
Showing posts with label International Conference On Performing the Political. Show all posts
Showing posts with label International Conference On Performing the Political. Show all posts

Saturday, March 3, 2018

International Conference On Performing the Political, Politicizing the Performance-27th to 30th March 2018, Bangalore University

Concept Note:
Theatre has always been political in nature. The birth of theatre, as stated in Natyashastra, when analysed sounds highly political in nature today. Similarly the secular arguments about birth of theatre that it is rituals/religion which are responsible for emergence of performance based theatrical genres, would also become political in the light of what the socialist thinker Rammanohar Lohia says "politics is short-term religion and religion is long-term politics". Thus the theatre has always been political in nature, though we would like to call it as a means of entertainment. Even the seemingly apolitical entertainment oriented theatre would be political in the sense that they would be peddling the dominant political discourse of the day. Overtly political theatre, which claims that theatre has to respond to the present political system to build a better political future, is also found all over the world. The world has also witnessed from wielding of censorship weapon on theatre, banning the theatre altogether to killing or incarcerating theatre personalities.   Anyone who has witnessed the theatre culture from close quarters would also vouch for the fact that it is highly political in nature.

This conference aims to put-together research around the issues of politics and theatre, politics of theatre, political theatre, ideology and theatre, theatre of politics, politics in theatre, questions of representation in theatre, politics of performance, performing politics etc.
Sub themes:
1. Street theatre
2. Translating politically
3. Politics of Individual plays
4. Politics of a Dramatist
5. Role of a theatre group in political transformations
6. Suppression of Theatre
7. Censoring theatre
8. Attack on artists, performance, and screening
9. Ideologies of theatre
10. Theatre movements and Political movements
11. Politics of entertainment
12. Political issues on stage
13. Performing the Political
14. Politicizing the performance

27th March 2018                        Inauguration and Staging of plays
28th March 2018                   Plenary Session and staging of a play
29th March 2018            Technical Sessions and staging of a play
30th March 2018                          Staging of plays and Valedictory

Important Dates and other details
Abstract and full papers shall be sent to on or before 15th March 2018.
Registration fee- General Conference          : Rs. 2000/-
Foreigners delegates                                                  : $ 75
Research Scholars                                          : Rs. 1000/-

DD shall be drawn in favour of Prof. Nagesh Bettakote, Conference Coordinator, Department of Performing Arts, Bangalore University, Bengaluru – 560056.

For details please contact:
Dr. Pavithra 9738450401
Mr.Jagadish 9845172822