
Showing posts with label 2017. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2017. Show all posts

Saturday, December 2, 2017

International Conference on Advances in English Studies, Women Empowerment, Business, Humanities & Social Sciences- Dec 28 - 30 , 2017, Goa, India.

Welcome to International Conference Goa 2017

​The International Conference on Advances in English Studies, Women Empowerment, Business, Humanities & Social Sciences - 2017 is one of the largest conference in the Social Sciences community held in conjunction with the UGC Approved Arts & Education International Research Journal by International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation (IMRF), Center for Scientific Research Education (CSRE) and DRPF University Macedonia. 

This International Conference on Advances in English Studies, Women Empowerment, Business, Humanities & Social Sciences - 2017 is designed with Special Invited Research Lectures, Paper-Presentations and Poster Presentations and is honored by bringing UGC Approved Arts & Education International Research Journal Vol 4 Spl Issue with ISSN 2349-1353 with all Peer Reviewed Conference Accepted Papers intended to reflect the pioneering state of the Social Sciences Research. 

The Organizers will also arrange special events such as non-technical talks connected with promotion of research in Social Sciences as well as cultural events

Call for Papers 

Original research papers/posters from Post Graduate Students, Research Scholars, Academicians, Scientists etc., in the manifold fields of English Language etc., disciplines related to Life Sciences are invited for presentation at the Conference.

English Studies
  • Linguistics |Sociolinguistics |Discourse analysis |Language learning and teaching | Literature
  • American literature – including African American literature |Jewish American literature
  • Southern literature | Australian literature |British literature |Canadian literature | Irish literature
  • New Zealand literature |Scottish literature |Welsh literature |South African literature | Translations

Women Studies 
  • Feminist method |Gender studies |Gender mainstreaming |Gynocentrism |Kyriarchy |Matriarchy |Women's studies | Patriarchy |Écriture féminine | Leadership etc., and allied subjects

Business Sciences
  • Accounting |Actuarial science |Computer science | Economics |Finance |Information systems |Law
  • Marketing |Organizational psychology |Quantitative finance |Quantitative management | Banking and finance | Business |Business Ethics | E-commerce |Human Resources |Management etc., and allied fields

Social Sciences 
  • Anthropology |Archaeology |Criminology |Demography |Economics |Geography (human) |History International relations |Jurisprudence |Linguistics |Pedagogy |Political science |Psychology |Science education |Sociology | Public Administration |Journalism etc., and allied subjects.

Submission of Papers 
Participants intending to present papers before the Conference are requested to submit soft copy of the abstract if its is for oral presentation or poster presentation and full paper if interested in publication (neatly typed in MS word format with 1.5 line spacing 12 point Times New Roman font on A-4 size paper) incorporating the motivation, method of solution and important findings of their investigation to

Important Dates

  • Abstract/Full Paper Submission Lat Date 10/12/2017 
  • Acceptance Date Will be served in 2 to 3 working days from the date of receipt 
  • Registration Last Date 15/12/2017 

​Contact Us. ​
Carmel College for Women
Nuvem, Goa, India

To Talk. ​
+ 91 9618777011; + 91 9533421234.

Write to Us
Visit Us:

Sunday, October 15, 2017

International Conference on Why Ecocriticism! November 21-23, 2017, FSLE-India and Sikkim Government College- Gangtok-Sikkim.

Concept Note:

The term ecocriticism, in general, is defined as the study of literature and the physical environment together. However, in its larger context, it could be seen as incorporating with the numerous variants of human life. It juxtaposes literature with culture, geography, psychology and ecology sublimely. Since the term came into existence, it has been amiss interpreted. Especially in Indian context, it has never had a grand reception. In such academic milieu the question ‘Why Ecocriticism’ becomes relevant as it leads to raise some of the fundamental issues concerning environment. This question also tries to get an answer of most of the esoteric and  labyrinth literary, cultural and social representations where the classicism and elitism neglected  the concept of Real (Lacan). Nature never requires the language humans created, e.g., the question related to ‘water’ has nothing much to do with its literary representation, on the contrary, it assimilates the challenges faced due to its scarcity, wastage, hygiene, storage, availability and such other basic aspects. In fact, the theory of ecocriticism is based on the principle of praxis where the field welcomes the voice of the commons, the practices of the subaltern, the bonhomie between the aborigines and the nature and the inclusion of the conscious minds. Further, ecocriticism also evaluates and assay some of the most contemporary developed theories and concepts that prove its multidisciplinary approach which finds an interface of Neuroecology, Neuroecoaesthetics, Ecoaesthetics and Ecosurrogacy. 

Devoted to the extensive study of such dichotomy (critical-simple) of Ecocriticism, FSLE-India associating with the Sikkim Gov. College, Tadong wishes to organize a three-day International Conference, inviting august and seasoned speakers as well as researchers from India and abroad to find out some pragmatic paradigm in the field of ecocriticism.

Call for Paper
We invite original research papers to discuss such grave issues largely related but not exclusively
limited to the following sub-themes:
  • Literature and Ecology: A Comparative Ecocriticism
  • Concept of Space, Land and Nature
  • Posthumans and Ecology
  • Ecopoetry and Aesthetical Nuances
  • Gender and Ecology
  • Neuroecology: Neurons and the Nature
  • Social and Cultural perception of Ecocriticism
  • The Subaltern Voice and Ecology
  • The Rights of Aborigines and their Ecoculture
  • Myth and Ecology
  • Transculturism and Ecology: The Psychological Perspective
  • Ecology, Resistance and Identity
  • Indian Classical Texts and Ecology
  • Ecocinema and Postmodernity
  • Ecotheatre: The Rhapsodic Instinct
  • Sexuality and Plurality: An Ecological Interpretation

Abstracts of 500 words with 5 keywords, for a 15 minutes presentation, must be mailed to or
Note: Please use 12 point Times New Roman and avoid footnotes. 

Important Dates

Deadline for Abstract submission: 20th October 2017
Announcement of selected paper: 25th October 2017
Deadline for the final draft: 10th November 2017
The full paper must be within 3500-5000 words. Use the latest MLA style of referencing.
Selected Papers will be published in an edited volume with ISBN no. (Not in the form of
conference proceedings instead a complete edited book after the conference)
Authors are requested to attach their bio-note (in third person, not exceeding 100 words)

For further queries please contact and do visit:



Sunday, October 1, 2017

International Conference on Language, Culture and Identity 10 – 11 November, 2017,Department of English IASH GLA University and CIIL, Mathura

Warm greetings!

It is our extreme pleasure to announce a two-day International Conference entitled “Language, Culture and Identity” scheduled to be held on 10 & 11 November, 2017 organized by the Department of English, GLA University, Mathura in academic collaboration with CIIL, Mysore.

We request you to contribute and present your research papers on the themes enumerated below. Select research papers will be published in an edited volume.
For further details kindly log on to our website

Papers are invited on the following and related themes:

Speech and Identity
 Literature and Identity
 Language Politics
 Mother Tongue vs. Other Tongue
 Language, Identity and Geography
 English and Identity
 Language and Diaspora Identity
 Linguistic Imperialism
 English for Specific Purposes
 Linguistic Diversity and Multi-lingualism
 Language and Post-Colonial Identity
 Pragmatics
 Language, Feminism and Mass Media
 Language and Social Media
 Language, Literature and Politeness
 Culture and Language Acquisition
 Language and Humour
 Language Endangerment
 Language and Gender
 Language, Culture and Technology
 Language and Cognition
 Stylistics and Discourse

Important Dates:
Abstract Submission: 9th Oct, 2017
Notification of Selection: 15th Oct, 2017
Full Paper Submission: 25th Oct, 2017
Registration: 30th Oct, 2017
Conference Date: 10-11 Nov, 2017

₹1200/- for Teachers (Indian Subcontinent)
₹700/- for Research Scholars who receive scholarship (Indian Subcontinent)
₹400/- for Research Scholars/students (Indian Subcontinent)
$40/- for Overseas Participants
Registration includes Conference kit, meals, shared accommodation on Conference days.
Mode of Payment: NEFT. 

Contact for more information:
Ramanjaney Kumar Upadhyay
Conference Chair
Department of English, IAH
GLA University, Mathura – 281406, India

Friday, September 15, 2017

National seminar on “Politics of Difference and (Re)locating Marginality : Reflections in Indian Literature” by Visva-Bharati (A Central University), Santiniketan 9th -11th November, 2017

Concept Note:
Marginality, a major concern in socio-cultural, economic and political spheres, is the focus of this seminar. In a gross sense, the person, who is cornered to the edge of the society and finds himself deprived, depressed and subordinated in his individual as well social life is determined as marginalized. Behind this inequality the politics of difference plays the lead role, which has a multi-faced approach. From the skin colour to gender – a lot of factors stand behind the subaltern capping, which forces some particular groups of people to be devoid of the fundamental rights that they actually deserve. Though there are some common reasons for such discrimination, yet the characters of the politics of difference are divergent according to places and space. In India, the primary roots of marginality lie in religion, caste, and class hierarchies, while lingual hierarchies are determined by the social location of different speech communities. And again, gender bias or the subaltern position of woman in every class of society is a very common face of social discrimination. 

Contrary to the politics of difference, the endeavour to relocate the marginalized people in the main flow of the society is the consequence of the voices raised for equality. Indian Literature witnesses the conflicts between equality and inequality. The Dalit literature certainly has the agency to speak of their own sufferings and identity, but the main stream literature, may be in some different way, also illustrates the scenario. Literature, written in different regional as well vernacular languages of modern era are the main sources of this discourse, as the issue of marginality has come more in the focus since 19th century. Simultaneously, the literature of ancient and medieval India is the other obvious source. While the Brahmanical literature evidences the roots of differences, the Buddhist argued for the equality of all human beings. The social, philosophical and/or religious reforms or movements like Ambedkar’s Dalit Movement or Caitanya’s Bhakti movement became the milestone in the journey of relocating the marginalized people, and the then literature reflects, rather documents these social changes. The social realities along with all other norms of dalit lives and their crisis of identity are the focus of marginal literature. The struggle to get back their own justifiable position is another important issue of such literatures, where the conscious attempt has been made to differentiate it from other literature. Dalit aesthetics challenges the customary norms of literary criticism and tries to project its separate identity by voicing otherness. As this also involves concerns of equity and justices, the issue of legality is also occupies a significant position in Dalit Studies. Film, drama or other media can be included here as literary texts, which time and again involve themselves by questioning and reconfiguring marginality. 

To redefine the problems of marginality in current Indian and the global scenario is very much pertinent, as the society is now facing some sensitive questions. The proposed seminar would be a platform for the interactive discourses on the issues of social politics and relocating marginality from the perspective of Indian literature. It would be interdisciplinary in nature, and it will not deal only with different modern literary texts, but also the ancient and mediaeval literature of India. 


The seminar will address, but not remain limited to the following issues:
• Marginality in literary discourses
• Ethnicity, language and marginality
• Speech communities, dialects and question of marginality
• Tribal Languages and Literature –Issues of translation 
• Marginality in oral tradition
• Caste hierarchy and marginality
• Gender discrimination 
• Cultural marginality
• Marginality thinkers
• Socio-religious reforms and marginality
• Social violence and marginality
• Dalit aesthetics 
• Marginality as reflected in film and drama
• Marginality and media
• Marginality and legalists 

Submission of abstracts

• Abstract (within 300 words) should be sent on/before 18th September, 2017 through email to, 
Cc to
• Authors should clearly mention their name, affiliation, contact no, e-mail address and the title of the paper. 
• Language of the paper and abstract : English, Hindi, Bengali; Style sheet : MLA format, 8th edition. 
• The sub themes mentioned are only suggestive. Presentation time will be 15-20 minutes.
• After the blind review of the abstracts the selected authors will be informed through mail and University Website.

• On receiving the acceptance letter, participants should send the registration fee through demand draft. (Details of DD will be given with the acceptance letter).
• Registration fee includes conference kit, working lunches, dinners, breakfasts, tea, snacks and cultural programme. (Registration fee does not include the accommodation. A list of good hotels near the University will be provided in second circular). 
• Registration fee : Rs. 2500/-, (Outside Visva-Bharati) 
• Registration fee for the faculty, staff and research scholars of Visva-Bharati : Rs.1500/- 
• The participation/ paper presentation certificates will be distributed only in Valedictory session of the seminar.

Important Dates
Submission of abstracts: September 18, 2017
Communication of acceptance: September 25, 2017
Deadline for registration : October 18, 2017
Full Paper submission : November 2, 2017

Dr. Gargi Bhattacharya : 0-9007856721;
  • Mr. Ranvir Sumedh Bhagwan : 0-7585950365,

Sunday, August 6, 2017

International Conference on Women Entrepreneurship, Management, E-Commerce, Global Economy & Social Sciences: Sep 22 - 23, 2017, Chennai, India

Call For Papers

International Conference on Women Entrepreneurship, Management, E Commerce, Global Economy and Social Sciences 2017 is designed to impart & institute pioneering trends in the fields of Business & Social Sciences including their manifold applications.

Proceedings of the Conference would treat by its Special Research Talks, Research Contributions in the form of Technical Paper Presentation Sessions & Poster Presentation devoted to Management, Business & Economics branches and disciplines related to Theoretical, Applied and Application Sciences. 

The Organizers will also arrange special events such as non-technical talks connected with promotion of Business & Social Sciences research as well as cultural programmes .


Women Entrepreneurship - Women Studies 

Women’s entrepreneurship , Cross-cultural studies in entrepreneurship and their impact on women  
entrepreneurs (with a particular focus on comparisons between the UK and East-Asia), Female entrepreneurs in science, technology and innovation Responsible and sustainable business models and strategies; what we can learn from female entrepreneurs Policies and practices for women’s entrepreneurship Gender, identity and leadership, Values, spirituality and religion of women entrepreneurs, GEM and  UNESCAP data on women entrepreneurs, case studies focusing on female entrepreneurs Self-Identity & Society, Gender, Race and Class, Women in Cross-Cultural Perspective, Underrepresented   Women Groups- GLBTI Groups and Persons with Disabilities, Feminist Pedagogies, Women in Literature,    Feminist Science Studies, Sociology of Gender, Psychology of Women, Women in European History,  Women in American History, Women in Asian History, Women in World History, Women and Peace in South Asia, Women and Migration Patterns, Women and the Environment, Women's Movements and Activism, Gender, Culture and Representation, Women, Relationships and Social Policy, The Politicsof Gender and Food, Women, Violence and Victimization, Processes for Women’s Networking and Organizing, Women Empowerment and Agency, Strategies for Building Allies, Sex, Race and Popular  Culture, Women's Sexuality and the Body, Gender, Science and Technology, Women and Work, Women, Development and Global Economy, Gender and Development, Gender and Transnational Economies, Women, Law and Policy, Sex, Power and Politics, Reproductive Rights and Justice, Rhetoric and Women’s Rights, Gender, War and Peace, Women and Violence 


Modern Management , Industrial Management, Knowledge Management, Information Technology, Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship, Training Management, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Psychology, Human Resource Management, Public Affairs, Supply Chain Management, Motivation, Hospitality Industry Management, Small business management, Business law & ethics, Business Intelligence, Performance Management, Communications Management, Production and operations management, Technology and innovation management, Total Quality Management, Systems Thinking, Systems Management, Management consulting, Time Management, Decision Sciences, Bench-marking, e-business, International Strategic Alliances, Culture and Organizational Structure, Downsizing, Lean Production, Strategy, Just-in-time (JIT) Strategy, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Contemporary Issues in Management, and all other Management areas. 


E-Commerce Adoption, E-Commerce and Cultural Issues, E-Commerce and Customer Relationship Management, E-Commerce and Human Resource Management, E-Commerce and Organizational Behavior, Development and Learning, E-Commerce and Policy, E-Commerce and Social Media, E-Commerce in Developing and Developed Countries, E-Commerce Management and Leadership, E-Commerce Security and Trust, Commerce Strategic Management. E-commerce Stress and Strain Impacts, E-Commerce Technologies and The Workplace, E-Services and Technologies, Global E-Commerce. 


Management Accounting, Financial Accounting, Business Accounting, Accounting Information Systems, Auditing and Assurance, Accounting Process and Systems, Corporate Governance and Accountability, International Accounting, Cost Accounting. Foreign Currency Accounting, Financial Reporting and Statement Analysis, Governance and Financial Fraud, Accounting Education, Tax Accounting, Government and Non-Profit Accounting, Contemporary Issues in Accounting and Auditing and all Other Accounting Areas


Bank Management, Banking Law, Banking and Financial Services Marketing, Bank Death and Credit Crunch, CDOs and Bank Collapse, International Banking, Bank Lending, Commercial lending, International Banking, Consumer lending., Central bank policy, Lending decisions and Lending Policy, Country Risk, Islamic Banking , Investment Banking, Financial Institutions Management, Finance and Banking Relations, Public Borrowing, e-Banking, Financial Service and Banking Regulation, Microcredit, Contemporary Issue in Banking and All other Banking issues. 

General Economics, Economic Development and Policy, Macroeconomics, Microeconomic Issues, Monetary Economics, Unemployment, Inflation, Monetary and Fiscal Policies, Public Taxation, Quantitative Economics, Financial Economics, International Economics, Foreign Exchange, International Trade, Monetary Economics, Islamic Economics, Health Economics, Privatization, Globalization and Economic Growth, Poverty and Human Development, Labor Economics, Emerging Economies, Commodities Markets, Sustainable Development and Special Economic Zones and All other economics topics 


Fundamentals of Marketing, Assessing Marketing Performance, International Marketing, Marketing Research, New Product Development, Marketing Strategy, Service Marketing, Merchandise Planning and Control, International Retaining, Buyer Behavior, Services Marketing, Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, Product Management and Planning, Integrated Marketing communications, Marketing Innovation and Planning, Delivering Customer Value, Direct Marketing, E-Marketing, Relationship Marketing, Retailing, Supply Chain Logistics, Customer Service and Customer Relations, Sales Strategies, Marketing Research, Marketing Data Analysis, Marketing and International Consumers, Marketing Theory, Marketing Case Studies, Contemporary Issues in Marketing, and all other market related topics 


Abstract Submission

Students, Scholars, faculty & Industry Professionals intending to present papers at the Conference are requested to submit a soft copy of the Abstract (200 Words). (neatly typed in MS word format with 1.5 line spacing 12 point Times New Roman font on A-4 size paper). The motivation, method of solution and important findings of the investigations undertaken should be clearly outlined and sent to  

Abstracts/Full Paper Submission 30 August 2017

Notification of Invitation & Acceptance Will be served in 2 to 3 working days from the date of receipt 

** Listener Participants may kindly fill the Registration Form along with fee send by email to

​For More Details:

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Funded International Workshop on "Diasporas and Homeland Governance" at FU Berlin, 3./4. November, 2017

Deadline for abstract submission: 7. August, 2017

Contrary to an increasingly popular policy discourse, the transnational mobilization of diaspora communities and individuals contributing to the governance of their homelands (in the form of, for example, remittances, development initiatives or human rights promotion) has not always been unequivocally welcomed, and has led to conflict between diaspora actors, international stakeholders, sending states and local populations. This echoes the wider research on governance provision by external actors to areas of limited statehood (ALS), which has found that governance by actors considered external to the state, such as International Organisations, Regional Organisations, INGOs, MNCs and third countries, is often met with significant contestation. This contestation takes various forms, from the questioning of representation and local ownership, all the way to accusations of neo-imperialism and violence. In turn, it can lead to unintended changes, ineffectiveness and even the failure of the intervention in question. From a social science-perspective, a central concern in this field has thus been to assess the conditions for legitimate and effective governance provision by external actors to ALS.

Research on governance starts from the premise that, contrary to popular modernist theorising, the majority of the world’s population lives in areas where the state is not the sole setter of rules, or provider of common goods and services. While, both from an historical and regional perspective such limited statehood can be considered the norm rather than the exception, globalisation has further accelerated the diversification of actors who partake in such governance. Governance is thus conceptualized as the setting of collectively binding rules and provision of goods and services to domestic populations. While governance research has attempted to shift its focus away from the state, the analytical distinction between actors that are either external or internal to the state is still built in to the research paradigm. And it is along this spatial boundary that explanations for governance effectiveness and legitimacy are most often sought. Through this analytical lens diasporas do engage in homeland governance. However, they do so in complex and contested ways. They may provide common goods and services to domestic populations from abroad, thus qualifying as external actors, but they also often retain citizenship or a connection to the homeland that would qualify them as internal. Meanwhile, states themselves increasingly harness their own diaspora populations, thus extending conceptualizations of citizenship and governance beyond traditional spatial boundaries. Ultimately, existing state-centric research categories do not capture this (spatial) ambiguity of diaspora governance.

About Workshop

This workshop seeks to address these issues by cross-pollinating research on the transnational mobilization of diaspora communities towards their homelands with research on global governance and external governance provision to ALS (for further information please see We welcome contributions that address the following questions:

Areas and Modes of Diaspora Governance: What kind of governance do diasporas engage in in their homelands, and with what intentions? Where does this governance take place and how does it unfold? What kind of governance constellations do diasporas enter into and how do they interact with and relate to the state and other governance actors? What kind of meta-governance strategies exist to coordinate diaspora governance?

What value does the internal/external distinction hold in relation to the state? And what alternative categories might we come up with to think about diaspora governance?

Effectiveness and Legitimacy of Diaspora Governance: Under what conditions do diasporas provide effective and legitimate governance to their homelands? How do diaspora-state relations impact on the legitimacy and effectiveness of diaspora governance? What are the sources of legitimacy that diasporas draw upon when they engage in governance? Is there a trade-off between local and international legitimacy?

How do we capture the effectiveness and legitimacy of diaspora governance if spaces of governance are no longer equivalent to the state?

Implications of Diaspora Governance: What conflicts arise when diasporas provide governance to areas of limited statehood, both at the local and the global level? What kind of institutions and norms form around diaspora governance? What alternative geographies arise through diaspora governance? How does diaspora mobilization challenge the binaries of external and internal governance provision?

How can we decenter the state as an analytical category to make sense of transnational spaces and actors of governance?

Please send abstracts (max. 300 words) to

Deadline for abstract submission: 7. August, 2017

The workshop will be held at the Free University of Berlin on 3./4. November, 2017. Expenses for travel and accommodation will be covered. Selected contributors will be notified by mid-August 2017 and full papers will be due in mid October.

Contact Info:
Catherine Craven
Free University of Berlin
SFB 700 "Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood"
Ihnestraße 22
14195 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (30) 838 63729
Contact Email:

Friday, July 28, 2017

Third Annual Seminar on Research in Social Sciences-November 26, 2017, Mumbai.

Call For Papers: 

What is the Seminar about?

This day-long seminar will showcase undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral research in the social sciences in India. It will engage with wide-ranging contemporary topics in the social sciences and provide a forum for students from various institutions to engage in exchange of academic knowledge. Research topics in past seminars have ranged from social exclusion in cemeteries, to use of psychedelic therapy in treating substance abuse, among others.
To know more, click here.

Objectives of the Seminar

  • Encouraging high quality research as an important part of the undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral curricula in India.
  • Providing an opportunity to students from various disciplines within the social sciences to present their research.
  • Engaging with topics of contemporary relevance and rigorous methods employed in social sciences research.
  • Establishing an academic forum for students of the social sciences to receive a critical review of their work.

Keynote Address

Keynote speaker to be announced shortly. Past keynote speakers include Danielle Pereira (IIT Bombay, Mumbai) and Ketaki Chowkhani (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai).

What can Presenters expect to receive from the Seminar?

Presenters can expect to gain first-hand exposure to academia, by communicating their research with peers in the social sciences. They will present their research for 20 min (through an oral presentation format), followed by a 20 min discussion for each paper. They can expect to gain feedback on their work by experienced researchers in their area and/or allied areas in the social sciences. Those papers accepted for presentation will also be published online as part of the output from the seminar. Presenters can also vie for the Best Paper Award at the Seminar.

What can Participants expect to receive from the Seminar?

Participants can expect to hear about a wide variety of contemporary applied and empirical research in the social sciences. The papers presented at the seminar will reflect rigorous and high-quality student research in India, and this is expected to enable participants to learn more about planning and executing such research for their own theses or research projects and assignments.

Proposed Themes and Topics

There is no overarching theme or topic that the seminar will pursue. Instead, we encourage submission of high-quality research in the fields of psychology, economics, sociology, anthropology, gender studies, and public policy. We are particularly interested in presenting research that is multi- or inter-disciplinary in nature.

Submission Guidelines and Details

Depending on the area of research, we invite full text research papers and articles that adhere to editorial guidelines and word limits as mentioned below. All papers submitted will be rigorously evaluated by a scientific committee of subject matter experts at Monk® Prayogshala®. Papers that are part of Master’s or Doctoral theses are also welcome, conditional on their non-publication in any other form. Any instances of plagiarism will lead to immediate disqualification of the paper, without further notice.

All papers must be sent in MS Word format, after the Seminar Application form (see link at bottom of page) has been successfully submitted. All papers must be sent to with the subject “Monk Prayogshala Seminar 2017.”
Article Format:
Psychology, Quantitative Gender Studies - 7,000 words - American Psychological Association (APA)
Qualitative Gender Studies, Sociology, Anthropology, Economics and Public Policy - 10,000 words - APA, MLA, Harvard

Important Dates for Presenters

Submission deadline: 3rd October, 2017 (12 am IST)
Presenters (a maximum of ten) shall be informed of the committee’s decision latest by 27th October, 2017. Presenters will also receive guidelines for the oral paper presentation.
Pre-registration by presenters is mandatory by 31st October, 2017. 
The schedule of the seminar will be communicated to presenters by 13th November, 2017.

Important Dates for Participants

Registration deadline (Early): 3rd October, 2017
Registration deadline (Late): 31st October, 2017


  • Undergraduate students
  • Postgraduate students
  • MPhil students
  • PhD students
  • Recent graduates (within one year) are also welcome to apply


The seminar will be held  at 4116, 4th Floor, Oberoi Garden Estates, C Wing, Off Saki Vihar Road, near Chandivali Studios, Powai, Mumbai – 400072.
Nearest stations: Kanjurmarg (Central); Andheri (Western) Saki Naka (Metro Station)
Bus routes: 319, 335.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

National Seminar on Problematizing Sexuality and Violence: Deconstructing Institutions, Norms and Narratives in India-University of Delhi, 23-24th August, 2017

Organized by
UGC-SAP, Department of Political Science
Research Network on
Feminist Engagements with Law and the State (FELS)
University of Delhi, Delhi

Call for Papers
Research Network on Feminist Engagements with Law and the State is an innovative enterprise of the Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, wherein we seek to involve versatile inter-disciplinary feminist approaches. Under the aegis of the Network, we successfully held a Workshop on ‘Feminist Engagements with Law and the State’ on 29th March, 2017 dealing with issues like, bodies and rights, sexual violence and sexual harassment, and ‘honour’ crimes. The workshop was also important for identifying themes requiring focus, suitable methodologies to adopt and mechanisms to bring academicians, activists and survivors in the country and abroad to a common platform of deliberation and discussions. This National Seminar is the second in line which would deal with issues like, sexual desires, fantasies and expression, violence against sexual minorities and marginalised men. 

This Seminar is planned under the CAS/SAP theme of Democracy, Norms and Institutions. therefore, the interlinking between the state (democratic),norms (laws and regulations) and institutions (especially, the institutions belonging to the Indian Legal System) with the themes and sub-themes would be an ideal way to author and present the papers. The rationale for choosing this theme is that in the last two decades, sexual and gender based violence have increased globally. One of the reasons behind this is insurrection of the  marginalised sections of society for a dignified life. Multiple narratives are challenging hegemony of heteronormativity internalized and implemented by the institutions of the state. These narratives are also questioning social and cultural norms prioritizing a binary and hierarchical notion of sexuality. Questioning and coming-out is suppressed through violence.

Here the laws are double-edged sword, used both for exploitation and empowerment. This seminar is an attempt to discover varied experiences of sexual/gender categories and to highlight that divisions are more contradictory, fragmented, shifting and ambivalent than the dominant public definitions of these categories suggest. There is an urgency to disrupt binary logic and its hierarchical oppositional constitutive force in addressing issues of sexuality. In this respect, to understand the role of legal system in India is crucial. Thus this seminar focuses on deconstructing institutions, norms and narratives to democratize sexuality and its experiences in India.

In this National Seminar, we intend to focus on the following themes and sub-themes:
1. Sexual Desires, Fantasies and Expression
a. Legal understanding of sexual desires, fantasies and expression
b. Sexual desires, fantasies and expression in heterosexual relationships
c. Sexual desires, fantasies and expression in non-heterosexual relationships
d. Sexual Desires, Fantasies and Expression in Art and Literature
2. Violence against Sexual Minorities
a. Sexual Violence
i. Sexual Violence by known persons
ii. Sexual Violence by State Agencies/Institutions
b. Physical Violence
c. Cultural Violence
d. Economic and Social Violence: Livelihood, skill development and social security
e. Legal Violence: Non-recognition of identity, relationship and property
entitlements and Coming out as a political act
3. Violence against Marginalised Men
a. Sexual Violence
i. Sexual Violence by known persons
ii. Sexual Violence by State Agencies/Institutions
b. Physical Violence
c. Cultural Violence: Food, dress, cinema, religious beliefs, lifestyle and others
d. Systemic Violence of exclusion and discrimination
e. Economic Violence
Any other issue not mentioned in the sub-themes, but connected with the main themes may also be considered.

Important Dates and information
● Last date for abstract submission: 5th July 2017
● Confirmation of selection of abstracts: 15th July 2017
● Full paper submission: 16th August 2017
● Seminar on: 23rd and 24th August 2017
● TA to paper presenters will be given as per UGC norms

Submission: Abstract, paper and any communication in this regard should be made in electronic form and should be sent to
Please click here for concept note (

Contact :
Department of Political Science
IInd Floor, Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Delhi
Delhi 110 007
Ph. No. +91-11-27666670

Thursday, June 22, 2017

International Conference on WOMEN & SECTARIAN VIOLENCE IN SOUTH ASIA: FICTION & REALITY 9-10 Nov, 2017, Central University of Gujarat, India

Centre for English Studies

School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies
Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar 

Concept Note
The conference aims to enquire how South Asian women, situationally, moving beyond the traditional notions of motherhood, family and ‘womanhood’, creates a trail of some yet unexplored trait. Is she trying to re-create the notion of ‘woman’ in her ‘context of situation’, region and gender? Has there been an insistent  attempt to re-contextualize herself?

The South Asian region has been witness to many-layered  onflicts: be it the Partition, the Sikh and other riots in India; the historical trajectory of violence in Afghanistan;, the ethnic violence in Sri Lanka; or the minority conflicts in Pakistan,, women have been the carnage, the sub-stratum through which Patriarchy has waged war. She has been torn, ravaged, mutilated, humiliated, and burnt. There is nothing more that she can fear or encounter. There is nothing more that she can remember to forget. She is inscribed by a violent earth, colonized by man, culture, religion, caste, ethics and morality. The historical and social/cultural terrain has had its role to play in the enormity perpetuated. There is a need to re-visit this territory and engage with it critically. One needs to ask whether ‘Literature’ has captured all this. Do writers remember to forget? Can one write to make our countries remember? Do we forget to remember? Nevertheless, the psychological dimension is something that one cannot afford to forget. 

In an area where censors, bans, riots and sectarian violence have historically been a part and parcel of everyday life, South Asian women have inspired the world by living through the trauma. Her body has become a contested site and the possibility of an imaginary is not yet born. Her ‘values’ are eroded on the streets and in the psyche, yet she has not given up.In the face of interminable violence, she is ‘abducted’, ‘returned’ and ‘recovered’. She traverses through this terrain, through tears, through fights, and perhaps through the yearning that one day, there might be light on the horizon. 

This conference is an attempt to re-discover this ‘traversing’, an attempt to understand her myriad moods and pathways, not roles. To dissolve, devour and evaporate the vicious circle that she is enmeshed in. The search stretches in as well as out, into the interiors of the mind and the land called South Asia. The aim is not to encase and embalm women in strict compartments, nor to stick to a particular genre, but to break boundaries and borders. An exercise to translate, transcreate and transliterate. It is also a calling out to women who have not been heard or published, women who cannot write, but who can only reproduce narratives. These are not just testimonies, oral/gendered histories, creative/critical writings, satires, poems, or short/long fiction. It is this and much more. The conference will have a section on the visual forms such as graphic images, paintings and photographs to explore this other ‘reality’.

Themes under discussion:
  • Sectarian violence and Women
  • Caste, Society and Violence
  • Women and the mutilated body
  •  Humiliation and Self
  •  After-rape: Recovery, Revival and Reconciliation
  •  Experience and Body: Vulnerable and Viable
  •  After-experience: Body, trauma, memory and forgetting
  •  War and Women
  • Widows, half-widows and war-widows
  • Visual culture and women
  • Cinematic (mis)representation of the traumatic woman
  •  Memory, history and women

Last date for abstract submission: 10th August, 2017
Registration charges:-
Students/ Research Scholars: Rs. 2000/-
Faculty Members: Rs. 3000/-

Guest Convener:
Prof. Rachel Bari
Kuvempu University
Contact No: 9448244273 
Prof Atanu Bhattacharya 
Dr. Ishmeet Kaur 
Contact No: 9974092042