
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Call for papers-   Bangalore University March 2016

Department of Performing Arts
Bangalore 560056
in Collaboration with
Association for Theatre Research
as part of University’s
Golden JubileeYear Celebrations
is organizing a
International Conference
Theatre and other Performing Arts: Aesthetics, Polity, Economy, History and Space
Date: 29th to 31st March, 2016

The Department
The Department of Performing Arts was started in the year 1973. The Department is located at Sneha Bhavana, Jnanbharathi Campus, Bangalore. The Department has well equipped class rooms and labs. It also has‘theatre on wheels’, a programme that provides a platformfor students to perform plays based on contemporary issues in different parts of Karnataka. The syllabi and the performances of the Department focus on modern trends and innovations in the field of Performing Arts. Along with this, the Department also has important outreach activities like the annual National and International conference, World Theatre Day, Drama productions and presentation of Ballets and Music concerts.
Call for papers
Theatre research is and alwayshas been an interdisciplinary area of research. The present conference continuing this tradition would like to place the theatrical performances along with other performing arts such as Dance, Music (both vocal and instrumental) and its aesthetics in an interdisciplinary perspective by exploring its inter-linkages with aesthetics, polity, society and economy in terms of both chronos and topos. This dual axis of time and space would reveal the dynamics of change across culture in performing arts and its aesthetics.The conference aims to bring together scholars from both humanities and social sciences to reflect on the changing dynamics of theatre across the globe.
Like any other social/aestheticphenomenon, performing arts arealso a part and parcel of social realities.It depicts/sustains the social inequalities as well as political resistance against such inequalities. It is in this context that the performing arts come alive to people. Thus, as a creative art, performing artspush towards social change and tries to find space to reinvent the civic aptitude for a better future. Responding to the society, polity and economy around it, performing practices too have undergone a lot of changes,sometimes leaving long lasting changes, sometimes vanishing after a mere experiment. A holistic understanding of these changes/experiments is possible only bydrawing on the methodologies of other disciplines. We invite academicians/scholars from the humanities and beyond, and artists and performers working in different genres and media, to contribute to an interdisciplinary exploration of the ways in which creative production—whether scripted, improvised, devised, choreographed, or spontaneous—expands/alters the civic imagination and summonsand configures new understandings of public spaces.
The broad themes for presentations could be as follows:
o Performing Arts and Linguistic Nationalism
o Performing Arts and Nation, Caste, Gender
o Performing Arts and Sexual-minorities
o Public Spaces and Performances
o Question of Representation in/through Performing Arts
o Performing Arts and Multi-culture
o Performing Arts and Social change
o Changes in Performing Arts
o Dance and Theatre
o Music and Theatre
o Musical Play
o Dance Drama
o Fine Arts and Theatre
o Fusion of Various Arts
o History through Performing Arts
o History of Drama, Dance and Music
o Economic Aspects of Performing Arts
o Political Aspects of Performing Arts
o Issues of patronage to Performing Arts in past and present
• 20 minutes will be given for each presentation
• There would be theatre and folk performances as part of the seminar in the evenings
Last date to send abstracts: 10thMarch 2016
Last date to send full papers: 20thMarch 2016
Last date for registration: 20th March 2016
Selected papers will be published with ISBN
Registration fee
General Conference: Rs. 2500/-
Research Scholars: Rs.1000/-
Send abstracts and full papers to
For details contact
Prof.Nagesh V Bettakote
Conference Coordinator
Department of Performing Arts, Bangalore University,
Jnanabharathi Campus, BANGALURU-560056
Phone: (O) 080-22961708/1701,



CONTEMPART '16 is an annual multidisciplinary conference dedicated to study new approaches in contemporary arts worldwide. In 2015, contemporary arts will be focused on the basis of urban life and identities. Individual examples and tendencies dealing with urban identities will be discussed, while the transformation of cities and urban cultures will also be mentioned in terms of their share to shape the current scene of art in different places of the world.

CONTEMPART '16 Conference opens its doors to studies on contemporary arts related to urban identities representing different identities and tendencies and, of course, on theory of art since 1960s. 

All submitted papers are subject to double blind peer review. Conference proceedings are going to be available on DVD as e-book and DAKAM's digital library with an ISBN number before the conference and will be sent to be reviewed for inclusion in the "Thomson & Reuters Web of Science's Conference Proceedings Citation Index" (CPCI) and Google Scholars.



Deadline for abstract submission: February 19, 2016
Deadline for registration: April 15, 2016
Deadline for full papers submission: April 22, 2016
Please control our website to see the last updates

City as a Scene
- Forms of Urban Art
- Galleries, Museums and Art Market
- Citizens as Audience
- Space and Place in Contemporary Arts
- Artists’ biographies in the City

City as an Atelier
- Artist's Atelier
- Cafe as a Meeting Point
- Politics in the city: Rebellion & Oppression
- Technology and Art
- Art in the Digital Communication Age

City as a Subject
- City as a Source of Inspiration
- City versus Nature
- Psychology of Urban Living
- Architecture and Art
- Cities in the Transformation and Urban Culture
- Cities and Art throughout History

This track is connected to the Space Studies Research Direction of DAKAM

New Approaches
- Art and Everyday Life
- Non-traditional Forms of Exhibition
- Environmental Art
- Public Art and City
- Curatorship, Sponsorship and Art Criticism
- Multicultural and Interdisciplinary Issues and Sociological art
- The concept of "new" in Contemporary Art
- Ideology, Resistance and Art
- Affects of Political and Social Changes

New Techniques
- New media Art
- Interactivity in Art
- Computer-generated and Cybernetic Art
- Video Games as Works of Art
- Happenings and Performance Art
- Kinetic Art
- Experiments in Art and Technology
- Collaborative Art Projects

- Spatial Order and Art
- The Art of Possibility
- Being a Flaneur/Flaneuse
- Cultural Politics of Everyday Life
- Design and Everyday Life
- Routine Practices: Arts of Doing
- Strategies vs. Tactics
- The Procedures of Everyday Creativity 
- Aesthetics in Everyday Life

This track is connected to the Everyday Life Research Direction of DAKAM

- Ethnic Identity Representation in Arts
- Gender Studies and Arts
- Gender Roles in Arts 
- Feminist Theory and Feminist Art
- Multiculturalism and Art 
- Visualizing Racism
- Colonialism and Art
- Art Against Racism 
- Ethnographic Turn in Arts
- Social Justice and Inequality
- Violance and Arts

This track is connected to the Gender & Social Equality Studies Research Direction of DAKAM 

- Different textures, surfaces, collage elements, papier collé and photomontage
- Electronic Media
- Animation and Video Art
- Installation Art
- Mixed Media
- The Body and New Forms of Performance Art
- Found Objects
- The Impact of Culture and Geography on Artists' Material Choices 

This track is connected to the Infrastructure Studies Research Direction of DAKAM

The conference will be held at Cezayir Meeting Halls:
Cezayir building was built in 1901 as a school by the Italian Workers' Society. The building, with its 2005 renovation, has been transformed into a landmark establishment serving under the Cezayir Garden, Cezayir Lounge and Cezayir Rooms brands on its three floors. Housing a restaurant, a lounge, a bar and meeting rooms as well as providing a wide range of cultural events in its halls.

António Gorgel Pinto / University of Lisbon
Milia Lorraine Khoury / Cape Peninsula University of Technology

You can submit your abstract by entering the online registration system EASYCHAIR at 
You will receive a reply to your proposal within three weeks following a double-blind review process.

The Asia Symposium on Culture, Policy and Education 
April 24-26, 2016 at the KKR Hiroshima

Submissions Extended to Friday, March 11, 2016
Have a Question? secretariat(at)

The 2016 Asian Symposium on Culture, Policy and Education »
In an increasingly globalized Asia, the impact of social change because of the economic, industrial and political developments among the nations that are located within it has been rapid and immense. Within a span of just over a century, Asia has been a major site of colonialism and decolonization; global warfare; political upheaval and regime change; the rise of new nations; ongoing ethnic and religious conflict; economic boom and recession; population explosion; cultural diasporas; viral epidemics; technological advancement; and severe environmental pollution and disasters.
While commentators and analysts have rightly recognized the vast changes that have shaped the Asian continent, it is also crucial to understand the continuities that are maintained even in the face of such impetus for change. Apart from change, what are the constants that are still resistant to change? In addition, what are the factors that have contributed to such ongoing resilience? Although it may be argued that the forces of globalization and development have set in motion a number of positive changes in the ways we live our lives, this has also been counterbalanced by the continuities of inequality and suffering for many others. More than often, the tide of change exists in a state of tension with the forces of continuity. Hence, in order for us to comprehend the forces of change, we must also engage the other forces that hold it back.
At the same time, attempts to mediate the tension between change and continuity have given rise to growing diversities. Driven partly by the forces of migration within a global economic order often guided by transnational markets of production or consumption, new political and social-cultural fragmentations and intersections within nation-states in Asia have emerged. In the face of such developments, the implications and challenges to efforts at sustainability are numerous. While it is increasing recognized that sustainability entails dimensions far beyond the ecological sphere, the next step is to examine and understand the impact of change and continuity and the resultant diversities that are contained within.
This inaugural 3-day symposium will provide an interdisciplinary platform for academics, researchers, policy makers, students and interested community members.  With the theme Culture, Education and Policy: Agents of Change, the symposium will be a wonderful opportunity to explore current research, trends, and insights about this phenomenon while expanding your professional networks.
  • Area Studies
  • Asian Studies
  • Cultural Studies
  • Cultural and Human Geography
  • Diaspora, Migration and Identity
  • Education
  • Educational Measurement and Evaluation
  • Education Technology and Globalization
  • Energy and Environmental Policy
  • Equity and Social Justice
  • ESL / EFL Education
  • Further / Higher Education
  • Gender and Sexuality
  • Healthcare and Social Support
  • Human Rights, Poverty and Hunger
  • Linguistics, Literature and Culture
  • New Social Movements
  • Politics and Conflict
  • Popular Culture
  • Population and Aging
  • Public Policy
  • Sociology and Social Work
  • Sustainable Development
  • Teacher Education
  • Urban Studies
  • Other Areas (please specify)

SYGMA 2016 will be held at the KKR Hotel
Hiroshima, Japan
April 24-26, 2016

Deadline for Abstracts Extended to Friday, March 11, 2016
Have a Question? secretariat(at)

The International Symposium on Globalization and Media in Asia (SYGMA 2016)»
There is no term these days with greater salience and complexity to describe the modern world than “globalization.” Although it is most prevalent in discussions on economics, its manifestation and influence span political, social, cultural and ideological realms as well. But what does “globalization” actually mean? The sociologist Roland Robertson first defined it in 1992 as “the compression of the world and the intensification of the consciousness of the world as a whole,” clearly transforming our ideas of space through complex social relations and other processes.
Recent advances in information and communication technologies such as the digitalization of information coupled with sophisticated cable and satellite systems have helped the mass media advance the pace of globalization, shattering our notions of isolated societies by enabling unprecedented communication worldwide. This integration of societies has created an increased global interdependence or at least an interconnectedness whereby a nation’s actions have global effects, whether they are political, economical, cultural, etc. Furthermore, the mass media intensify this interconnectedness through the rapid flows and exchanges of information via radio, newspapers, television, film and the Internet, allowing media organizations to operate and distribute their products globally. In short the mass media are key agents in altering how humans think individually and collectively, transforming societies today.
Globalization and the proliferation of information and communication technologies by the mass media have brought many blessings; however, as these forces are sustained under the veil of desirable progress, inequality, conflict, poverty, and environmental/climate change, among other ill-effects, are often overshadowed and exacerbated. Moreover, the concentration of media firms in the hands of a few owners has serious consequences for the distribution of power and wealth both within and between countries.
As globalization and the role of the mass media intensify in the 21st century, it is crucial we deepen our understanding of them by challenging our assumptions and analyzing the changing dynamics they create. This inaugural 3-day symposium will provide an interdisciplinary platform for academics, researchers, policy makers, students and interested community members.  With the theme Globalization and the Mass Media: Agents of Change, the symposium will be a wonderful opportunity to explore current research, trends, and insights about this phenomenon while expanding your professional networks.
  • Advertising & Multimedia Campaigns
  • Business Communication
  • Communication Theory and Methodology
  • Corporate Identity and Branding
  • Critical and Cultural Studies of Communication
  • Film Studies
  • Gender and Communication
  • Global Issues and Public Policies
  • Globalization and Economic Policies
  • Globalization and Health Issues
  • Globalization and Social Issues
  • History
  • ICT, Telecommunications and Digital Media
  • International and Global Communication
  • Internet, Online News and Social Media
  • Mass Communication, Globalization and Society
  • Media and Democracy
  • Media and Sport
  • Media Education and Research
  • Media Ethics
  • Media Management
  • Media Regulation and Policy
  • Media, Climate Change and Environmental Studies
  • Media, Music and Entertainment
  • Media, Religion and Culture
  • Political Communication and Satire
  • Print Media (Newspaper, Magazines, Advertising)
  • Public Relations
  • Radio-TV Journalism
  • Scholastic Journalism
  • Visual Communication
  • Other Areas (please specify)
International Visual Culture and 

Contemporary Photography Conference

International Visual Culture and Contemporary Photography Conference is a interdisciplinary event dedicated to study the visual culture, visual communication, documentation of the urban environment and photographic arts. The conference will be held in Istanbul on April 1-2, 2016, coordinated by DAKAM (Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center), organized by B?LSAS (Science, Art, Sport Productions) and hosted by Cezayir Conference Halls.

3rd International Visual Culture and Contemporary Photography Conference
CONTEMPHOTO ’16 Conference aims at achieving a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective on identity in the form images with special focus on gender issues, immigration, urban issues and memory. Multiple roles of visual culture are going to be explored in relation to urban psychology, daily life, the self and expression of the identities in urban landscapes as a document, art, advertisement or hobby.

All submitted papers are subject to double blind peer review. Conference proceedings are going to be available on DVD as e-book and DAKAM's digital library with an ISBN number before the conference and will be sent to be reviewed for inclusion in the "Thomson & Reuters Web of Science's Conference Proceedings Citation Index" (CPCI) and Google Scholars.

01.1. Photography as an art and Identity
01.2. Identity and Visual Culture
01.3. Social Stratifications and Image
02.1. City as a Scene
02.2. City as an Atelier
02.2. City as a Subject
03.1.Documenting the Memory
03.2.Documenting the Present
03.3. Documenting the History of Visual Culture
04.1. Media and Visual Culture
04.2 Politics and Image
04.3 Visual Communication

The conference will be held at Cezayir Meeting Halls (Hayriye Caddesi 12, Galatasaray, Beyoglu)

Cezayir building was built in 1901 as a school by the Italian Workers' Society. The building, with its 2005 renovation, has been transformed into a landmark establishment serving under the Cezayir Garden, Cezayir Lounge and Cezayir Rooms brands on its three floors. Housing a restaurant, a lounge, a bar and meeting rooms as well as providing a wide range of cultural events in its halls.

The scientific committee consists of significant scholars,
Orhan Cem CETIN- Bahçe?ehir University
Murat GERMEN- Sabanc? University
Is?k SEZER- Izmir Dokuz Eylul University
Beyhan OZDEMIR- Izmir Dokuz Eylul University
Fulya Ertem BASKAYA - Izmir University of Economics
F?rat ARAPOGLU- Kemerburgaz University
Gary Roderick McLEOD- Izmir University of Economics

You can submit your abstract by entering the online registration system EASYCHAIR at
You will receive a reply to your proposal within three weeks following a double-blind review process.


 3rd International Sociology and Critical 

Perspectives Conference

  @ Istanbul, coordinated by DAKAM (Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center). 

Political science and sociology have developed a variety of theories and empirical research on social movements. With regard to these studies, subjects such as definitions of social movements, functions of social movements, and possible forms of social movements at different scales are going to come under spotlight in SOCIO CRI ’16. The aim is to explore the dynamics of social movements, along with the ideas that motivate their activists and supporters. Given the significance of the mass movements in numbers of countries during the early years of this decade, we especially welcome papers discussing these – while also welcoming papers on other topics such as history and theory of social movements.

All submitted papers are subject to double blind peer review. Conference proceedings are going to be available on DVD as e-book and DAKAM's digital library with an ISBN number before the conference and will be sent to be reviewed for inclusion in the "Thomson & Reuters Web of Science's Conference Proceedings Citation Index" (CPCI) and Google Scholars.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: March 18, 2016
Deadline for registration: April 22, 2016
Deadline for full papers submission: April 29, 2016 

Labor Movements and Economy
Laws and Justice
Urban Sociology
Body and Social-Stratification 
to be Anti Authoritarian/ Civil Disobedience
Cultural Movements
Ecology and Environment
Practice and Documentation

Prof. Dr. Berch Berberoglu / University Of Nevada
Prof. Dr. Sibel Kalaycioglu / Middle East Technical University
Prof. Dr. Helga Rittesberger Tilic / Middle East Technical University
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatma Umut Bespinar / Middle East Technical University
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Demet Lukuslu / Yeditepe University
Assist. Prof. Dr. Basak Can / Koc University
Assist. Prof. Dr. Fulya Dogruel / Gaziantep University
Assist. Prof. Dr. Z. Nurdan Atalay Gunes / Mardin Artuklu University
Assist. Prof. Dr. Yucel Karadas / Gaziantep University
Assist. Prof. Dr. Cagatay Topal / Middle East Technical University
Dr. Sinan T. Gulhan / Uludag University

You can submit your abstract by entering the online registration system EASYCHAIR at 
You will receive a reply to your proposal within three weeks following a double-blind review process.

Call for Presentations

Letters and ConflictThe 5th Global Meeting: The Writing ProjectCall for Presentations 2016Thursday 1st September – Saturday 3rd September 2016Mansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom
Research on letters is one of the most exciting subjects of interdisciplinary enquiry to have emerged over the last few years. The epistolary has developed into a field of interest to scholars in history, linguistics, literary and literacy studies, media theory, art criticism and digital humanities, and has proven to be a fertile ground of encounter between these perspectives. Building on earlier successful conferences which have focussed on the private and public spheres, gender and the role of letters in building intellectual, political and literary communities, we are issuing a call for papers on Letters and Conflict. We are looking to bring together a group of people who have the widest possible backgrounds and interests to share and exchange on the issue of conflict (within the context of letter writing) that concerns us all today. Such inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary dialogue has the aim of both enriching current thinking on these themes and ultimately opening up new areas of discourse for debate and scrutiny on an international level.
Both letters and conflict should be understood in the broadest possible sense, from the letters of soldiers in ancient wars to an email from a drone operator. It could also include legal conflict, letters of espionage, political debate, letters which inform on political deviants or letters of defamation and blackmail. Conflict could also be taken in an emotional sense: letters of divorce or separation and letters of inner conflict or psychoanalysis. Far from wanting to focus solely on the research value of such letters, we welcome input from those who receive and deal with them in a professional or other capacity.
We look forward to your submission, as individual papers or pre-formed panels, on any interpretation of the theme of letters of conflict from any discipline and any geographical area. We also welcome alternative styles of presentation, practitioner activities and submissions from outside academia. These might include but are not limited to:
·         Importance of epistolary communications in ancient or modern warfare
·         Political prisoners, POWs and written messages to family, friends
·         Protest letters and their contribution to seminal issues
·         Epistolary communities versus government
·         Open letters to newspapers concerning terrorism, war
·         Defamation of character, hate mail, blackmail
·         Letters circulating during civil conflict
·         Family disputes or dynastic power struggles
·         Censorship during time of war or imprisonment
·         Environmental protest in epistolary form
·         Role of letters in augmenting or appeasing conflicts
·         Recently discovered unopened correspondence from past wars
·         Re-introduction of the use of letters in modern wars and conflicts
·         Technologies and means of letter exchange in times of war
·         Letters of political refugees or exiles
·         Provocative or angry letters to editors and reaction
·         Letters of conflict embedded in novels, films, plays
·         War correspondence of generals, commanders or heads of government
·         Epistolary documents uncovered at military forts or camps
The Project Team particularly welcomes submissions of pre-formed panel proposals.
Call for Cross-Over Presentations
The Letters and Conflict project will be meeting at the same time as a project on Space and Place and another project on Food. We welcome submissions which cross the divide between both project areas. If you would like to be considered for a cross project session, please mark your submission “Crossover Submission”.
What to Send:300 word abstracts, proposals and other forms of contribution should be submitted by Friday 15th April 2016.All submissions be minimally double reviewed, under anonymous (blind) conditions, by a global panel drawn from members of the Project Team and the Advisory Board. In practice our procedures usually entail that by the time a proposal is accepted, it will have been triple and quadruple reviewed.
You will be notified of the panel’s decision by Friday 29th April 2016.
If your submission is accepted for the conference, a full draft of your contribution should be submitted by Friday 5th August 2016.
Abstracts may be in Word, RTF or Notepad formats with the following information and in this order:
a) author(s), b) affiliation as you would like it to appear in programme, c) email address, d) title of proposal, e) body of proposal, f) up to 10 keywords.
E-mails should be entitled: Letters and Conflict Abstract Submission
Organising Chairs:
This event is an inclusive interdisciplinary research and publishing project. It aims to bring together people from different areas and interests to share ideas and explore various discussions which are innovative and exciting.
A number of eBooks and paperback books have been published or are in press as a result of the work of this project. All papers accepted for and presented at the conference must be in English and will be eligible for publication in an ISBN eBook.  Selected papers may be developed for publication in a themed hard copy volume(s). All publications from the conference will require editors, to be chosen from interested delegates from the conference.
Inter-Disciplinary.Net believes it is a mark of personal courtesy and professional respect to your colleagues that all delegates should attend for the full duration of the meeting. If you are unable to make this commitment, please do not submit an abstract for presentation. Please note: Inter-Disciplinary.Net is a not-for-profit network and we are not in a position to be able to assist with conference travel or subsistence.