
Saturday, January 22, 2022

CFP:American Historical Association Panel, "Working for the State in Peace and War: Gender, Race, and Labor in the 20th Century, Philadelphia, Jan 2023

 Working for the State in Peace and War: Gender, Race, and Labor in the 20th Century-Philadelphia, Jan 2023

What can centering the experiences of workers for the state tell us about the growth of the state; the impact of war on societies; and relationships between citizen and state? Who did the often undervalued and unrecognized labor that enabled large military and civil efforts?

Our proposed panel for the 2023 American Historical Association Conference (Philadelphia, PA, January 5-8, 2023) will cohere around an intersectional consideration of gender and race among government and military employees in the long twentieth century.

Thus far, presentations include a consideration of working men in the British Army Army Service Corps between 1914 and 1918; a consideration of Solomon Islander workers and the battle of Guadalcanal; and a consideration of cleaning women at the US Treasury Department at the turn of the twentieth century. We seek another paper considering non-military laborers in the long twentieth century and a scholar who can act as commentator. We are open regarding geographic focus, but we do have a strong preference for a paper that is located in the twentieth century. If interested, please send an email introducing yourself and your research interests to Hannah Alms and Tommy Stephens at and by January 31.

Contact Info: 

Tommy Stephens and Hannah Alms and

Ph.D. Candidates, History Department

Indiana University

Contact Email: