
Saturday, August 19, 2017

William P. Heidrich Research Fellowships by Joseph A. Labadie Collection -MIchigan United States

Call For Applications
The University of Michigan Library's Special Collections Library invites applications for fellowships for research in residence. We will award as many as three William P. Heidrich Research Fellowships for projects that require substantial on-site use of the Joseph A. Labadie Collection during calendar year 2018. The amount of funding awarded will be based on the individual travel and housing needs of the recipient(s). The fellowships support travel and living expenses for those those who need that support in order to be able to use the Labadie collection. It will support research in all areas covered by the Labadie Collection. All types of research project proposals will be considered, and no specific credentials are required. Projects outside the typical academic publication model (e.g. creative or artistic projects, journalistic publications, non-typical dissemination modes) are encouraged. 

Application deadline: September 15, 2017
Notification of award: November 1, 2017
Award must be used by December 21, 2018.

Application Components

Project proposal (500 words or fewer) describing the research topic and why Labadie Collection materials are central to the work. Please be as specific as possible. 

Budget of time needed and travel expenses (make note of regular closings

Two letters of support 

CV or resume 

Optional: previous research funding awards (amounts, source, project) 

Optional: personal statement (500 words or fewer) to further support your application 

Applications must be submitted via email to as a single attachment. The application evaluation process may include requests for further information, such as writing samples. 

United States citizens and foreign nationals are eligible to apply. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older. There are no academic requirements.

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