
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

National Conference on ‘Development and Governance of Adivasis in Contemporary India’ : 6-7 October 2017 Mumbai

Jointly Organised by NCAS and Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Contemporary Studies, University of Mumbai

Date: 6-7 October 2017
Place: Mumbai

Scholars are invited to submit their research papers for the Conference.

Broad Sub-themes of the conference are:

  1. Development strategies for Adivasis post planning era
  2. PESA and Adivasi governance (20 years of PESA)
  3. Status of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs)

A 200-word abstract and brief CV can be e-mailed to
by September 5, 2017.
Please write ‘Abstract/ ARC Conference’ in the subject line.

For More Info: