
Friday, May 26, 2017

International Middle East Congress (Language, History and Literature)

International Middle East Congress (Language, History and Literature) 

30th to 31st October 2017 

Ankara, Turkey 
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 30th June 2017 

Call For Papers

The conference titled “International Middle East Congress: Language, History and Literature” will be held in Ankara between October 30-31, 2017 by the Eastern Languages and Literatures Department under the auspices of Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University. The aim of this congress is to tackle the Middle East region, which has been a location of interest and life for several states and peoples throughout history, in the context of language, history and literature. Numerous civilizations, faiths and languages at different times established control over Middle East, which is a strategic region that connects the three continents of Africa, Asia and Europe. In addition to its geostrategic importance, the presence of rich natural resources has turned the region into a zone of conflict between various elements.

Enduring one of the most chaotic periods in its history with intertwined ethnic, religious, cultural and sectarian wars and conflicts, Middle East is a region that needs to be scrutinized concerning its languages, history and literature. For this reason, we regard that it is an important contribution to the academic literature to bring together academics of these issues and to tackle and discuss the historical, literary, cultural, sociological and philological aspects of the topics that include Language and National Culture; Effects of War and Invasion on Language; Imperialism, Religion, Politics and Society; War and Literature; Women in Literature; Gender and Identity; Literary Genres in Modern Middle East; Arab Spring. All those interested in these issues and the Middle East are invited to contribute to the congress.

  • Language and national culture in the Middle East.
  • Language, structure, dialects, and interactions with other languages.
  • Imperialism, the effects of wars and occupations on language.


  •  Religion, politics and society.
  •  The Arab spring in the Middle East and its regional effects.
  •  Imperialism and cultural reform.
  •  Turkish – Middle East relations in the historical and cultural context.

  • Migrant literature
  • War and literature.
  • Women, gender and identity in literature.
  • Modern Middle East and literary movements.
  • Arab spring in the middle eastern literature.
  • Prominent literary personalities in the modern Middle East.

Key Dates

16 May 2017 :Aplications for the congress begins.

30 June 2017 :Last date to apply.

15 July 2017 :Accepted abstracts are declared.

15 Sept 2017 :Last date to send in full papers.

30-31 Oct 2017 :Congress Days

Contact for further inquiries concerning the congress:

e-mail address:

Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University - Eastern Languages and Literatures Department Landline: +90 312 906 1445

Research Assistant Abdulmuttalip Işıdan GSM: +90 505 694 9585
Research Assistant Güneş Muhip Özyurt GSM: +90 531 245 2624
