
Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Call for Applications: Visiting Fellowships 2018, Topic area “Performing Knowledge: The Politics and Economics of European Studies”(Funded)

Call For Applications:

The Europainstitut (Institute for European Global Studies) of the University of Basel, Switzerland, welcomes applications for three Visiting Fellowships (three months in 2018, starting in spring or in autumn) in the field of European Global Studies, with special focus on the topic area “Performing Knowledge: The Politics and Economics of European Studies”.

The Institute for European Global Studies is an interdisciplinary research institute at Switzerland’s oldest university, the University of Basel. It develops new interdisciplinary concepts and methodologies designed to critically examine European integration as well as the relations that have shaped Europe in connection with other continents. We welcome applications from researchers who are interested in investigating actors and agencies in global contexts and who enjoy adopting a conceptual approach beyond the nation-state.

Applications should be in line with the Institute’s general research perspective on Europe in its global contexts and engage with a project from the topic area of “Performing Knowledge: The Politics and Economics of European Studies”. During the last decade, calls to put the academic study of Europe on a new theoretical footing have become more frequent, as established patterns of interpretation have lost analytic purchase in the face of fundamental economic, social and political crises. Various relational approaches to Europe have surfaced in academic debates on the nature and research focus of European Studies. Since the academic study of Europe is not entirely independent of economic and political interests, there is a need to advance empirical and theoretical work on European Studies. We therefore welcome proposals which focus on European Studies as object of research, understood as a global phenomenon, and its linkages to the worlds of economy and politics. This may include, but is not limited to, approaches from within anthropology, sociology, political science, history, law, or economics. 

Applications on “Performing Knowledge” should be related to one of the following fields:

  • research on European Studies outside of Europe,
  • global knowledge production and area studies,
  • the European Union as an economic and political actor in the political economy of European (Union) Studies,
  • theoretical work on a relational approach towards Europe in its global context. 

Prospective Visiting Fellows will benefit from the excellent academic conditions and exchange with international colleagues. They need to have completed their PhD and have an established track record in the research field of Europe in its global contexts. In addition, they should have cultivated the ability to think beyond the boundaries of academic disciplines. A Fellow’s project should provide a fresh contribution for his/her field of expertise, also in terms of methodological input. Visiting Fellows should be keen to share and discuss their research. The Institute for European Global Studies strongly encourages women scholars to apply. The Fellowship includes funding.

Please use the standard proposal form for your project proposal and your CV. Incoming applications without the standard form cannot be considered. Please submit your application to: The application deadline is Friday, September 1, 2017.

Contact Info:

Europainstitut / Institute for European Global Studies
University of Basel
Gellertstrasse 27, P.O. Box
CH-4020 Basel
Contact Email:

Call for Applications for Shastri Scholar Travel Subsidy Grants (SSTSG) 2017-18

Call For Applications

Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute is pleased to announce a Call for Applications for Shastri Scholar Travel Subsidy Grants (SSTSG) 2017-18 from SICI’s Canadian and Indian Member Institutions in good standing. SSTSG assists faculty members, doctoral or post-doctoral students, with travel subsidies to participate in conferences, workshops, seminars and academic meetings in partner countries (India or Canada) that are intended to establish institutional and scholarly linkages.

Please note the following points:
• The minimum number of grants and minimum funds available for each grant, as specified below, is guaranteed. 
• Although minimum grant amount is specified as CAD$1000, the award amount may reach up to CAD$1,500, if extra funds become available for this program. Therefore you may request SICI grant up to a maximum of CAD$1,500, while keeping in mind that you may receive only CAD$1,000. 
• Besides, SICI may consider awarding more number of grants as well, subject to availability of additional funds after due process of approval.
• Institutions may receive only one SSTSG award, and receipt of the award is subject to the institution being a SICI member in good standing with fully paid-up membership for the current year (2017-18).
• An individual who was awarded a SSTSG may not receive another Travel Subsidy Grant until at least one (1) year has passed. For example, an individual receiving a grant in 2016-17 will be eligible to apply for a second SSTSG grant in 2018-19.
• The selected awardees will have 2 weeks to confirm their acceptance of the SICI grant (subject to their institution’s eligibility).
• Any declined project grant or availability of surplus funds may result in award of grants among any of the wait-listed applications, subject to application of other rules of SICI which allows benefits to be more broadly distributed among its members.


  • CAD$1,000 (to support the scholar’s international economy class airfare).
  • Associated costs related to visas, meals, per diem and accommodation are not eligible under this grant.

Number of Awards:10 (ten)


  • Applicant must be a full time faculty member/researcher/student (doctoral and post-doctoral) of SICI’s Canadian or Indian Members Council Institution (in good standing in 2017-18). For a current list of member institutions please click here: (
  • Grants to be used for Canadian scholar’s travel to India or Indian scholar’s travel to Canada.
  • For institutional visits applicant must have been invited by an academic institution (which may or may not be a SICI member institution) in Canada or in India.
  • For other visits related to the participation in conferences/workshops/seminars, the applicant’s paper must have been accepted for presentation by the organizing committee of the conference or the host institution.
  • Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of India or Canada.

Application Requirements:

1. Please submit your APPLICATION PACKAGE to http:// on or before 18th September 2017 by 1100pm (MST).
2. Mention: “Application for Shastri Scholar Travel Subsidy Grant (SSTSG) 2017-18” in the subject line. 
3. A COMPLETE APPLICATION PACKAGE should be a single pdf file with the following documents:
i. A completed electronic SSTSG 2017-18 Application Form (duly completed);
ii. A summary description of one pager describing the presentation/discussion topic containing: title, abstract or purpose, co-authors or counter parts, scholarly presence, etc.
iii. Curriculum Vitae of the applicant-not more than 3 pages. All additional pages after 3rd page will be removed and/or ignored during evaluation. 
iv. Curriculum Vitae (not more than 3 pages) of the counterpart/inviter at the host institution (for academic visit). All additional pages after 3rd page will be removed and/or ignored during evaluation. 
v. Letter of invitation from the host institution (for academic visit)
vi. Proof of acceptance of the Paper/Presentation from the organizer/host institution (for conference, seminar, workshop, etc. 
vii. Copy of Passports/PR Card (applicant)

Evaluation Criteria:

An adjudicating committee will make the final decision concerning successful applicants based upon the following criteria and marking system:
1 Institution/Event (4 points)
  • Does the proposed meeting/event carry a significant weight in terms of scholarly inputs/outputs, rankings (i.e., type of the meeting/event, intended contributions/accomplishments, scholarly presence, participants attending, etc.)?

2 Contribution to faculty/student development and potential institutional linkages (4 points)
  • How far the proposed event has likelihood to contribute to applicant’s own development (scholarly and other)?
  • How far the proposed event has likelihood to contribute to any potential institutional linkages between the applicant’s host and visiting institutions?

3 Professional Background (2 points)
  • Does the applicant have necessary academic and or research background related to the topic of the event that he/she proposing to attend?

4 Contribution to promoting/building academic linkages between India-Canada (4 points)
  • How the proposed event will contribute to promoting/building academic linkages between India-Canada?

Disbursement of Funds:

  • Subject to availability of funding, selected SSTSG awardees will be reimbursed with approved travel grant to use for scholarly travel w.e.f. 15 November 2016 to 30 September 2017.
  • However, the SSTSG fund will be released to the scholar only upon receipt and acceptance of the final report by the Institute, following completion of the scholar’s proposed visit.

Application Deadline:

18 September 2017 (11:00pm MST)

Application Form:

Please note:
• Any travel that starts and finishes within the period of 1 September 2017 – 31 May 2018 will be eligible under this grant. Travel initiated or completed prior to the above mentioned timeline will not be eligible under this grant.
SSTSG fund will be released to the recipient’s institution upon receipt of his/her final report. 
• Late and incomplete applications will not be considered.
• All application materials must be submitted through the Grant Management System online. Any material that is sent by other means (courier, post, fax or electronic) to our offices will not be entered in the competition.
• Please email Mahmuda Aldeen ( instantly if you do not receive an ‘application receipt’ email from SICI by 25 September 2017.
• Names of the successful applicants will be uploaded on SICI website (

Report Form:


For more information, please contact Mahmuda at the Canada Office.
Mahmuda Aldeen
Program and Member Relations Officer
Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute
1418 Education Tower
2500 University Dr NW
Calgary AB T2N 1N4
Phone: (403) 220-3220 (direct)