
Sunday, October 1, 2017

International Conference on Language, Culture and Identity 10 – 11 November, 2017,Department of English IASH GLA University and CIIL, Mathura

Warm greetings!

It is our extreme pleasure to announce a two-day International Conference entitled “Language, Culture and Identity” scheduled to be held on 10 & 11 November, 2017 organized by the Department of English, GLA University, Mathura in academic collaboration with CIIL, Mysore.

We request you to contribute and present your research papers on the themes enumerated below. Select research papers will be published in an edited volume.
For further details kindly log on to our website

Papers are invited on the following and related themes:

Speech and Identity
 Literature and Identity
 Language Politics
 Mother Tongue vs. Other Tongue
 Language, Identity and Geography
 English and Identity
 Language and Diaspora Identity
 Linguistic Imperialism
 English for Specific Purposes
 Linguistic Diversity and Multi-lingualism
 Language and Post-Colonial Identity
 Pragmatics
 Language, Feminism and Mass Media
 Language and Social Media
 Language, Literature and Politeness
 Culture and Language Acquisition
 Language and Humour
 Language Endangerment
 Language and Gender
 Language, Culture and Technology
 Language and Cognition
 Stylistics and Discourse

Important Dates:
Abstract Submission: 9th Oct, 2017
Notification of Selection: 15th Oct, 2017
Full Paper Submission: 25th Oct, 2017
Registration: 30th Oct, 2017
Conference Date: 10-11 Nov, 2017

₹1200/- for Teachers (Indian Subcontinent)
₹700/- for Research Scholars who receive scholarship (Indian Subcontinent)
₹400/- for Research Scholars/students (Indian Subcontinent)
$40/- for Overseas Participants
Registration includes Conference kit, meals, shared accommodation on Conference days.
Mode of Payment: NEFT. 

Contact for more information:
Ramanjaney Kumar Upadhyay
Conference Chair
Department of English, IAH
GLA University, Mathura – 281406, India