
Saturday, January 22, 2022

CFP:American Historical Association Panel, "Working for the State in Peace and War: Gender, Race, and Labor in the 20th Century, Philadelphia, Jan 2023

 Working for the State in Peace and War: Gender, Race, and Labor in the 20th Century-Philadelphia, Jan 2023

What can centering the experiences of workers for the state tell us about the growth of the state; the impact of war on societies; and relationships between citizen and state? Who did the often undervalued and unrecognized labor that enabled large military and civil efforts?

Our proposed panel for the 2023 American Historical Association Conference (Philadelphia, PA, January 5-8, 2023) will cohere around an intersectional consideration of gender and race among government and military employees in the long twentieth century.

Thus far, presentations include a consideration of working men in the British Army Army Service Corps between 1914 and 1918; a consideration of Solomon Islander workers and the battle of Guadalcanal; and a consideration of cleaning women at the US Treasury Department at the turn of the twentieth century. We seek another paper considering non-military laborers in the long twentieth century and a scholar who can act as commentator. We are open regarding geographic focus, but we do have a strong preference for a paper that is located in the twentieth century. If interested, please send an email introducing yourself and your research interests to Hannah Alms and Tommy Stephens at and by January 31.

Contact Info: 

Tommy Stephens and Hannah Alms and

Ph.D. Candidates, History Department

Indiana University

Contact Email: 

CFP: Online Conference on "Their story": An Online Conference on American LGBTQIA+ Scholarship and Activism

 “Theirstory”: An Online Conference on American LGBTQIA+ Scholarship and Activism

Monday February 28th, 2022

Call for Papers Deadline: February 7th, 2022 at 5pm

Hosted by Queen’s University Belfast’s American Studies Association (ASA). The month of February has long been connected to the concept of love. ASA want to provide a platform for American LGBTQIA+ scholars and activists to share their work with the wider community. “Theirstory” will be an online and international conference. CfPs are open to all; students, academics, activists, independent researchers, etc. Speakers can choose their own topic as long as it relates to American LGBTQIA+ scholarship and/or activism.

Please email with a paper abstract and a CV by February 7th at 5pm to apply. 

Contact Info: 

Event hosted by Queen's University Belfast's American Studies Association. Email: 

CFP: Counter-Image International Conference 2022 and Photo Impulse Final Conference - Decolonizing visuality: working towards sustainable sociocultural practices

  Counter-Image International Conference 2022 and Photo Impulse Final Conference - Decolonizing visuality: working towards sustainable sociocultural practices

Lisbon, 13th to 15th July 2022



This edition of the Counter Image International Conference is an association with Photo Impulse research project, funded by FCT (PTDC/COM-OUT/29608/2017). Photo Impulse investigates the photographic and film productions of the geodesic, geographical and anthropological missions to Portugal’s formerly occupied territories in Africa and Asia. The collections being investigated are curated by the Museum of Natural History and Science of Lisbon University, a partner of the project.


The final results of the project will be presented at the conference. The project raises many of the questions we wish to discuss: from the centre of the “Metropolis” to the periphery of the “Colonies”: how did images, in particular photography and film, reinforce these unbalanced places and disseminate within them? How do images contribute to shaping the past and the present? What can be done to decolonize the archives, museums and centres of knowledge? How is it possible to integrate other forms of knowledge and knowledge production? What is the role of the arts and artistic practices? Which were the visual practices of those who were colonized? How are the contemporary visual practices of postcolonial authors shaping societies? How important are vernacular images to this discussion? What is the role of global media systems such as social media, television and journalism? How can images contribute to a more sustainable and equitable world? The writer Chinua Achebe spoke of a “balance of stories”, we ask how important is a balance of images and what are their affordances in relation to textual accounts?


In short, the scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to the following topics:

  • Colonial visual cultures and strategies for decolonization
  • Colonial and postcolonial photography and film
  • Museums and colonial heritage
  • Social sustainability and image practices
  • Counter-hegemonic narratives 
  • Visual Culture of the “colonial sciences”
  • Colonial cosmoramas, panoramas and other “ramas”
  • Archive dynamics in relation to counter-power and counter-memory
  • Artistic practices as resistance
  • The use of vernacular images and processes in artistic production
  • Ecocriticism in visual practices



Abstracts are due by March 31st 2022. Portuguese and English languages are accepted.

We encourage proposals that are ACADEMIC, ARTISTIC or HYBRID in nature. Proposals will be for 20 minute time slots and must be sent through our Easy Chair Account, here. After creating a login, write a proposal with no more than 500 words, with 5 key-words and no more than 5 bibliographic references. Artistic/hybrid presentations should be time-based, including audiovisual or sound-based works, or performance-based actions. These proposals should be accompanied by a short 3-4min. sample and/or an illustrated description, along with the summary, key-words and bibliographic references (when relevant) previously mentioned. In all cases, a separate biographical note should be uploaded. Please make sure your name is not mentioned anywhere in the abstract. Proposals will be selected through a double blind referee system. Sessions will be organized based on thematic kinship, regardless of practices (academic/artistic/hybrid); all works will be considered equally valid scholarly outputs. Successful applicants will be contacted by April 30th, 2022.


The Organizing Committee of the CIIC22 has decided to offer a blended conference experience for the upcoming edition taking place 13 to 15 July. While submitting their abstracts, applicants should indicate their option for an online or on-site presentation. We look forward to meeting you in Lisbon!


Papers or visual essays may be submitted to a special issue of an academic journal (to be announced).

Contact Info: 

Organizing Committee


 The Institute of English and American Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Debrecen, Hungary invites you to participate in the conference titled


on 15-16 October 2022


If the sadness of life makes you tired
And the failures of man make you sigh
You can look to the time soon arriving
When this noble experiment winds down and calls it a day”

In this age of ecological, economic and social crises, the notion of the Anthropocene is becoming ever more significant. Proposed by Paul J. Crutzen and Eugene F. Stoermer in 2000, the Anthropocene as a new geological epoch highlights detrimental human impact on the planet, while as a critical notion it synthetises anti-, non- or post-anthropocentric views challenging the dominant discourses and practices that place humans at the centre of the world. However, with its scope incessantly expanding and its meanings ever in flux, the Anthropocene requires constant redefinition and reassessment. So far it has been criticised for its ideological implications and several terms such as Plantationocene (Haraway 2015), Capitalocene (Moore 2016, Davies 2016), and Occidentalocene (Bonneuil and Fressoz 2017) have been offered as alternatives. Yet could we define the Anthropocene and its implications more clearly and harmoniously? Above all, it is an urgent warning about the future of ecosystems, cultures and societies alike, forcing us to realise that “we are embedded in various social, economic, and—especially—ecological contexts that are inseparably connected” (Kersten 2013). Addressing the need for coherence across versatile approaches, the conference calls for a transdisciplinary investigation of the challenges of our age.

We also realise that the Anthropocene must be acted upon, although its cry for action is crippling. As Judy Wilson put it during one of the panel discussions at COP26, “the human epoch is not only external, it is also internal”, for it not only denotes a number of ecological and social crises – including climate change, loss of biodiversity, pollution, poverty and starvation in the global south, causing waves of migration which in turn fuel global conflict –, but it also involves anxiety and apathy that render us passive in the face of these crises. As Liz-Rejane Issberner and Philippe Léna put it, it seems “as though humanity is being lethargic – waiting for the end of the film, when the heroes arrive to sort everything out, and we can all live happily ever after” (2018).

The conference aims to address some of the controversies, the lethargy and (wilful) ignorance that conceal the significance of the Anthropocene, exploring the notion itself as well as its theoretical and practical challenges from the perspectives of posthumanism, animal studies, ecocriticism and any other approaches that question anthropocentrism from their respective viewpoints. We invite proposals that may address, yet are not restricted to, the following topics:

  • Critiques of and conceptual alternatives to the Anthropocene—Donna Haraway’s ‘Cthulhucene’, JasonMoore’s ‘Capitalocene’, Bernard Stiegler’s ‘neganthropocene’ and the like
  • Cli-fi, dystopian and/or utopian responses to climate change
  • Speculative and fantastic fiction related to the Anthropocene
  • Eco-anxiety
  • Fantastic texts exploring indigenous worldviews on ecology
  • Literary fiction or other media that interrogate humanity’s relationship with other lifeforms
  • Literary fiction or other media that question the human/animal boundary
  • Human-Animal Studies, Literary and Cultural Animal Studies, Animal Ethics, Critical Animal Studies
  • The non- and posthuman other (animals, plants, monsters, aliens, artificial intelligence) in art, literature, cinema and other media
  • Nonhuman perspectives in literature and cinema; the nonhuman gaze
  • Non-anthropocentric spaces and temporalities in literature and cinema
  • Ecocriticism, environmental humanities, deep ecology and ecosophy
  • Eco-horror; aesthetics and themes
  • Bioethical considerations
  • Posthumanism, post- and transhumanist frameworks, posthumanist ethics
  • Anti-humanism, meta-humanism
  • Speculative realism, object-oriented ontologies, new materialism, post-anthropocentric ecologytheories, theories of social assemblage
  • Object-oriented art; bioart, microbial art
  • Eco-art, eco-literature, eco-media, eco-cinema

Confirmed plenary speakers include Márk Horváth and Ádám Lovász who will give a talk on the post-anthropocentric turn, and László Nemes, who will speak about his current inquiry into the ethics of de-extinction. Accompanying programmes will include a roundtable discussion addressing the challenges of the Anthropocene, with participants from various fields including philosophy, literary and film criticism, biology, and psychology; a photography exhibition; and a multimedia art event organised by the members of Művészek a klímatudatosságért (Artists for Climate Awareness). With these programmes we hope to turn the collective experience of inertia symptomatic of the Anthropocene into awareness, new forms of agency, and action.

“Time has come now to stop being human
Time to find a new creature to be
Be a fish or a weed or a sparrow
For the earth has grown tired and all of your time has expired.”
(Thinking Fellers Union Local 282: “Noble Experiment”)

Technical details:

The conference is planned as an on-site event, to be held in English and Hungarian, on 15-16 October 2022at the University of Debrecen. Depending on the dynamics of the pandemic, we will nevertheless adapt and consider moving parts of or the whole conference to a digital platform. Participants will be informed about any changes via email in due time.

Please send a 250 word abstract of your proposed paper with a brief, max. 100 word biography to
by June 30, 2022. Responses will be given by July 31, 2022.

It is intended that a selection of the papers based on the conference presentations will be published, either in a separate collection of articles or a thematic volume in a scholarly journal.

For more information please visit the event’s Facebook page or contact the organizers at the following e-mail address:


Co-organised and supported by the Hungarian Society for the Study of English (HUSSE).
Supported by the Institute of English and American Studies (IEAS), University of Debrecen (UD).

Contact Info: 

For details, please visit the event’s Facebook page or contact the organizers at the following e-mail address:

The conference is planned as an on-site event, to be held in English and Hungarian, on 15-16 October 2022at the University of Debrecen. Depending on the dynamics of the pandemic, we will nevertheless adapt and consider moving parts of or the whole conference to a digital platform. Participants will be informed about any changes via email in due time.

Please send a 250 word abstract of your proposed paper with a brief, max. 100 word biography to
by June 30, 2022. Responses will be given by July 31, 2022.

It is intended that a selection of the papers based on the conference presentations will be published, either in a separate collection of articles or a thematic volume in a scholarly journal.

For more information please visit the event’s Facebook page or contact the organizers at the following e-mail address:


Co-organised and supported by the Hungarian Society for the Study of English (HUSSE).
Supported by the Institute of English and American Studies (IEAS), University of Debrecen (UD).

Contact Info: 

For details, please visit the event’s Facebook page or contact the organizers at the following e-mail address:

CfP: Caricatures and Satire in a Global Perspective: 1850–1950, 15-16. Dec. 2022, Germany

 Caricatures and Satire in a Global Perspective: 1850–1950, 15-16. Dec. 2022, Germany

Call for Papers: Caricatures and Satire in a Global Perspective: 1850–1950


University of Bonn, Institute for Oriental and Asian Studies, Department for Islamic Studies and Near Eastern Languages

Organizers: Dr. Anna Kollatz, Dr. Veruschka Wagner

Date: 15–16 Dec. 2022, Bonn


The century between 1850 and 1950 can be described, in a global perspective, as a century of transitions. During these years, a multitude of profound changes hit the world in many ways, such as in political, social and societal dimensions. Modernization processes, new concepts of education, the discussion of women’s rights and participation in political decision-making are just a few examples. The period is also strongly influenced by Western colonialism and imperialism, at least in its beginnings, while also seeing emancipation movements against these hegemonies.

In this very fluid transition period, which was of course also marked by conflicts, discourses emerged that were conducted with similar themes and similar communication media in different parts of the world, but also in global exchange. Among others, this period saw a veritable boom in satirical journals that addressed the mentioned transformative strands and conflicts, notably also by caricatures.

This conference ventures into taking stock of satirical discourses communicated in caricatures in a transcultural, comparative way. We invite colleagues from a wide range of disciplines to present case studies and engage in dialogue across disciplinary boundaries.


The conference will be organized along the following thematic lenses:

  1. Comparing Style and Content
    1. Figures and stereotypes
    2. Painting techniques
    3. Settings
    4. Text-Context relations in (satire) journals
  2. Functions and Objectives of Caricatures as
    1. Criticizing tools
    2. Propaganda
    3. Educative tools
    4. Entertainment (with a hidden agenda)
  3. Thematic Strands
    1. Discussing modernization and progress
    2. Technological utopia and dystopia
    3. Gender questions
    4. Political and social questions


Proposals may be sent to until March 15, 2022. Abstracts (roughly 200 words) should describe the proposed paper/panel, including topic, method, and used sources. Comparative papers/panels that examine a fixed topic in transcultural perspective (two or more regions, languages, etc. involved) are especially welcome.

Contact Info: 

Dr. Veruschka Wagner, Department for Islamic Studies and Near Eastern Languages, University of Bonn

Contact Email: