
Monday, June 26, 2017

International Postgraduate Conference in Translation and Interpreting Heriot-Watt University 9-10 November 2017

Translation and Interpreting Technologies: a blessing or a curse?

New directions in Translation and Interpreting Studies
Centre for Translation and Interpreting Studies in Scotland

Call for Papers
Following the success of the 12th IPCITI Conference held at Dublin City University, HeriotWatt University is pleased to host the 13th IPCITI Conference, which will take place 9-10 November 2017. 
The IPCITI Conference is the result of a long-term collaboration between Dublin City University, Heriot-Watt University, the University of Edinburgh and the University of Manchester. IPCITI is designed to provide new researchers from all areas of Translation and Interpreting Studies with the opportunity to share their research with peers in a supportive and intellectually stimulating environment. It aims at promoting greater participation in Translation and Interpreting research by addressing salient issues in the field and hopes to foster a supportive environment in which researchers can exchange ideas on current themes and issues in the fields of Translation and Interpreting Studies.
Following up on last year’s theme, IPCITI 2017 will explore new directions in Translation and Interpreting Studies,but with a particular focus on translation and interpreting technologies and the ways these are shaping T&I practice, research and teaching.

Keynote speaker – Translation Technology:
Dr Ana Frankenberg-García (University of Surrey)

Keynote panel – Interpreting:
Prof Claudia Viviana Angelelli (Heriot-Watt University)
Prof Ursula Böser (Heriot-Watt University)
Prof Graham Turner (Heriot-Watt University)

Key dates:
Abstract submission deadline: Friday 14th July 2017
Notification of acceptance: Friday 8th September 2017
Registration deadlines and fees will be available shortly at

Abstract Submission:
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the topics listed below:
  1.  Use of translation and interpreting technologies
  2.  Computer-aided translation and interpreting
  3.  Machine Translation and Post-Editing
  4. Technological advances in BSL Interpreting
  5. Subtitling
  6. Impact of translation technologies on the translation industry
  7. Impact of translation/interpreting technologies on translator/interpreter’s practice
  8. Use of translation and interpreting technologies in education
  9. New challenges in research and new methodological approaches
We particularly welcome papers which address the topics listed above, but submission of
abstracts from other areas of Translation and Interpreting Studies is encouraged, too.
IPCITI 2017 welcomes abstracts for paper and poster presentations.
Papers are allotted a 20-minute slot to be followed by a 10-minute QA and Feedback session
(30 minutes per presenter). Abstracts should be submitted in English and should not exceed
300 words.

Abstracts should include:
The presenter’s name
The presenter’s affiliation, academic status and current year of study
Title of the paper to be presented
Three keywords that best encapsulate the content of the paper to be presented
A brief description of the state of the art
An indication of the theoretical framework and/or research methodology employed
or to be employed
A summary of outcomes or pursued outcomes
A list of references
Please note that the presenter’s details, the title, keywords and bibliographical references
are not included in the word count.
Abstracts should be attached as a Word file and sent to

Info and contact details:
Further information about abstract submission should be directed
Enquiries concerning the conference should be directed to:
Information about Heriot-Watt University can be found at:
General information about Edinburgh can be found at:
Further information concerning accommodation and directions to the conference venue will be available shortly on our website (