
Saturday, October 28, 2023

CFP: Re-Membering #Education: Temporally Inflected Approaches Pushing Boundaries of Inquiry

 EERA Network 17. Histories of Education is developing a book publication to mark the thirty-fifth anniversary of EERA (which coincides with the twenty-fifth anniversary of the network). The publication is envisaged as a transdisciplinary one, suited to the EERA-supported Springer book series on Transdisciplinary Perspectives in Educational Research. If you are interested in contributing to the proposed new volume, edited by the Link Convenor and the Convenors of Network 17, please send a 100-200 (max. 500) word abstract to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Geert Thyssen by October 31, 2023 for consideration:

Authors do not need to have presented their chapter at an EERA conference (ECER). However, candidate contributors should pay especial attention to the temporal lens central to ECER 2024 (“Education in an Age of Uncertainty: Memory and Hope for the Future”) and all Network 17’s interests, whether it concern new forms of scholarship, new media, or underexplored areas. 

For your contribution you should indicate which book section (outlined below) would be best suited and how it may push boundaries in educational research from a transdisciplinary perspective.

Section 1: Data/sources – e.g., revisiting the very concepts of sources and/or data; exploring the workings of data and/or data generation in education as a scholarly/policy/practice field; reconsidering education disciplines’ disciplining around data in terms of what is enabled to qualify and/or excluded from qualifying as such and to what effects; analysing overlooked types and/or sites of source/data gathering (generation) and the potential of these;

Section 2: Methodology/methods – e.g., rethinking methods’ place in educational research; contrasting/combining/realigning methods; proposing new methods/types of methodology; exploring implications of using particular, promising methods/methodology; reimagining discipline-specific method-related constructs (e.g., ethnography, historiography);

Section 3: Theory/epistemology – e.g., reappraising windows upon phenomena of education studied or theories of knowledge regarding “education”; deconstructing discipline-specific notions of knowledge making; reconfiguring theory-practice, meaning-matter, reflection-experience, knowing-sensing or similar onto-ethico-epistemological dichotomies;

Section 4: Edges/niches/gaps – e.g., charting emerging discipline-transcending areas/topics of educational inquiry, investigating cross-disciplinary blind spots, covering less dominant issues, approaches or regions (scholarship from the Global South, queer/trans perspectives, indigenous approaches etc.) and highlighting related potential and/or implications.
While the book sections focus on data, methodology, theory and edges, these aspects are to be elucidated through analysis of specific education themes, cases, topics, events etc. of relevance across disciplines – avoiding presentism and ahistoricism.

Provisional timeline for publication:
- 31 October 2023: Deadline submission chapter proposals
- 31 March 2024: Deadline submission draft chapters
- 31 August 2024: Deadline submission revised chapters
- 31 December 2024: Envisaged publication date

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