
Tuesday, June 13, 2017

National Conference on Postcolonialism: Indian Response & Transforamation, Aug 22 – 23,2017. Amity University.

Amity Law School, one of the pioneer legal institutions in India, is organizing two days national conference on POSTCOLONIALISM: INDIAN RESPONSE AND TRANSFORMATION- AUG 2017.This conference intends to bring together Academicians, Researchers, Professionals, Industry Experts and Enthusiasts to discuss about India’s specific responses to colonialism and to analyse the postcolonial understanding of the same. To discuss the Interdisciplinary approach, how it is inculcating profound understanding of the yester times in the era of rapid change and growth. This conference aims at providing a platform for academia for advancement and promotion in research in emerging areas. 

About The Conference:

The objective of this Interdisciplinary two days National Conference on “Postcolonialism: Indian Response and Transformation” is to trace India’s specific responses to colonialism and to analyse the postcolonial understanding of the same. To landmark the intellectual developments of the Postcolonial Indian times and to critically analyse the different school of thoughts of the period of transformation which realised in current era. To trace the socio- political intricacies of contemporary Indian times and to identify the indigenous legal patterns and traits of society. To analyse the period of transformation and to look over the changing status of growth and to identify its impact on present juncture. To have a better understanding of India’s specific responses to colonialism and postcolonialism among researchers, students and the masses.

Main Theme: 
Postcolonialism: Indian Response and Transformation


1.Postcolonialism: Perspectives from History and Literature
  • Postcolonialism: Responses from the Colonies (India & Africa)
  • Hannah Arendt and Mahatma Gandhi’s reflections on violence and non-violence
  • Dehumanisation of the Colonies and the Wretched of the Earth
  • Postcolonialism and the hybrid spaces: Destruction and construction of new spaces
  • Answer in Master’s Language: Writing as Translation?
  • Subaltern History: A Conceptual Crisis?
  • Vernacular modernity: A counter thesis to European Modernity?
  • The Aryan Hypothesis: Scam of colonial Historiography?
  • Hinduism: The Making of Christian Other in Ninetieth century
  • Propaganda in the colonies: Responses from India and Africa 

2.Postcolonial Socio-Political responses from India
  • From Bio-power to Queer theory: politics of sex, gender and desire
  • Desiring-production: Anti-Œdipus (1972): a frame beyond Freudo-Marxism ?
  • From Accidental Nationalism to Flag Nationalism: The secular India
  • Castes of Mind and the Non-cast Hinduism
  • From Oriental Despotism to Democracy: Responses from India and Pakistan
  • The European Other: Idea of Tribe, Indigenous and the aboriginal
  • The Banality of Power and the Aesthetics of Vulgarity in the Post colony
  • Loss and Recovery of Social Self Under Colonialism

3.Post-Colonial Legality in India
  • Codification and Textualization of Colonial Indian Laws
  • The Euro-centric bias of the Indian Colonial Laws and Legislations
  • ‘The Legal Others’ within the Colonial Laws: The Indigenous People, the Tribal and the
  • Adivasis
  • Post-Colonial Criminal Laws in India
  • The Adoption of the Western Concept of Development in India in context of the Land
  • Acquisition Laws
  • Introspection and Rethinking the Human Rights Discourse in India
  • The Violence and the Silences in the Language of the Indian Laws
  • The Right to Equality in Post-colonial India: Reality or Myth?
  • The Archaic Colonial Personal Laws in Post-Colonial India: A relic of the Past?

4.Indian Economic Transformation: Colonial and Postcolonial Times
  • Poverty and Famine in colonial India: Through the lances of The Entitlement Approach
  • From Asiatic mode of production to the Political Economy: Indian Economical
  • transformation
  • Economic Growth versus Development debate: Response from Indian Sub-continent
  • Indentured Laborers and the making of India Diaspora
  • Structural adjustment program (SAPs): Poverty Reduction or Neo-colonialism? Changes in Macro-economic variables in pre-and post-economic reforms the world-systems perspective: A way ahead

The sub-themes are only indicative. Participates can present papers on other interdisciplinary sub-themes, not indicated above but closely connected with the theme of the conference. 

Last Date for Submission of Abstract: 30th June 2017
Full Paper Submission (Soft Copy): 21st July 2017.
Last Date for Registration: 10th July 2017
Notification of Acceptance/Improvisation: Within five working days of the submission of abstract/Paper

VENUE: Amity Law School, Amity University, Noida

Dr. Tripti Srivastava
Mobile: 9868034431

Mr. Bhavya Nain
Mobile: 9810005476

Ms. Swati Kaushal
Mobile: 9910418599

For further details, click HERE (

International Seminar & Workshop on Anglo-Indian Studies (4-5 August 2017) Indian Institute of Technology Madras

International Seminar & Workshop on Anglo-Indian Studies (4-5 August 2017)

 Theme: “Midnight’s Orphans”: Problematising the Postcolonial in the Telling of Anglo-Indian (Hi)stories 
The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Indian Institute of Technology Madras. 

The compelling contrast between the ‘Midnight’s Children’ and the ‘Midnight’s Orphans’ has been used in multiple contexts to highlight what/who have been left behind/left out in the Postcolonial scenario. Pertinent questions in this regard have already been asked and continue to be asked in studies related to literature, culture, gender and society. This seminar cum workshop is an attempt to locate the scholarship on the Anglo-Indian community within the broad canvass of Postcolonial Studies thereby allowing an interdisciplinary and transnational approach towards the understanding of the Anglo-Indian in India and the diaspora.

This is particularly significant in the contemporary period when Anglo-Indians are variously identified as, on the one hand, victims of the postcolonial condition, and on the other, as the ‘first modern Indians’ (Sealy 2007) and well positioned to take advantage of their considerable capitals, including their English language competency and access to excellent education. The idea for this workshop originated with the realization that the Anglo-Indians and their stories need to be re-looked at from a more nuanced perspective that is not restricted to particular disciplines, genres and theories. This seminar cum workshop provides a forum for discussion relevant to the Anglo-Indian situation, informed by other relevant scholarship on marginal as well as local histories. The World Anglo-Indian Day that falls on 2 August gives an appropriate context to foreground these discussions.

 Call for Papers 

To collaborate with this academic initiative, we invite original research papers that are focused on Anglo-Indian studies from disciplines such as Literature, History, Anthropology, Sociology, Culture Studies and Film/Media Studies. However, we are also happy to include papers that are based on a broad range of questions and research around the following themes: 

ØThe representation of Anglo-Indian community in films/literature/popular culture/media
 ØThe (In)visibility of the Anglo-Indians in nationalist histories in India and the diaspora 
ØHome and belonging: Contested spaces, territories, identities ØThe Politics of representation: in historic and contemporary times ØThe relevance of transnational histories 
ØWriting history/histories from the margins 
ØIdentity politics: in India and the diaspora 
ØResearching a community: Challenges and Crises

Key Speakers and Resource Persons: 
Ø Irwin Allan Sealy, writer 
Ø Dr. Robyn Andrews, Massey University, New Zealand & Editor, IJAIS 
Ø Dr. Dolores Chew, Marianopolis, Montreal, Canada 
Ø Dr. Anjali Gera Roy, IIT Kharagpur, India
 Ø Fr. Brent Otto, UC Berkeley, USA and Editor, IJAIS 
Ø Mr. Harry MacLure, Anglo-Ink, Chennai & Editor,Anglos In the Wind .

Venue and timings: 
4 Aug 2017 Hall 3, IC&SR building, IIT Madras 9.30 am to 4:30 pm
 5 Aug 2017 Exhibition Hall, IC&SR building, IIT Madras 9.30 am to 12.30 pm

 Important Dates: 

  • The deadline for sending abstracts (350 words) to and is 25 June 2017.
  • The selected presenters will be notified by 30 June 2017 and are expected to confirm their participation before 3 July 2017.

Special Invitation: The selected participants are invited to a special screening of the documentary film The AngloIndians of Madras (Dir. Harry MacLure, Anglo-Ink, Chennai). Date and time: 3rd August 2017, at 4.30 pm. Venue: IC&SR Auditorium, IIT Madras 
Presentation of Research Work: 
Ø The participants will be invited to make a 20-minute presentation of their research.
 Ø Selected papers will be included in an edited volume to be published by Springer. The details will be provided after the Seminar.
 Ø The presentations and proceedings will be video recorded and included in the Digital Archive on Anglo-Indian Studies hosted by IIT Madras.

Ø The participants are required to register for the event before 10 July 2017. Further details will be made available after 30 June 2017.
 Ø The registration fee of Rs.1000 (INR) could be paid at the venue on 4 August 2017. Accommodation: 
Ø Accommodation for Research scholars can be arranged in the student hostels within the campus (an early intimation is appreciated to ensure availability) 
Ø The rooms in the Institute Guest House may also be made available on payment basis (subject to availability) Ø Requests for accommodation should be sent to before 3 July 2017. 

For More  Details Do Visit: