
Thursday, March 9, 2017

4th International Conference on Media and Popular Culture

13-14 January 2018
Leeds, United Kingdom
Conference venue: Queens hotel, City Square, Leeds, LS1 1PJ

It is an unobjectionable fact that media participate in formation of our daily lives by creating identities, images, and by generally influencing our views. This applies not only to politics (i.e. political campaigns), but also to the formation on how we see ourselves and others, e.g. women, ethnic groups, religious groups, etc. Agenda setting research has established decades ago that media set public agendas, and tell us both what to think about (agenda setting) and how to think about a certain issue (media framing). Popular culture, on the other hand, also affects our daily lives by fostering images and ideologies, and by selling a way of life that is presented as acceptable or non-acceptable. All these influences form our daily lives and views of others, and while the media and popular culture do not influence all people, on all issues and at all times, they do have a significant influence on our views and actions. These and other issues are the subject of the conference.

Papers are invited (but not limited to) for the following panels:
Media and identity
Media and political campaigns
Media and discrimination
Women in the media
Media Bias
Media and democracy
Media and human rights
Popular culture
Media and memory
Media and history
History of media and popular culture
Media and diplomacy
Audience studies
Media and religion
Media and Business
Agenda setting and media framing theories
Prospective participants are also welcome to submit proposals for their own panels. Both researchers and practitioners are welcome to submit paper/panel proposals.

Submissions of abstracts (up to 500 words) with an email contact should be sent to Dr Martina Topić ( by 15 December 2017
Conference fee is GBP180, and it includes
The registration fee
Conference bag and folder with materials
Access to the newsletter, and electronic editions of the Centre
Opportunity for participating in future activities of the Centre (research & co-editing volumes)
Discount towards participation fee for future conferences
Meals and drinks
WLAN during the conference
Certificate of attendance
Centre for Research in Humanities and Social Sciences is a private institution originally founded in December 2013 in Croatia (EU). Since July 2016 the Centre is registered as a private institution in Leeds, United Kingdom.

Information for non-EU participants
The Centre will issue Visa letters to participants who need entry clearance to attend the conference in the UK. We will also issue earlier decisions to allow Visa applications. The British Home Office has a straight forward procedure for the Visa applications that are not excessively lengthy, and the Centre will assist where and when necessary.
Participants are responsible for finding funding to cover transportation and accommodation costs during the whole period of the conference. This applies to both presenting and non-presenting participants. The Centre will not discriminate based on the origin and/or methodological/paradigmatic approach of prospective conference participants.
Event Website:
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International Conference
When the Music Takes Over.
Musical Numbers in Film and Television
University of Salzburg, 8 – 10 March 2018

Keynote Speakers:
Richard Dyer (King’s College, London)
Amy Herzog (Queens College, New York)

Call for papers
Musical numbers have served as constitutive elements of cinema since its early days in the so-called silent period. From the musical moments in silent films emerged the film musical as a specific genre. Musical numbers remain central components beyond generic categories and have succeeded from early sound film musicals to recent TV shows.

In this conference we want to focus on “musical moments” in fictional film and television. Musical numbers in fictional films have been analyzed according to their functions and their relation to the narration. Expanding these issues from numbers in (mostly) film musicals, Amy Herzog (2009, 7) defines “musical moments” as scenes or sequences that occur “when music, typically a popular song, inverts the image-sound hierarchy to occupy a dominant position in a filmic work. The movements of the image, and hence the structuring of space and time, are dictated by song.” If musical moments are not subjugated to the filmic narrative, the focus of their scholarly analysis is able to shift from narrative functions and motivations towards issues such as affect, performance, musical and filmic style and structure, visual musicality, configurations of cinematic time and space, gender construction, modes of audience address, reception, fan culture and more broader philosophical questions about the ontology of cinema. Examining “musical moments” can sharpen our view on cinema in general and can stimulate new theoretical and methodological approaches in the field.

This international conference strives to establish a dialogue between researchers from various disciplines in order to develop new directions for the analysis and interpretation of one of the most crucial elements in filmmaking and one of the pivotal issues of film music research.

We invite proposals for individual papers, pre-constituted panels and poster presentations that explore the manifold research potentials of musical moments on screen(s).

We invite proposals for individual papers, pre-constituted panels and poster presentations that explore the manifold research potentials of musical moments on screen(s).


Possible topics include, but are not limited to the following:
  • Musical numbers in silent cinema
  • Singing in silent cinema
  • Dancing in silent cinema
  • Performing gender in musical numbers
  • Performing bodies
  • (De)constructing star images with music numbers
  • Inter- and transmedial aspects of performances in film
  • Musical numbers in European cinema
  • Non-western traditions (Bollywood, Brazilian musicals etc.)
  • Ideological aspects: the utopian potential of musical numbers
  • Negotiating different semantic systems: filmic representation of musical form (in musical moments)
  • Repetition and difference: musical numbers between affirmation and subversion
  • Methodological and theoretical questions (musicological, philosophical, psychological approaches etc.)
  • Reception of musical numbers
  • Musical numbers and fan culture

Submissions and inquiries should be made to

Deadline for abstracts is April 30th 2017.
Individual abstracts should be no more than 300 words and a short biography (max. 250 words). Panel proposals must include four individual abstracts or three abstracts and one respondent as well as an additional paragraph describing the focus of the panel, including a title. The chair should not be one of the panel presenters and if a panel does not include a chair, the conference committee will appoint one.

Submissions and formal inquiries should be made to
Notice of acceptance: June 2017

A proceedings publication with a reputable academic publisher in an international, peer-reviewed series is envisaged.

Please note that we accept only in-person, original presentations. Video or Skype presentations are not possible. The conference language is English. We will collect a moderate conference fee to be paid at arrival in order to cover coffee breaks and conference material.

The conference is organized by the FWF (Austrian Science Fund) project “The Austrian Music Film, 1912-1933” and the Department for Art History, Musicology and Dance Studies at the University of Salzburg, in collaboration with the Kiel Society for Film Music Research.

Conference Committee

Claus Tieber, Conference Director & Co-Organizer
University of Salzburg, University of Vienna
Phone: +43 664 23 08 522

Nils Grosch, Co-Organizer
University of Salzburg

Anna K. Windisch, Co-Organizer
University of Salzburg
Phone: +43 660 5796708

Franziska Kollinger, Co-Organizer
University of Salzburg