
Showing posts with label INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE. Show all posts

Sunday, October 1, 2017

International Conference on Language, Culture and Identity 10 – 11 November, 2017,Department of English IASH GLA University and CIIL, Mathura

Warm greetings!

It is our extreme pleasure to announce a two-day International Conference entitled “Language, Culture and Identity” scheduled to be held on 10 & 11 November, 2017 organized by the Department of English, GLA University, Mathura in academic collaboration with CIIL, Mysore.

We request you to contribute and present your research papers on the themes enumerated below. Select research papers will be published in an edited volume.
For further details kindly log on to our website

Papers are invited on the following and related themes:

Speech and Identity
 Literature and Identity
 Language Politics
 Mother Tongue vs. Other Tongue
 Language, Identity and Geography
 English and Identity
 Language and Diaspora Identity
 Linguistic Imperialism
 English for Specific Purposes
 Linguistic Diversity and Multi-lingualism
 Language and Post-Colonial Identity
 Pragmatics
 Language, Feminism and Mass Media
 Language and Social Media
 Language, Literature and Politeness
 Culture and Language Acquisition
 Language and Humour
 Language Endangerment
 Language and Gender
 Language, Culture and Technology
 Language and Cognition
 Stylistics and Discourse

Important Dates:
Abstract Submission: 9th Oct, 2017
Notification of Selection: 15th Oct, 2017
Full Paper Submission: 25th Oct, 2017
Registration: 30th Oct, 2017
Conference Date: 10-11 Nov, 2017

₹1200/- for Teachers (Indian Subcontinent)
₹700/- for Research Scholars who receive scholarship (Indian Subcontinent)
₹400/- for Research Scholars/students (Indian Subcontinent)
$40/- for Overseas Participants
Registration includes Conference kit, meals, shared accommodation on Conference days.
Mode of Payment: NEFT. 

Contact for more information:
Ramanjaney Kumar Upadhyay
Conference Chair
Department of English, IAH
GLA University, Mathura – 281406, India

Saturday, June 17, 2017

International Conference on Language, Education, Humanities and Innovation,05-06, August 2017,Bangkok, Thailand


The 7th International Conference on Language, Education, Humanities and Innovation (ICLEHI) 2017 is a multidisciplinary forum that will bring together leading scholars, researchers and practitioners from around the world to present and discuss new advancements and findings in the fields of covered by the conference themes. With the slogan “Humanizing Innovation“, the 7th ICLEHI organizing committee invites everyone to participate and contribute research articles or academic papers to be presented in the event.


Abstracts should address directly at least one of the key strands of the conference:
  • Language
  • Education
  • Humanities
  • Innovation

Click here for SUB-THEMES.

All abstracts must be submitted using the ICLEHI online submission system. Please click on the following link to access the system: ACCESS ONLINE REGISTRATION SYSTEM

  • Presenters are advised to adhere to the following submission guidelines when preparing their abstracts:
  • The title of the paper must not exceed 15 words
  • Abstracts must be written in English.
  • The abstract should state the following: what is your research about, your methodology, your findings, and your conclusion.
  • To maintain impartiality and avoid any bias, authors are encouraged to not use honorifics, rank titles such as Dr and Professor when referring to themselves in the document.
  • The abstract text must not be longer than 250 words.
  • The complete abstract must be uploaded in Microsoft Word format via the online system. The same text must also be keyed in the fields provided in the online submission form.

Important Dates:
Abstract Submission Deadline: 7 July 2017
Acceptance Notification: By 10 July 2017
Full Paper Submission Deadline: 14 July 2017
Camera Ready Paper Deadline: 21 July 2017
Registration & 1st Day: 5 August 2017
Second Day: 6 August 2017

For More Details:

Monday, April 17, 2017


Organised by
Institute of Advanced Studies in English

DECEMBER 15-17, 2017


The academic fraternity world over is preoccupied with various ways of understanding language, literature and culture. In addition to their interrelations and interdependence, the new ideas and approaches emerging from various disciplines like literary theory, philosophy, anthropology, linguistics, pragmatics and discourse analysis alongside technological revolution and socio-cultural transformations, have a bearing on our study of language and literature. The conference aims at exploring this dynamics with a focus on the complementary nature of language, literature and culture and their centrality in human life.

This year, we especially encourage papers that examine the intersection of digital technology and the Humanities. What are the new methodologies, theories, and sites of study that are emerging from this intersection? What kind of collaborations between the Humanities and Sciences must we envision for 21st century education and research? Papers that take up these and related issues should be submitted under the Digital Humanities, New Media Studies, and Future of Humanities Studies tracks. 

Tracks for Discussion and Presentation 

The ICLLC December 2017 will address a range of important tracks including the following:
  • Language, Literature and Ideology
  • Culture, Communication and Identity
  • Cultural Studies
  • Postcolonial Literature and Theory
  • Diaspora Identities
  • Feminist and Gender studies
  • Language, Gender and power
  • Postmodernism
  • Ecocriticism
  • Pragmatics
  • Discourse Analysis
  • Contemporary Literature and Media
  • Science Fiction
  • Digital Humanities
  • New Media Studies
  • Film Studies
  • Future of Humanities Studies

Submission of Abstracts 

Proposals (abstracts) can be submitted to as an attachment with 'Submission of Abstract' typed in the subject field. Proposals should include title, author's name/s, affiliation, contact email address and 150 word abstract of your paper. Approval/Acceptance of the proposal will be communicated in 10 working days. 

Abstracts received till December 01, 2017 will be scheduled in the printed program. Late submissions will be adjusted on the site. 

Publication of Conference Papers 

Conference presenters may choose to submit their full papers for publication. All submitted papers will be peer reviewed, and accepted papers will be published in two stages: 

1. Full articles received from registered participants by November 20, 2017, will be reviewed and published in the pre-conference issues of our refereed, international journals published at the Institute of Advanced Studies in English, Pune: Asian Journal of English Studies and Asian Quarterly: An International Journal of Contemoporary Issues (ISSN 2227-2606 and ISSN 2229-581X)

2. Full articles received after November 20, 2017, will be reviewed and published in the post-conference issues of these journals. 

Authors need to observe the following guidelines for submission of articles for publication; 

1. Soft copy should be submitted in Microsoft Word format using Times New Roman 
2. Title: 15 words maximum, 14 pts centered 
3. Abstracts: maximum 150 words, 10 pts. italics and aligned on both sides 
4. References: please use MLA style for references 
5. Maximum permitted length is 3000 words 
6. Articles should be written as continuous expository narrative - not as lists of points or PowerPoint presentation 
7. Please ensure that the article is thoroughly checked and proofread before submission 
8. Please avoid using certain advanced word features like lines separating footnotes and titles, background or font colors, drawing objects, highlighting, embossing and other complex Word text formatting . 

Contact Person:
Dr Prabhash N Rath, 
Officer on Special Duty,
Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, 
BMCC Road, Pune 411004. 
E-mail: / 
Landline: +91-20-25650287/25678311 

For any assistance, please send an email to or call at 08308908349.