
Showing posts with label Call for Applications: Winter School in Oral History 2017. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Call for Applications: Winter School in Oral History 2017. Show all posts

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Call for Applications: Winter School in Oral History 2017, Bangalore.

Call For Applications:

The Centre for Public History, Bangalore announces the third Winter School on 'The Inner Life of Interviews: Oral history and Inter-subjectivity' to be held from November 1 to 10, 2017 in Bangalore. The Winter School, the first of its kind in India, began in 2013 with a focus on the role played by oral history in documenting social change. The last two editions of Winter School in Oral History were very successful.

This year's Winter School will explore the modes of meaning making within a life story interview, delving deeper into the positions of interviewer and interviewee and the relationships formed between them. The life story interview and the role of the interviewer have defined the field of oral history in significant ways and we seek to further examine the subjectivities that inform the practice. Some of the questions we seek to address are:

How is an oral history interview different from other forms of interviewing?

What shapes the dynamic between interviewer and interviewee? What are the ethical implications of engaging in such a practice? Have technological advancements blurred the boundaries between interviewer and interviewee?

This course will address these issues in a global context with examples from India and other South Asian countries, United States, and Italy.

The facilitators include eminent oral historians and practitioners like Alessandro Portelli (Italy), Martha Norkunas (USA), Anne Valk (USA), Indira Chowdhury (India), Nina Sabnani (India), and Deepa Dhanraj (India) among others who will present the latest research approaches through examples from their own work. The Winter School aims to have 20-25 participants who will have the opportunity to discuss their projects with the faculty.

The last date for the submission of applications is September 30, 2017.

To apply, fill in the Registration Form and email it to

Contact Info:

Center for Public History

Address: Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology (N5 campus), CA Site No. 21, 5th Phase, KHB Colony, Yelahanka New Town, Bangalore - 560064, India.
Phone: +91 80 49000836
Contact Email: