
Showing posts with label Goa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goa. Show all posts

Thursday, August 2, 2018

CFP:Region/Nation/Trans-Nation: Literature-Cinema Interface January 31-Feb 2, 2019 BITS Pilani, Goa

Call for Papers 

This conference traces the various modes of engagement that exist between some of the globally dominant literary and cinematic forms, without limiting itself to the age-old domain of adaptation. It tries to locate these engagements and negotiations across three geopolitical formations and locations of culture, namely region, nation and trans-nation. These three locations work as contact zones where the literature-cinema interface manifests in various forms. With the emergence of transnationalism and comparative film studies as methods in cinema studies, multiple modes of literature-cinema negotiation are becoming increasingly evident with cinema studies borrowing concepts such as ‘world literature’ and ‘comparative morphology’. In the Indian/South Asian context, these locations are entangled with issues such as the language question, regional nationalisms, the crumbling idea of a federal republic with an increasingly stronger unitary governance, linguistic identity politics as manifested in popular cinemas and literatures, translational politics and the formation/development of certain national centres for the production of various modes of translation, India’s cultural/literary/cinematic negotiations with the trans-nation before and after globalization/economic liberalization etc. 

With contemporary India as its primary site of inquiry, the conference moves towards inter-continental geopolitical engagements without considering Indian regional/national and literary/cinematic questions in isolation. Apart from thematic and ideological associations with the trans-nation, it involves participants beyond the borders of the Indian nation (from Sri Lanka and Bangladesh), transforming itself into a discursive space where the conceptual apparatus meets with the narratives that inform and shape the former. Narratives from the margins will also significantly feature in the conference, with panels and plenaries on and from the Indian North-East. Moreover, a panel and a plenary will be devoted to Goa and its distinctive history of colonial and postcolonial politico-cultural engagements as manifested in indigenous literature and art.

Possible topics for presentation might be, but are not limited to, the following:
  • Transnationalism as Method
  • Comparative Cinema Studies and the transnational question
  • South Asia’s Cultural Engagement with the ‘West’
  • Cultural/Literary/Cinematic Migration within South Asia 
  • Idea of India and the Language Question
  • Linguistic Identity Politics in South and North-East India
  • North-East India and the Politics of Translation
  • South Korea’s Cultural Penetration into the Indian North-East
  • Goa’s legacy as an erstwhile Portuguese colony
  • Goa’s engagement with other Portuguese colonies (Brazil, Cape Verde, Mozambique)
  • Goa as a contact zone of culture
  • Histories of colonial, anti-colonial and postcolonial cultural negotiations in Goa
  • The Un-Indian Space/Region: Goa’s challenge to the Hindu Nation 
  • National and Transnational Cultures in South Indian Cinemas 
  • Regional Militancy in National (Popular) Cinema
  • Trans-Nation and Indian Modernity
  • Trans-Nation/Translation
  • Subtitling/Fan-Subbing/Dubbing/Remake as Cultural Translation
  • Internet Sharing in the Age of Post-Cinema
  • Formative Years of Film Industries and the Cultural and Literary Translation(s)
  • From Adaptation to Cultural Translation and Beyond
  • State and Non-State Actors in translation

Select conference proceedings will be published as a co-edited volume for the publication of which Oxford University Press (OUP) will be approached. 

We would like to invite abstracts for individual presentations and/or panels from Comparative and English literary studies/Cinema and Media studies/New Media studies/South Asian studies scholars. Interested speakers/presenters may mail a 250 word abstract along with a brief bio-note to

Registration and other Details

A registration fee of INR 3500 (for outstation participants) or INR 2500 (for local scholars) must be paid. This fee includes registration, conference kit, working lunch, tea and snacks for three days and participation certificate, but does not cover accommodation in Goa. Participants are supposed to find their own accommodation; conference committee can help with suggestions regarding places nearby though. We cannot offer bursary/travel grants as we expect the participants to be supported by their respective home institutions. 

Participants who are willing to attend the conference dinner hosted on the penultimate night need to pay INR 1000 additionally. 


Submission of abstracts: September 30, 2018

Notification of Acceptance: October 15, 2018

Completion of Registration: November 15, 2018 

Submission of full paper: November 30, 2018 

Plenary Speakers
Mariano Mestman (Universidad de Buenos Aires & CONICET, Argentina- TBC)
FakrulAlam (East West University, Bangladesh) 
KanchukaDharmasiri (University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka)
Supriya Chaudhuri (Jadavpur University)
M. Asaduddin (Jamia Millia Islamia- TBC) 
Ravi S. Vasudevan (CSDS, New Delhi) 
Moinak Biswas (Jadavpur University)
Kaushik Bhaumik (Jawaharlal Nehru University) 
GJV Prasad (Jawaharlal Nehru University) 
Asha Kuthari Chaudhuri (Gauhati University)   

Contact Details
Amitendu BhattacharyaAssistant Professor in English
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani
K. K. Birla Goa Campus
NH 17 B, ZuarinagarGoa, India. 403 726
Telephone: +91-832-2580296
Mobile: +91-8378841351

Saturday, December 2, 2017

International Conference on Advances in English Studies, Women Empowerment, Business, Humanities & Social Sciences- Dec 28 - 30 , 2017, Goa, India.

Welcome to International Conference Goa 2017

​The International Conference on Advances in English Studies, Women Empowerment, Business, Humanities & Social Sciences - 2017 is one of the largest conference in the Social Sciences community held in conjunction with the UGC Approved Arts & Education International Research Journal by International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation (IMRF), Center for Scientific Research Education (CSRE) and DRPF University Macedonia. 

This International Conference on Advances in English Studies, Women Empowerment, Business, Humanities & Social Sciences - 2017 is designed with Special Invited Research Lectures, Paper-Presentations and Poster Presentations and is honored by bringing UGC Approved Arts & Education International Research Journal Vol 4 Spl Issue with ISSN 2349-1353 with all Peer Reviewed Conference Accepted Papers intended to reflect the pioneering state of the Social Sciences Research. 

The Organizers will also arrange special events such as non-technical talks connected with promotion of research in Social Sciences as well as cultural events

Call for Papers 

Original research papers/posters from Post Graduate Students, Research Scholars, Academicians, Scientists etc., in the manifold fields of English Language etc., disciplines related to Life Sciences are invited for presentation at the Conference.

English Studies
  • Linguistics |Sociolinguistics |Discourse analysis |Language learning and teaching | Literature
  • American literature – including African American literature |Jewish American literature
  • Southern literature | Australian literature |British literature |Canadian literature | Irish literature
  • New Zealand literature |Scottish literature |Welsh literature |South African literature | Translations

Women Studies 
  • Feminist method |Gender studies |Gender mainstreaming |Gynocentrism |Kyriarchy |Matriarchy |Women's studies | Patriarchy |Écriture féminine | Leadership etc., and allied subjects

Business Sciences
  • Accounting |Actuarial science |Computer science | Economics |Finance |Information systems |Law
  • Marketing |Organizational psychology |Quantitative finance |Quantitative management | Banking and finance | Business |Business Ethics | E-commerce |Human Resources |Management etc., and allied fields

Social Sciences 
  • Anthropology |Archaeology |Criminology |Demography |Economics |Geography (human) |History International relations |Jurisprudence |Linguistics |Pedagogy |Political science |Psychology |Science education |Sociology | Public Administration |Journalism etc., and allied subjects.

Submission of Papers 
Participants intending to present papers before the Conference are requested to submit soft copy of the abstract if its is for oral presentation or poster presentation and full paper if interested in publication (neatly typed in MS word format with 1.5 line spacing 12 point Times New Roman font on A-4 size paper) incorporating the motivation, method of solution and important findings of their investigation to

Important Dates

  • Abstract/Full Paper Submission Lat Date 10/12/2017 
  • Acceptance Date Will be served in 2 to 3 working days from the date of receipt 
  • Registration Last Date 15/12/2017 

​Contact Us. ​
Carmel College for Women
Nuvem, Goa, India

To Talk. ​
+ 91 9618777011; + 91 9533421234.

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