
Showing posts with label Research Grant-Inlaks Research Studentship at the King’s India Institute. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Research Grant-Inlaks Research Studentship at the King’s India Institute. Show all posts

Friday, August 11, 2017

Research Grant-Inlaks Research Studentship at the King’s India Institute, King’s College, London in 2017.

Call For Applications:

Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation invites applications for the selection of Inlaks Research Studentship at the King’s India Institute, King’s College, London in 2017.

The deadline for receiving applications for the grants is 1 October 2017.

The ‘Inlaks Research Studentship at the King’s India Institute’ is geared to assist registered PhD students of Indian universities to undertake short-term visits to universities abroad to collect material, use facilities and consult experts.


The ‘Inlaks Research Studentship at the King’s India Institute’ offers financial support for a maximum of 3 months at King’s College London. The Studentship will cover: 
Reasonable air fare (booked by Inlaks on the student’s behalf) 
Maintenance expenses at a modest rate (up to Rs.115,000/- per month) 
Funds for buying materials and books, and making copies of relevant literature (up to Rs.65,000/-) 


All applicants must fulfill the following criteria:
hold confirmed PhD registration for at least two years but for not more than four years
have a first class degree at either Bachelor’s (Honours) or Master’s level, preferably both.
be under 35 years of age on 31 December in the year of applying.
be an Indian citizen, currently resident in India.

Subjects for which the grant is available: Humanities and Social Sciences

Click here for full details of the award and application process.

Please feel free to circulate this notice amongst your networks.