
Showing posts with label Social Change and Activism: Then and Now: Interdisciplinary Conference March 22-24. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Change and Activism: Then and Now: Interdisciplinary Conference March 22-24. Show all posts

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Women, Social Change and Activism: Then and Now: Interdisciplinary Conference March 22-24, 2018

Christopher Newport University’s
College of Arts and Humanities
seeks abstracts for the forthcoming conference on the
Global Status of Women and Girls
to be held at CNU, March 22-24, 2018

We are pleased to announce that the theme for this year’s conference is:
Women, Social Change and Activism:
Then and Now

Call For Abstracts: 

This interdisciplinary conference seeks to use the tools of the arts, humanities, social sciences, and other fields to address challenges faced by women and girls around the world, both historically and today. We invite scholars from all academic disciplines to submit proposals that explore these topics and shed light on women’s efforts to affect social change.
Through the study of the past and present of local and global activism, the conference will engage researchers interested in the artistic, economic, educational, ethical, historical, literary, philosophical, political, psychological, religious, and social dimensions of women’s lives and resistance. 


Submissions from any academic discipline are welcome, including but not limited to art, history, philosophy, religious studies, sociology, psychology, chemistry, environmental science, medicine, biomedical ethics, economics, political science, gender studies, communication studies and literature. We also invite professionals in nonacademic settings to submit proposals.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Social Movements / Protest Movements
  • Global Feminism / Anti-Feminism / History of Feminism
  • Cultural Representations of Resistance
  • Art as Activism
  • Women’s Activism in the Arts and Media
  • Literary / Film Portrayals and Trends
  • Anti-Sexual Assault Activism
  • Activist Responses to Rape Culture
  • Cyber-Activism
  • Combating Daily Life Machismo and Gender Inequalities
  • Resistance to Femicides and Violence against Women
  • Anti-War Movements
  • Anti-colonialism / Postcolonial Approaches
  • Activism Regarding Economic Issues
  • Activism Regarding Religious Issues
  • Activism Regarding Educational Issues
  • Activism Regarding Poverty / Stratification
  • Activism Regarding Health Inequalities
  • Activism Regarding Body Issues
  • LGTBQ Activism
  • Social Justice and Social Change


Please submit a 350 to 500-word abstract on this topic by September 3, 2017. All submissions will be peer reviewed, and those accepted will be notified no later than October 3, 2017. Paper presentations will ideally be 15-20 minutes in length. 

Please contact Lori Underwood, Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities, at with any questions about the conference.

Please include with your abstract: your full name and your academic or professional affiliation and rank (graduate student, professor, artist, etc.).

All submissions will be peer reviewed, and those accepted will be notified no later than October 3rd, 2017. Paper presentations will ideally be 15-20 minutes in length. Please direct inquiries about the conference to

Contact Info: 
Rocio Gordon
Contact Email: