
Showing posts with label International Conference on Why Ecocriticism! November 21-23. Show all posts
Showing posts with label International Conference on Why Ecocriticism! November 21-23. Show all posts

Sunday, October 15, 2017

International Conference on Why Ecocriticism! November 21-23, 2017, FSLE-India and Sikkim Government College- Gangtok-Sikkim.

Concept Note:

The term ecocriticism, in general, is defined as the study of literature and the physical environment together. However, in its larger context, it could be seen as incorporating with the numerous variants of human life. It juxtaposes literature with culture, geography, psychology and ecology sublimely. Since the term came into existence, it has been amiss interpreted. Especially in Indian context, it has never had a grand reception. In such academic milieu the question ‘Why Ecocriticism’ becomes relevant as it leads to raise some of the fundamental issues concerning environment. This question also tries to get an answer of most of the esoteric and  labyrinth literary, cultural and social representations where the classicism and elitism neglected  the concept of Real (Lacan). Nature never requires the language humans created, e.g., the question related to ‘water’ has nothing much to do with its literary representation, on the contrary, it assimilates the challenges faced due to its scarcity, wastage, hygiene, storage, availability and such other basic aspects. In fact, the theory of ecocriticism is based on the principle of praxis where the field welcomes the voice of the commons, the practices of the subaltern, the bonhomie between the aborigines and the nature and the inclusion of the conscious minds. Further, ecocriticism also evaluates and assay some of the most contemporary developed theories and concepts that prove its multidisciplinary approach which finds an interface of Neuroecology, Neuroecoaesthetics, Ecoaesthetics and Ecosurrogacy. 

Devoted to the extensive study of such dichotomy (critical-simple) of Ecocriticism, FSLE-India associating with the Sikkim Gov. College, Tadong wishes to organize a three-day International Conference, inviting august and seasoned speakers as well as researchers from India and abroad to find out some pragmatic paradigm in the field of ecocriticism.

Call for Paper
We invite original research papers to discuss such grave issues largely related but not exclusively
limited to the following sub-themes:
  • Literature and Ecology: A Comparative Ecocriticism
  • Concept of Space, Land and Nature
  • Posthumans and Ecology
  • Ecopoetry and Aesthetical Nuances
  • Gender and Ecology
  • Neuroecology: Neurons and the Nature
  • Social and Cultural perception of Ecocriticism
  • The Subaltern Voice and Ecology
  • The Rights of Aborigines and their Ecoculture
  • Myth and Ecology
  • Transculturism and Ecology: The Psychological Perspective
  • Ecology, Resistance and Identity
  • Indian Classical Texts and Ecology
  • Ecocinema and Postmodernity
  • Ecotheatre: The Rhapsodic Instinct
  • Sexuality and Plurality: An Ecological Interpretation

Abstracts of 500 words with 5 keywords, for a 15 minutes presentation, must be mailed to or
Note: Please use 12 point Times New Roman and avoid footnotes. 

Important Dates

Deadline for Abstract submission: 20th October 2017
Announcement of selected paper: 25th October 2017
Deadline for the final draft: 10th November 2017
The full paper must be within 3500-5000 words. Use the latest MLA style of referencing.
Selected Papers will be published in an edited volume with ISBN no. (Not in the form of
conference proceedings instead a complete edited book after the conference)
Authors are requested to attach their bio-note (in third person, not exceeding 100 words)

For further queries please contact and do visit:
