
Showing posts with label International Conference on Women Entrepreneurship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label International Conference on Women Entrepreneurship. Show all posts

Sunday, August 6, 2017

International Conference on Women Entrepreneurship, Management, E-Commerce, Global Economy & Social Sciences: Sep 22 - 23, 2017, Chennai, India

Call For Papers

International Conference on Women Entrepreneurship, Management, E Commerce, Global Economy and Social Sciences 2017 is designed to impart & institute pioneering trends in the fields of Business & Social Sciences including their manifold applications.

Proceedings of the Conference would treat by its Special Research Talks, Research Contributions in the form of Technical Paper Presentation Sessions & Poster Presentation devoted to Management, Business & Economics branches and disciplines related to Theoretical, Applied and Application Sciences. 

The Organizers will also arrange special events such as non-technical talks connected with promotion of Business & Social Sciences research as well as cultural programmes .


Women Entrepreneurship - Women Studies 

Women’s entrepreneurship , Cross-cultural studies in entrepreneurship and their impact on women  
entrepreneurs (with a particular focus on comparisons between the UK and East-Asia), Female entrepreneurs in science, technology and innovation Responsible and sustainable business models and strategies; what we can learn from female entrepreneurs Policies and practices for women’s entrepreneurship Gender, identity and leadership, Values, spirituality and religion of women entrepreneurs, GEM and  UNESCAP data on women entrepreneurs, case studies focusing on female entrepreneurs Self-Identity & Society, Gender, Race and Class, Women in Cross-Cultural Perspective, Underrepresented   Women Groups- GLBTI Groups and Persons with Disabilities, Feminist Pedagogies, Women in Literature,    Feminist Science Studies, Sociology of Gender, Psychology of Women, Women in European History,  Women in American History, Women in Asian History, Women in World History, Women and Peace in South Asia, Women and Migration Patterns, Women and the Environment, Women's Movements and Activism, Gender, Culture and Representation, Women, Relationships and Social Policy, The Politicsof Gender and Food, Women, Violence and Victimization, Processes for Women’s Networking and Organizing, Women Empowerment and Agency, Strategies for Building Allies, Sex, Race and Popular  Culture, Women's Sexuality and the Body, Gender, Science and Technology, Women and Work, Women, Development and Global Economy, Gender and Development, Gender and Transnational Economies, Women, Law and Policy, Sex, Power and Politics, Reproductive Rights and Justice, Rhetoric and Women’s Rights, Gender, War and Peace, Women and Violence 


Modern Management , Industrial Management, Knowledge Management, Information Technology, Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship, Training Management, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Psychology, Human Resource Management, Public Affairs, Supply Chain Management, Motivation, Hospitality Industry Management, Small business management, Business law & ethics, Business Intelligence, Performance Management, Communications Management, Production and operations management, Technology and innovation management, Total Quality Management, Systems Thinking, Systems Management, Management consulting, Time Management, Decision Sciences, Bench-marking, e-business, International Strategic Alliances, Culture and Organizational Structure, Downsizing, Lean Production, Strategy, Just-in-time (JIT) Strategy, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Contemporary Issues in Management, and all other Management areas. 


E-Commerce Adoption, E-Commerce and Cultural Issues, E-Commerce and Customer Relationship Management, E-Commerce and Human Resource Management, E-Commerce and Organizational Behavior, Development and Learning, E-Commerce and Policy, E-Commerce and Social Media, E-Commerce in Developing and Developed Countries, E-Commerce Management and Leadership, E-Commerce Security and Trust, Commerce Strategic Management. E-commerce Stress and Strain Impacts, E-Commerce Technologies and The Workplace, E-Services and Technologies, Global E-Commerce. 


Management Accounting, Financial Accounting, Business Accounting, Accounting Information Systems, Auditing and Assurance, Accounting Process and Systems, Corporate Governance and Accountability, International Accounting, Cost Accounting. Foreign Currency Accounting, Financial Reporting and Statement Analysis, Governance and Financial Fraud, Accounting Education, Tax Accounting, Government and Non-Profit Accounting, Contemporary Issues in Accounting and Auditing and all Other Accounting Areas


Bank Management, Banking Law, Banking and Financial Services Marketing, Bank Death and Credit Crunch, CDOs and Bank Collapse, International Banking, Bank Lending, Commercial lending, International Banking, Consumer lending., Central bank policy, Lending decisions and Lending Policy, Country Risk, Islamic Banking , Investment Banking, Financial Institutions Management, Finance and Banking Relations, Public Borrowing, e-Banking, Financial Service and Banking Regulation, Microcredit, Contemporary Issue in Banking and All other Banking issues. 

General Economics, Economic Development and Policy, Macroeconomics, Microeconomic Issues, Monetary Economics, Unemployment, Inflation, Monetary and Fiscal Policies, Public Taxation, Quantitative Economics, Financial Economics, International Economics, Foreign Exchange, International Trade, Monetary Economics, Islamic Economics, Health Economics, Privatization, Globalization and Economic Growth, Poverty and Human Development, Labor Economics, Emerging Economies, Commodities Markets, Sustainable Development and Special Economic Zones and All other economics topics 


Fundamentals of Marketing, Assessing Marketing Performance, International Marketing, Marketing Research, New Product Development, Marketing Strategy, Service Marketing, Merchandise Planning and Control, International Retaining, Buyer Behavior, Services Marketing, Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, Product Management and Planning, Integrated Marketing communications, Marketing Innovation and Planning, Delivering Customer Value, Direct Marketing, E-Marketing, Relationship Marketing, Retailing, Supply Chain Logistics, Customer Service and Customer Relations, Sales Strategies, Marketing Research, Marketing Data Analysis, Marketing and International Consumers, Marketing Theory, Marketing Case Studies, Contemporary Issues in Marketing, and all other market related topics 


Abstract Submission

Students, Scholars, faculty & Industry Professionals intending to present papers at the Conference are requested to submit a soft copy of the Abstract (200 Words). (neatly typed in MS word format with 1.5 line spacing 12 point Times New Roman font on A-4 size paper). The motivation, method of solution and important findings of the investigations undertaken should be clearly outlined and sent to  

Abstracts/Full Paper Submission 30 August 2017

Notification of Invitation & Acceptance Will be served in 2 to 3 working days from the date of receipt 

** Listener Participants may kindly fill the Registration Form along with fee send by email to

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