
Showing posts with label Labor History / Studies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Labor History / Studies. Show all posts

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Call for Papers/Voices/Participation: Approaching Academia: A Conference on Class and Culture -2024


CLASS CON 2024 Call for Papers/Voices/Participation

March 15th and 16th, Bowling Green State University, Jerome Library (and online)

Inspired by Ray Browne, the founder of Popular Culture Studies at BGSU, this conference seeks to give “education a broader base and greater richness” through the exploration of why and how popular culture and class are interconnected. A scholar and teacher who saw popular culture as a tool to bring together the working-class students and the elitism of academia to create a new curriculum, Browne’s legacy of inclusion and effecting change is at the heart of this year’s Class Con.

As class studies are often niche, invisible, or non-existent within many cultural studies programs, we hope to draw attention to the discipline and the broader need for class consciousness. By understanding and breaking down the structures and systems that uphold our modern class structure, this conference aims to make meaningful change both in and outside of the academic ivory tower. Specifically, with this conference we hope to brainstorm, workshop, and develop a pedagogic approach to bringing class studies into the classroom while also giving a voice to the students most impacted by economic uncertainties.

As a public university for the public good, Bowling Green State University will host an academic conference that has the potential to create good for the public to whom we are committed. This conference aims to facilitate dialog surrounding the issues of class in American culture, both in traditional academic presentations as well as in workshops, discussions, and artistic representations (written, spoken, visual, performance, etc.).

The key areas of the conference include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Pedagogy and Class Studies

  • Class Representations in Popular Culture

  • Class Issues in Academia

  • Labor Unions in Contemporary Culture

  • Social Outreach and Activism

    Interested parties and individuals are encouraged to submit their proposals (abstract of about 500 words) by December 1st to No cost to submit. Free for both in-person and online attendance.

Deadline To Submit December 1st

Contact Information

John King, Bowling Green State University, School of Critical and Cultural Studies

Contact Email

Saturday, January 22, 2022

CFP:American Historical Association Panel, "Working for the State in Peace and War: Gender, Race, and Labor in the 20th Century, Philadelphia, Jan 2023

 Working for the State in Peace and War: Gender, Race, and Labor in the 20th Century-Philadelphia, Jan 2023

What can centering the experiences of workers for the state tell us about the growth of the state; the impact of war on societies; and relationships between citizen and state? Who did the often undervalued and unrecognized labor that enabled large military and civil efforts?

Our proposed panel for the 2023 American Historical Association Conference (Philadelphia, PA, January 5-8, 2023) will cohere around an intersectional consideration of gender and race among government and military employees in the long twentieth century.

Thus far, presentations include a consideration of working men in the British Army Army Service Corps between 1914 and 1918; a consideration of Solomon Islander workers and the battle of Guadalcanal; and a consideration of cleaning women at the US Treasury Department at the turn of the twentieth century. We seek another paper considering non-military laborers in the long twentieth century and a scholar who can act as commentator. We are open regarding geographic focus, but we do have a strong preference for a paper that is located in the twentieth century. If interested, please send an email introducing yourself and your research interests to Hannah Alms and Tommy Stephens at and by January 31.

Contact Info: 

Tommy Stephens and Hannah Alms and

Ph.D. Candidates, History Department

Indiana University

Contact Email: