
Friday, August 11, 2017

International Seminar on “Representing the Self: Addressing Issues of Ethnicity and Identity across domains”. 9–10,November , 2017.Department of English Holy Cross College, Agartala, Tripura.


The Department of English, Holy Cross College, Agartala, Tripura, is organizing a two-day International Seminar on the theme  “Representing the Self: Addressing Issues of Ethnicity and Identity across domains”  from 9th – 10th of November , 2017.

We cordially invite faculty members, research scholars and academicians across the world to participate and present papers in the conference, which will explore a wide variety of topics related to ethnicity and identity. The standard papers of the seminar will be considered for publication in the form of a book. The theme of the seminar as well as the diverse sub-themes is illustrated below, for further reference.

Concept Note:
Literature, language and society play a vital role in constructing, expressing and sustaining our identities in the world around us. Even culture and music has an essential role in supporting the identity that we build either by our endeavors or the one we acquire by inheritance. However, people, often, feel the need to confirm, and sometimes re-confirm, this identity of theirs, over time. Affirmation and authentication of identity becomes mandatory to validate their familial, social, ethnic and also cultural heritage – their legacy, on which the individuals not only have their birthright but they are also proud of. The issues of endorsing identities arise when people, either voluntarily or is forced to, migrate from one country to the other or from one region to the other; are physically separated from their native land and indigenous people; come in contact with other communities - their customs, traditions and language. Such instances are very much evident in post-colonial societies, in post-independent countries, in immigrants, in regional and linguistic conflicts, in the race of asserting superiority over neighboring or connected communities, and so on. Even language vitally contributes to the social and psychological development of ethnic identity. Diasporic identities, too, depends on the common language of communication in the society. Therefore, as social creatures, declaration and assurance of people’s ethnic and socio-cultural identities is one of the urgent and much attended to concern today, not only at the social level but also in research and studies. It is a thought that adheres to the existence of every particular individual and an awareness that needs to be created in every member of the upcoming generation.

It is our identity that constitutes our sense of ‘self’ – who we are – that reflects our ethnicity and enable us relate with others. ‘Ethnicity’ functions as a tool for asserting our identity – which leads to the search for ‘the self’. Therefore, it is interesting to examine the evolution as well as the maintenance of identity across diverse domains and spheres in our society. The seminar will thus, provide a platform to question, examine and explore how identity and ethnicity stands centrally positioned to our sense of ‘ourselves’.

1. Identity crisis
2. Diasporic literature
3. Gender identities
4. Ethnicity in northeast literature
5. Post- colonial literature and ethnic identity
6. Afro-American literature and ethnic identity
        7. Intercultural and cross-cultural studies
8. The position of local languages in global culture
9. Indigenous culture and language preservation
10. Language teaching in ethnic groups
11. Education and indigenous communities
12. Films, media and ethnic identity
13. Music and ethnic connections
        14. Language and construction of ethnic identity
        15. Insurgency and threat to loss of ethnicity

Guidelines for submission of Abstract and Full papers:
1. The abstract as well as full papers must be composed in MS Word, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, with a line spacing of 1.5 inch, in A4 size format.
2. The abstract should be accompanied by at least 3 keywords.
3. The length of the abstract should not exceed more than 300 words.
4. The APA style of referencing should be used.
5. Biography of the author(s): The name(s), designation, correspondence address, contact number, email id of the author(s) should be mentioned at the end of the abstract.
6. An author / person can submit a maximum of one single paper and one joint paper.

a. Last date for submission of Abstract: 1st of October, 2017
b. Notification of the acceptance of Abstract: 10th of October, 2017
c. Last date for submission of Full Paper: 30th of October, 2017

The Abstract as well as the full paper must be sent to the email id:

This is to inform the interested paper presenters that the standard papers, presented in this seminar, will be considered for publication in the form of a book.

Registration details:
1. All paper presenters and participants will have to register themselves.
2. There will be spot registration.
3. Only the registered paper presenters and participants will be entitled for certificates, lunch and seminar kits.
4. In case of joint authors, both paper presenters will have to register separately.
5. Accommodation for outstation paper presenters will be provided.
6. Registration fee per paper presenter: Rs 600/- only.

Contact Details
Ms. Moumita Dey:    
Convener of the Seminar & HoD, dept. of English,
Holy Cross College, Agartala, 
Tripura, India.

Research Grant-Inlaks Research Studentship at the King’s India Institute, King’s College, London in 2017.

Call For Applications:

Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation invites applications for the selection of Inlaks Research Studentship at the King’s India Institute, King’s College, London in 2017.

The deadline for receiving applications for the grants is 1 October 2017.

The ‘Inlaks Research Studentship at the King’s India Institute’ is geared to assist registered PhD students of Indian universities to undertake short-term visits to universities abroad to collect material, use facilities and consult experts.


The ‘Inlaks Research Studentship at the King’s India Institute’ offers financial support for a maximum of 3 months at King’s College London. The Studentship will cover: 
Reasonable air fare (booked by Inlaks on the student’s behalf) 
Maintenance expenses at a modest rate (up to Rs.115,000/- per month) 
Funds for buying materials and books, and making copies of relevant literature (up to Rs.65,000/-) 


All applicants must fulfill the following criteria:
hold confirmed PhD registration for at least two years but for not more than four years
have a first class degree at either Bachelor’s (Honours) or Master’s level, preferably both.
be under 35 years of age on 31 December in the year of applying.
be an Indian citizen, currently resident in India.

Subjects for which the grant is available: Humanities and Social Sciences

Click here for full details of the award and application process.

Please feel free to circulate this notice amongst your networks.

Fake News and Weaponized Defamation: Global Perspectives(with Travel Grants), California, United States,January 26, 2018

Concept Note:

The notion of "fake news" has gained great currency in global popular culture in the wake of contentious social-media imbued elections in the United States and Europe. Although often associated with the rise of extremist voices in political discourse and, specifically, an agenda to "deconstruct" the power of government, institutional media, and the scientific establishment, fake new is "new wine in old bottles," a phenomenon that has long historical roots in government propaganda, jingoistic newspapers, and business-controlled public relations. In some countries, dissemination of "false news" is a crime that is used to stifle dissent. This broad conception of fake news not only acts to repress evidence-based inquiry of government, scientists, and the press; but it also diminishes the power of populations to seek informed consensus on policies such as climate change, healthcare, race and gender equality, religious tolerance, national security, drug abuse, poverty, homophobia, and government corruption, among others.

"Weaponized defamation" refers to the increasing invocation, and increasing use, of defamation and privacy torts by people in power to threaten press investigations, despite laws protecting responsible or non-reckless reporting. In the United States, for example, some politicians, including the current president, invoke defamation as both a sword and a shield. Armed with legal power that individuals- and most news organizations - cannot match, politicians and celebrities, wealthy or backed by the wealth of others, can threaten press watchdogs with resource-sapping litigation; at the same time, some leaders appear to leverage their "lawyered-up" legal teams to make knowingly false attacks - or recklessly repeat the false attacks of others - with impunity.

Abstract Deadline: September 25, 2017
Completed Paper Deadline: January 5, 2018
CONFERENCE Date: January 26, 2018

Papers should have an international or comparative focus that engages historical, contemporary, or emerging issues relating to face news or "weaponized defamation." All papers submitted will be fully refereed by a minimum of two specialized referees. Before final acceptance, all referee comments must be considered.
Accepted papers will be peer-reviewed and distributed during the conference to all attendees. 
Authors are given an opportunity to briefly present their papers at the conference. 
Accepted papers will be published in the Journal of International Media and Entertainment Law, the Southwestern Law Review, or the Southwestern Journal of International Law. 

Authors whose papers are accepted for publication will be provided with round-trip domestic or international travel (subject to caps) to Los Angeles, California, hotel accommodations, and complimentary conference registration. 

The Journal of International Media & Entertainment Law is a faculty-edited journal published by the Donald E. Biederman Entertainment and Media Law Institute at Southwestern Law School, in cooperation with the American Bar Association’s Forum on Communications Law, and the ABA’s Forum on the Entertainment and Sports Industries.

The Southwestern Law Review and the Southwestern Journal of International Law are honors publications edited by students at Southwestern Law School.

Contact Info: 

Dr. Michael M. Epstein, Supervising Editor, Journal of International Media & Entertainment Law - Southwestern Law School
Contact Email: