cultural orientations within the subcontinent. There are some who argue that the birth of Pakistan via a division of India was a historical inevitability; yet others strongly believe that social and political conditions of 20th_century colonial India precipitated an uncontrollable roller-coaster journey in the direction of this great divide. Still others are of the view that the Partition was the outcome of clashing political ambitions and vested interests at the cost of the common people, in the bargain, unleashing a tragedy of immeasurable proportions.
The purpose of this seminar is to rewind to this fatal landscape, re-exploring through history and politics, sociology and economics, memory and literature, the Great Partition of 1947. It is only by revisiting our past that we will be able to come to terms with, and confront, our present.


1. Leaders as Malefactors: Examining the role of Jinnah, Nehru and Gandhi in the Partition drama.

2. Culpability and Betrayal: The colonial hand in partitioning the subcontinent.
3. Alienation and conflict: The roots of communalism in undivided India.
4. Silent screams: Women during the Partition.
5. Displacement, Relocation and Rehabilitation: The migrants’ burden.
6. Fractured economy: The impact of Partition on the economies of India and Pakistan.

Important Dates:

Last date for Submission of Abstract: July 1, 2018

(200-250 words, 12 pt. Times New Roman, Double Space)

Full Paper Submission: August 10, 2018

Seminar Dates: September 19-20, 2018.

Registration Fee 

Participants are requested to send their duly filled registration form along with the prescribed fee by Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Principal, St. Bede’s College Category

1. Research Scholars                                       Rs. 2000/-

2. Faculty from Colleges/ Universities   Rs. 3000/-

3. College/University Students:                Rs. 600/-

4. Non Paper Presenters                              Rs. 250/-

Address for Correspondence
Prof. Madhu Parmar, Department of Political Science
Mobile: +919816041370
Asst. Prof. Punam  Chauhan Verma, Department of History
Mobile: +91 82787 18917

CFP:International Conference on Modern Approaches to English Language, Literature & Feminism Studies-July 20-21, 2018,Chandigarh INDIA.

Call for Papers : 
International Conference on Modern Approaches to English Language, Literature & Feminism Studies 2018 is designed to impart and institute pioneering trends in the fields of Social Sciences addressing the Innovative Teaching and Research Techniques in English Language, Literature & Feminism Studies and including their manifold applications 

Proceedings of the Conference would be treated by its Special Research Talks, Research Contributions in the form of Technical Paper Presentation Sessions and Poster Presentations devoted to English Language, Literature & Feminism Studies.

Original research papers from Post Graduate Students, Research Scholars, Faculty, Scientists etc.,in the fields of English Language, Literature & Feminism Studies are invited for presentation at the Conference. 

Track 1 : English Language 

Track 2 : English Literature 

Track 3 : Translation Studies 

Track 4 : Feminism Studies 


Submission of Papers 

Participants intending to present papers before the Conference are requested to submit soft copy of the abstract (neatly typed in MS word format with 1.5 line spacing 12 point Times New Roman font on A-4 size paper) incorporating the motivation, method of solution and important findings of their investigation to

Important Dates 

* Publication is not Mandatory, Publication is only a complimentary from conference. 

** Delegates not intrested in Journal Publication may submit only abstarcts. 

​Abstracts /Full Papers Submission deadline 30 June 2018 (Extended) 

Notification of Acceptance (After review ) Will be served in 2 to 3 working days after the receipt of your Abstract/Paper. 

Reg Fee Submission deadline 10 July 2018 

** Listener Participants may kindly write for Registration Form on

Keynote Speakers 
Eminent Speakers from Overseas & Premier Institutions of Inida will deliver pleanary talks and details will be shortly updated on website.

For all details on submission of papers and registration etc., contact 

Dr.Ratnakar D Bala 
Conference Chairman, ICBCGS 2018 
Mobile : +91 9618777011, 9533421234