
Showing posts with label ICSSR Funded Workshop on Research Methodology in Social Sciences-21st - 30th March 2018. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ICSSR Funded Workshop on Research Methodology in Social Sciences-21st - 30th March 2018. Show all posts

Friday, February 9, 2018

ICSSR Funded Workshop on Research Methodology in Social Sciences-21st - 30th March 2018,Central University of Jharkhand

Call For Applications:

The Centre for Tribal Folklore, Language and Literature, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi,invites applications from M.Phil., Ph.D., and PDF scholars who are doing research on any topics and issues related to folklore for participation in a Ten-Day National Workshop on Research Methodology in Social Sciences to be held on 21st - 30th March 2018 at CUJ Campus (Ranchi).

This ten-day workshop on Research Methodology in Social Sciences is fully sponsored by IndianCouncil for Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi.

The Course Director of the workshop is Dr. M. Ramakrishnan, Asst. Prof., Centre for Tribal Folklore, Language and Literature, CUJ. (Ph: 09199140340 / 09444868577)

The Co-Course Director of the workshop is Dr. Rabindaranath Sarma, Head & Assoc. Prof.,Centre for Tribal Folklore, Language and Literature, CUJ. (Ph: 07549198583)

The preference will be given to the applicants belonging to the SC, ST, Minorities, Women, OBC, Other categories as per the instructions of the ICSSR.

There is no registration fee for the participants and the outstations participants will be provided free accommodation along with their travel allowance.

The venue of the programme is

 Centre for Tribal Folklore, Language and Literature, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi – 835205 (Jharkhand)

The duly filled in application along with the scanned copy of the documents must be sent to the Course Director on or before 23rd February 2018 by email only at

The date of notification of the selected candidates is 26th February 2018.

Application Forms can be downloaded from the University Website:

For more details


Centre for Tribal Folklore, Language

and Literature

Central University of Jharkhand
Brambe, Ranchi - 835205