
Monday, March 14, 2016


TRIESTE, 26-28 MAY 2016 

The Department of Law, Language, Interpreting and Translation Studies of the University of Trieste is pleased to announce the International Conference on Translation and Interpreting: Convergence, Contact, Interaction.

The Conference will be held at the University of Trieste on 26-28 May 2016.

Translation and interpreting scholars often attend different conferences or different sessions within the same conference. Opportunities for contact and comparison between specialists in the two disciplines are therefore lacking, even though such specialists would have a great deal to discuss in terms of research, teaching and professional practice.

A glance at the current state of the profession reveals a varied scenario in which Translation and Interpreting often constitute two interlingual processes performed by the same person in the same communicative situation or in different situations within the same set of relations and contacts, at times inextricably linked to other competences and other knowledge, though often seen as a single entity in the eyes of the public at large.

Translation and Interpreting can thus be found in relations of overlap, hybridity and contiguity, and effected variously in professional practices, strategies and translation processes.

Considering the day-to-day situation of Translation and Interpreting and abandoning – as with the concept of Translationswissenschaft – the traditional standpoint of separation and contrast, the idea of the Trieste Conference is to create a common space for reflection based on the topic, the area, the subject or the discipline in which Translation and Interpreting are both enacted as a service to society.

Translation and Interpreting are therefore presented as a binomial (T&I) inviting experts from both disciplines to meet and propose contributions which in themselves will create a comparison between these two different yet closely connected practices on topics including:

T&I in law
T&I in economics
T&I in politics
T&I in medicine
T&I in sport
T&I in tourism
T&I in science and technology
T&I in entertainment, art and culture

In particular, the conference wishes to encourage reflection on the various themes listed above, and will explore issues including, but not limited to, the following topics: required knowledge and competence, quality, linguistic, cognitive and ethical aspects, language combinations and directionality, theoretical approaches, research methodologies, professional practice and associated constraints, the status and prestige of professionals, the use of information technology, training, …

The official languages of the conference are English and Italian. Presentations in other languages cannot be guaranteed and require approval from the organisers.

The time allotted to each presentation will be 20 minutes.

Conference dates: 26–28 May 2016

Abstract submission deadline (max 400 words references excluded): 31 January 2016

Notification of acceptance: 15 February 2016

Early Bird Registration: 31 March 2016

Deadline for registration and payment: 30 April 2016


Registration is now open.

Early bird registration (until 31 March): € 150
Late Registration (deadline 30 April): € 170
Students and PhD students: € 120

The registration fee must be transferred to the Bank account of
Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, del Linguaggio, dell’Interpretazione e della Traduzione
UniCredit Banca SpA
via F. Severo 152 – Trieste

IBAN: IT52Q0200802223000000976801

IMPORTANT: The message field must contain the name of the participant and the words: “Transint2016 registration”



Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, del Linguaggio, Dell'Interpretazione e della Traduzione (IUSLIT) - Sezione di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori

via Fabio Filzi,14
34132 Trieste


Audiovisual translation:
Dubbing and Subtitling in the Central European context

Call for papers
  1. Audiovisual translation: theory vs practice
  1. Tradition and innovation in AVT
  1. Communication, translation, manipulation
  1. One country – two translations
  1. Audiovisual translation: accessibility and reception
  1. Audiovisual media and translation practice in the central European context
Important dates
Conference date: 15-17 June 2016
Abstract submission (EXTENDED): 30 March 2016
Notification of acceptance: 30 March 2016
Registration and payment (to be paid after the acceptance of your abstract): 30 April 2016
Venue and location
Submission and registration
Bank account number: 7000073076/8180
Bank account name: Dary Filozofickej fakulty UKF v Nitre
Account holder: Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre
Address: Tr. A. Hlinku 1, 949 74 Nitra
IČO: 00157716
IBAN: SK5481800000007000073076
PAYMENT DETAILS: AVT conference, name and surname
Within the last couple of decades, an increased interest in audiovisual translation (AVT) within the scope of translation studies and intercultural communication in Europe can be observed. An escalating need to reflect this specific type of translation communication has emerged from various cultural, social, geopolitical and technological changes which have taken place at both a global and local level. Because of the impact of these changes, approaches and views on media and translation practice are being modified and the demands of the translation market are becoming more salient. This influences reflection upon AVT, stimulates the emergence of new interdisciplinary approaches and defines more particular requirements in translation training. Audiovisual translation has also attracted the attention of the European Union, mainly in relation to its efforts to make the individual cultures of member states available to all EU citizens. Due to economic and technological pressures the quality of AVT has become a topical issue in the last decade as well.

Aiming to map the situation in AVT practices in the central European context, the goal of the conference is to provide an opportunity for scholars and practitioners in AVT and related areas to present their approaches, research and experience. The ambition of the organisers is to initiate a discussion on the specifics of theory, criticism, translation training and AVT practice in the defined cultural and geographical area – with respect to its translation tradition, language and cultural context as well as the demands of the translation market.
The conference will provide a platform for presentations and discussion focusing mainly at the following topics:
(history and development of AVT, theoretical approaches, translation competence and specialised training, specifics of translation practice)
(new approaches and technologies in AVT, quality standards, fansubbing and fan dubbing )
(AVT modalities, ideology in translation, meaning manipulation, censorship)
(pluricentric versions in AVT, bilingual subtitling, language diversity)
(subtitling for the deaf and hard-of-hearing, artistic interpretation into sign language, audiodescription, target audience reception)
(translation from/into languages of limited diffusion, market requirements, working conditions, legal aspects, intellectual property, translator status)

The conference will take place at Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, from 15 to 17 June 2016.
Applicants interested in participating are kindly asked to send a 250-300 word proposal for their paper together with a short bionote and name of their affiliate organisation by 15 March 2016 to:

The registration and payment (to be paid after the acceptance of your abstract) should be finalised by 30 April 2016.

Registration fees:

* Students must provide a photocopy of a valid student ID with the registration form (by e-mail)
The conference fee (+ fee for conference workshops if interested) should be paid via bank transfer using the information provided below.
Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA)
Bank name: Štátna pokladnica
If an invoice is required, please send us the complete invoice details together with the registration form. The latest date that an invoice can be requested is 10 days after we receive the payment. Otherwise a stamped confirmation of the payment can be issued at any time.
Registration fees are not refundable.
Note: All transfer charges and any other financial costs have to be paid by the sender.