
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

SYGMA 2016 will be held at the KKR Hotel
Hiroshima, Japan
April 24-26, 2016

Deadline for Abstracts Extended to Friday, March 11, 2016
Have a Question? secretariat(at)

The International Symposium on Globalization and Media in Asia (SYGMA 2016)»
There is no term these days with greater salience and complexity to describe the modern world than “globalization.” Although it is most prevalent in discussions on economics, its manifestation and influence span political, social, cultural and ideological realms as well. But what does “globalization” actually mean? The sociologist Roland Robertson first defined it in 1992 as “the compression of the world and the intensification of the consciousness of the world as a whole,” clearly transforming our ideas of space through complex social relations and other processes.
Recent advances in information and communication technologies such as the digitalization of information coupled with sophisticated cable and satellite systems have helped the mass media advance the pace of globalization, shattering our notions of isolated societies by enabling unprecedented communication worldwide. This integration of societies has created an increased global interdependence or at least an interconnectedness whereby a nation’s actions have global effects, whether they are political, economical, cultural, etc. Furthermore, the mass media intensify this interconnectedness through the rapid flows and exchanges of information via radio, newspapers, television, film and the Internet, allowing media organizations to operate and distribute their products globally. In short the mass media are key agents in altering how humans think individually and collectively, transforming societies today.
Globalization and the proliferation of information and communication technologies by the mass media have brought many blessings; however, as these forces are sustained under the veil of desirable progress, inequality, conflict, poverty, and environmental/climate change, among other ill-effects, are often overshadowed and exacerbated. Moreover, the concentration of media firms in the hands of a few owners has serious consequences for the distribution of power and wealth both within and between countries.
As globalization and the role of the mass media intensify in the 21st century, it is crucial we deepen our understanding of them by challenging our assumptions and analyzing the changing dynamics they create. This inaugural 3-day symposium will provide an interdisciplinary platform for academics, researchers, policy makers, students and interested community members.  With the theme Globalization and the Mass Media: Agents of Change, the symposium will be a wonderful opportunity to explore current research, trends, and insights about this phenomenon while expanding your professional networks.
  • Advertising & Multimedia Campaigns
  • Business Communication
  • Communication Theory and Methodology
  • Corporate Identity and Branding
  • Critical and Cultural Studies of Communication
  • Film Studies
  • Gender and Communication
  • Global Issues and Public Policies
  • Globalization and Economic Policies
  • Globalization and Health Issues
  • Globalization and Social Issues
  • History
  • ICT, Telecommunications and Digital Media
  • International and Global Communication
  • Internet, Online News and Social Media
  • Mass Communication, Globalization and Society
  • Media and Democracy
  • Media and Sport
  • Media Education and Research
  • Media Ethics
  • Media Management
  • Media Regulation and Policy
  • Media, Climate Change and Environmental Studies
  • Media, Music and Entertainment
  • Media, Religion and Culture
  • Political Communication and Satire
  • Print Media (Newspaper, Magazines, Advertising)
  • Public Relations
  • Radio-TV Journalism
  • Scholastic Journalism
  • Visual Communication
  • Other Areas (please specify)