
Sunday, March 5, 2017

International Conference on "Social Sciences, Humanities and Education" (SSHE-2017) 

Paris, France

PARIS International Conference on "Social Sciences, Humanities and Education" (SSHE-2017) scheduled on April 27-28, 2017 at Paris (France) is for the scientists, scholars, profesionals and students from the Universities all around the world and the industry to present ongoing research activities, and hence to foster research relations between the Universities and the industry. The conference is organized under the patronage of La Rochelle Business School, France and University of Quebec , Montreal (Canada). In addition to the English as official Language in this conference we do have the FRENCH language as official language under Prof. Michel Plaisent, Full professor, University of Quebec, Montreal (Canada). So, the papers written in FRENCH language can also be submitted and will be published in conference proceedings.

This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. The conference is sponsored by Universal Researchers (UAE). All the submitted conference papers will be peer reviewed by the program/technical committees of the Conference. All accepted papers of the conference will be published in the printed conference proceedings with valid International ISBN number that will be registered at: London, UK.

The Proceedings of the Conference will be published by UR-CPS (Conference Publishing Services) and will be will be archived in UR's Management & Technology Digital Library. Each Paper will be assigned Digital Object Identifier(DOI) from CROSSREF. In addition the proceedings will be indexed at Google and Google Scholar and all major search engines.

Top Selected papers will be Published in the following Canadian Journal:
Journal of Global Management Research ISSN 1488-4569
Link: of Publisher: Canada
One Best Session Paper will be selected from each oral session. The Certificate for Session Best Papers will be awarded after each session of the conference
If anybody like to avail the Paris Open Bus Tour on April 28, 2017 Morning then please add Tour Ticket USD 40 with the fee and mention that in the registration form/email at:

The conference is organized under the patronage of La Rochelle Business School, France and University of Quebec, Montreal (Canada).
In addition to the English as official Language in this conference we do have the FRENCH language as official language under Prof. Michel Plaisent, Full professor, University of Quebec, Montreal (Canada). So, the papers written in FRENCH language can also be submitted and will be published in conference proceedings.
If you are interested to get your paper published in "Emerging Sources Citation Index (THOMSON REUTERS)" and "SCOPUS" Indexed journal then please specify at the time of paper submission, so that, the paper will be reviewed accordingly and additional fee will be charged for publication in SCOPUS Journal.
One Best Session Paper will be selected from each oral session. The Certificate for Session Best Papers will be awarded after each session of the conference


SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES - Anthropology- Art History- Arts- English- History- Information science- Interdisciplinary studies- Islamic Studies- Language- Linguistics- Literature- Local Government- Multidisciplinary Studies- Museums and heritage- Music- Occupational Science- Philosophy- Poetry- Politics- Psychology- Religious studies- Social Sciences- Sociology.

EDUCATION - Distance Education- E-learning- Higher Education- Lifelong Learning- Teaching and Learning.

INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES- Children and Youth- Communications and Media- Complex Systems- Conflict resolution- Creativity- Culture- Disaster Management- Discourse- Film studies- Gender studies- GLBT Studies- Globalization- HIV/AIDS- Human Rights- Identity- Leadership- Memory- Poverty- Public Policy- Sexuality and eroticism- Spirituality- Sport science- Sustainable development- Tourism- Urban studies- Violence.

REGIONAL STUDIES - African Language- African Literature- African Studies- American Studies- Asian Studies- Built Environment- Development Studies- European Studies- Health Disparity- Human Geography- Human Geography- Income Disparity- International Relations- Labour Economics- Liberal Arts education- Literacy Perspectives- Multiculturalism- Psychology Of Violence- Racial Equality- Racial Issues

SUBMISSION using Email:

Early Bird Conference Fee /Late Conference Fee
 Authors (Student)* 200 USD/ 250 USD
Authors (UR-UAE Member)* 200 USD /250 USD
Authors (Non Student)* 250 USD /275 USD
Coauthor 200 USD 250 USD
Listeners 200 USD 250 USD
Additional Paper(s)** 150 USD 150 USD
Extra Proceeding 50 USD 50 USD
Extra Page (s) 30 USD 
Per additional Page 30 USD per additional Page

One regular registration can cover a paper within 6 pages, including all figures, tables, and references
Please note that one full author registration fee is must for the publication of a paper and above fee are the fee of Single delegate. Only the registered delegate is allowed to attend the conference. In case, coauthor like to attend then the co-author has to pay the co-author fee and that needs to be informed in advance.
This is applicable when the same author registers for Multiple papers and the single conference kit will be provided in that case.
Please note that the Proof of payment of fees must accompany all registration forms through email. Your registration WILL NOT be confirmed until payment is credited/received. The participant has to bear all bank charges (Local/Foreign/Intermediate) associated with the transfer of money. In case of any query, please ask the conference secretary-- before making the payment

                                                                                                     Early Fees/ Late Fees
Deadline of Full Paper /Abstract/Poster Submission  March 13, 2017 /March 28, 2017
Notification of Acceptance                                                 March 20, 2017 /April 4, 2017
Author's Registration Deadline                                         March 27, 2017 /April 11, 2017
Final Paper Submission Deadline                                    March 27, 2017 /April 11, 2017
Conference Dates April 27-28, 2017

1. Electronic Submission System; ( .doc/.docx/.pdf formats) 
2. Email:
The template can be downloaded using the link:Conference Paper Template DOWNLOAD (.doc)
Prospective authors are kindly invited to submit full text papers including results, tables, figures and references. Full text papers (.docx, .doc, .pdf) will be accepted by Electronic Submission System. Any question, please contact: All submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical. Articles submitted to the Conference should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should follow the style of the Conference and are subject to both review and editing.

Payment Method
1. ONLINE payment
Please contact Conference Secretary through email for link of ONLINE payment using Credit Card/debit Card/Travel Card.
2. Pay by Bank Transfer
* The link for Credit Card payment and the Bank Information can be found in the registration form that will be provided by conference secretary through email

Ms. Emily Robert
Email: Phone: +44 7452 131713, +971 52 829 9493 (Can use LINE, Whatsapp, Viber)
Local Chair:
Dr. Lili ZHENG
La Rochelle Business School, France
Wilson Room
Canadian House of City universitaire de Paris
(Maison des Etudiants Canadiens)
31 Boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris, France
Phone: +33 1 40 78 67 00

Thursday, February 2, 2017

CFP: International Conference on English Literature and Linguistics
 November 27 - 28, 2017,Dubai

Call for Papers

The ICELL 2017 : 19th International Conference on English Literature and Linguistics is the premier interdisciplinary platform for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of English Literature and Linguistics. The conference will bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to: 

English Language and Literature:

Language acquisition and learning
Language Education
Intercultural Education
Language Program Evaluation
Innovation in language teaching and learning
Language Teacher Education (collaborations and practices)
Language Teaching Methodology
Language Curriculum Development
Language Testing and Assessment
Social, Cultural, and Political Contexts of Language Teacher Education
The role of language and communication in human cognition
Translation and Interpreting
Poetry and Prose (fictional and non-fictional)
Contemporary Literature
Comparative Literature
Media (television, drama, film and others)
Medieval and Renaissance Literature
Literature and Other Arts
Literature and History


Applied Linguistics
Theoretical Linguistics
Computational Linguistics
Comparative Linguistics
Contrastive Linguistics
Corpus Linguistics
Forensic Linguistics
Historical Linguistics
Linguistic statistics
Linguistic typology
Text Linguistics
Orthography, Pragmatics, Rhetoric, Stylistics and Semantics

Conference Aims and Objectives
The ICELL 2017: 19th International Conference on English Literature and Linguistics aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of English Literature and Linguistics. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of English Literature and Linguistics.

Call for Contributions
All honorable authors are kindly encouraged to contribute to and help shape the conference through submissions of their research abstracts, papers and e-posters. Also, high quality research contributions describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, or theoretical work in all areas of English Literature and Linguistics are cordially invited for presentation at the conference. The conference solicits contributions of abstracts, papers and e-posters that address themes and topics of the conference, including figures, tables and references of novel research materials.WASET
Conference Proceedings
All submitted conference papers will be blind peer reviewed by three competent reviewers. The post conference proceedings will be abstracted and indexed in the International Science Index , and submitted to be indexed in the Google Scholar, Scopus and Thomson Reuters. The conference abstracts and proceedings book, CD and certificate of presentation will be distributed to participants at the conference registration desk. 

Special Journal Issues
ICELL 2017 has teamed up with the Special Journal Issue on English Literature and Linguistics. A number of selected high-impact full text papers will also be considered for the special journal issues. All submitted papers will have the opportunity to be considered for this Special Journal Issue. The paper selection will be carried out during the peer review process as well as at the conference presentation stage. Submitted papers must not be under consideration by any other journal or publication. The final decision for paper selection will be made based on peer review reports by the Guest Editors and the Editor-in-Chief jointly. Selected full-text papers will be published online free of charge. 

Conference Sponsor and Exhibitor Opportunities
The Conference offers the opportunity to become a conference sponsor or exhibitor. To participate as a sponsor or exhibitor, please download and complete the Conference Sponsorship Request Form.

Important Dates
Abstracts/Full-Text Paper Submission Deadline February 24, 2017
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection March 24, 2017
Final Paper (Camera Ready) Submission & Early Bird Registration Deadline July 24, 2017
Conference Dates November 27 - 28, 2017

Important NotesPlease ensure your submission meets WASET's strict guidelines for accepting scholarly papers. Downloadable versions of the check list for Full-Text Papers and Abstract Papers

Please refer to the Paper Submission GUIDE before submitting your paper. 

Visit us :

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

International Conference on “Beyond the Ruin: Investigating the Fragment in English Studies”
Organised by the Hellenic Association for the Study of English (HASE)
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Department of English Language and Literature
23-25 November 2017

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
Apostolos Lampropoulos, Université Bordeaux-Montaigne
Carl Lavery, University of Glasgow.
Jyotsna Singh, Michigan State University.
Julian Wolfreys, University of Portsmouth.

Call for Papers

The ruin and the fragment have enduring, interconnected, yet also distinct legacies, as historical realities, material and/or aesthetic objects, and as categories of thought. The ruin predominantly recalls a classical or distant past, and is valued as a silent yet privileged ground for the reconstruction of the past. On the other hand, the fragment is primarily a conceptual category and a stylistic form, a metonymy of nostalgic wholeness, and a metaphor of and for a modernity that contemplates wholeness as irreversibly lost. In response to historical vicissitudes, the literary and the artistic imagination turned to the fragment in all its forms, as an expression of dislocation, fragmentation, and fragmentariness in modernity. In the wake of the ruin of representation in postmodernism, ruins and fragments may operate as tropes of relatedness and separation, discontinuity and destruction, uniqueness and multiplicity, open-endedness and incompleteness. Whether literal or metaphorical, ruins and fragments bear dualities that are continually recuperated and revisited as they speak of creation and destruction, recovery and silence, memory and forgetting, war and catastrophe, classicism and avant-gardism.

As divisions and conflicting notions about our past and our present are now tokens of our own despair; as quests to restore an illusory wholeness persist; as the tension between the timeless and the crumbling is becoming all the more manifest; as violence and uncertainty are all around us; as ruins make invisible vulnerability visible, this conference invites reflection on the histories, theorisations, and representations of fragments and ruins in Anglophone literatures and cultures.

Possible topics include, but are not restricted to, the following:

  • Reception, representations, and the significance of ruins through the ages
  • The dialectic between the ruin and the monument
  • Fragments and ruins in travel writing
  • The ruin as metaphor/metonymy
  • Fragments, ruins and incompleteness
  • The (un)timeliness of the ruin: silence, erasure, and memory
  • Ruins and melancholia
  • Fragmented states of consciousness
  • Colonial and postcolonial ruins and fragments
  • Cultural appropriation, recovery, and/or destruction of ruins
  • Narratives of destruction and catastrophe
  • Fragments, ruins as palimpsests
  • The ruin and/or fragment as spectacle
  • Morality, ethics, responsibility, solidarity vis-à-vis the ruin
  • The (un)ethics and the politics of material and cultural devastation
  • Terrorism as/and the creation of ruins
  • Textual fragmentation and contemporary literature
  • The fragment in new technologies and the media

The conference will be held at the Main Building of the University of Athens.

The deadline for the submission of proposals for individual 20-minute papers (200-250 words) and of proposals for panel sessions (no longer than 500 words) is March 31st, 2017.
Please send a short biographical note (circa 150 words) together with your proposal.
Prospective panel organisers should also send the panelists’ names, paper titles, and short bio notes for each panelist and their contact details.
Confirmation of acceptance: 30 April 2017.
Proposals should be sent to:

Conference Organisers:
Emmanouil Aretoulakis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens),
Anna Despotopoulou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens),
Stamatina Dimakopoulou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens),
Efterpi Mitsi (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens),

Conference Website:

Eleventh Global Studies Conference

The University of Granada
Granada, Spain 

29-30 July 2018


The Eleventh Global Studies Conference will be held at the University of Granada, Granada, Spain, 29-30 July 2018. We invite proposals for paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, virtual lightning talks, virtual posters, or colloquium addressing one of the following themes:

2018 SPECIAL FOCUS: Subjectivities of Globalization

Theme 1: Economy and Trade

On the economic dimensions of globalization.
  • Global markets in an era of neoliberalism
  • Free trade and fair trade
  • Transnational corporations
  • Megabusinesses, mircobusinesses and globalization
  • Patterns of global investment
  • Logics of accumulation
  • Engines of growth in the developing world
  • The international division of labor
  • Trade flows and current account balances
  • Global financial flows and institutions
  • Inequality – patterns and trends
  • Global Production Networks
  • Multi-National Corporations
  • Trade Agreements
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Money Laundering

Theme 2: Politics, Power, and Institutions

On the political dimensions of globalization.
  • Imperialism and neo-colonialism
  • ‘Soft power’ and the structures of hegemony
  • Neoliberal politics and policies
  • Global regulation and deregulation
  • Social movements
  • Flashpoints of social conflict
  • Welfare in a global context
  • International structures and institutions of governance
  • Global NGOs
  • Nations and sovereignty in the ‘New Globalization’
  • Drones
  • War Conflict
  • Arms
  • Terrorism and Political Violence
  • Social Movements
  • Governance and Reform
  • Democratic Practices and Human Rights

Theme 3: Society and Culture

On the socio-cultural dimensions of globalization.
  • Inequality
  • Poverty
  • Development and underdevelopment
  • Globalism as ideology
  • Nationalism and post-nationalism
  • Cultural imperialism and post-colonialism
  • Migrations
  • Diaspora
  • Cosmopolitanism and multiculturalism
  • Cultural Hybridization
  • Forced Migration (Refugees, Human Trafficking, Statelessness, Internally Displaced Persons)
  • Voluntary Migration (Migrant Workers, Labor Markets, Urbanization)
  • Big Data
  • Internet
  • Art, Architecture, and Literature
  • Transnational Crime
  • Sports

Theme 4: Resources and Environment

On the ecosystemic dimensions of globalization.
  • Resource access
  • Environments in a global context
  • Agriculture and food supply
  • Sustainability
  • Urbanism
  • Climate Change
  • Growth and its limits
  • Global Health
  • Global Environment
  • Resource Curse and Management


The next proposal deadline is 29 September 2018. We welcome the submission of presentation proposals at any time of the year up until 30 days before the start of the conference. All proposals will be reviewed within two to four weeks of submission.


The Global Studies Journal encourages the widest range of submissions and aims to foster the highest standards of intellectual excellence. Articles may be submitted by in-person and virtual participants as well as Research Network Members.

The Journal is indexed by:

-Academic Search Alumni Edition (EBSCO)
-Academic Search Elite (EBSCO)
-Academic Search Index (EBSCO)
-Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)
-Academic Search Complete (EBSCO)
-Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
-The Australian Research Council (ERA)


University of Granada

For more information and to submit a proposal visit:

Please forward this announcement to your colleagues and students who may be interested.

Web address:
Join us on Facebook:
Sponsored by: Global Studies / Common Ground Research Networks

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Institute of Advanced Studies in English
 FEBRUARY 03-05, 2017


The academic fraternity world over is preoccupied with various ways of understanding language, literature and culture. In addition to their interrelations and interdependence, the new ideas and approaches emerging from various disciplines like literary theory, philosophy, anthropology, linguistics, pragmatics and discourse analysis alongside technological revolution and socio-cultural transformations, have a bearing on our study of language and literature. The conference aims at exploring this dynamics with a focus on the complementary nature of language, literature and culture and their centrality in human life.

This year, we especially encourage papers that examine the intersection of digital technology and the Humanities. What are the new methodologies, theories, and sites of study that are emerging from this intersection? What kind of collaborations between the Humanities and Sciences must we envision for 21st century education and research? Papers that take up these and related issues should be submitted under the Digital Humanities, New Media Studies, and Future of Humanities Studies tracks.

Tracks for Discussion and Presentation

The ICLLC 2017 will address a range of important tracks including the following:

  • Language, Literature and Ideology
  • Culture, Communication and Identity
  • Cultural Studies
  • Postcolonial Literature and Theory
  • Diaspora Identities
  • Feminist and Gender studies
  • Language, Gender and power
  • Postmodernism
  • Ecocriticism
  • Pragmatics
  • Discourse Analysis
  • Contemporary Literature and Media
  • Science Fiction
  • Digital Humanities
  • New Media Studies
  • Film Studies
  • Future of Humanities Studies

Keynote Speech will be given by Bill Ashcroft, Australian Professorial Fellow, School of Arts and Media, UNSW, Sydney.
A Special Plenary on Digital Humanities will be given by Padmini Ray Murray.

Submission of Abstracts

Proposals (abstracts) can be submitted to as an attachment with 'Submission of Abstract' typed in the subject field. Proposals should include title, author's name/s, affiliation, contact email address and 150 word abstract of your paper. Approval/Acceptance of the proposal will be communicated in 5-6 working days.

Abstracts received till January 15, 2017 will be scheduled in the printed program. Late submissions will be adjusted on the site.

Publication of Conference Papers

Conference presenters may choose to submit their full papers for publication. All submitted papers will be peer reviewed, and accepted papers will be published in two stages:

1. Full articles received from registered participants by January 05, 2017, will be reviewed and published in the pre-conference issues of our refereed, international journals published at the Institute of Advanced Studies in English, Pune:Asian Journal of English Studies and Asian Quarterly: An International Journal of Contemoporary Issues (ISSN 2227-2606 and ISSN 2229-581X).
2. Full articles received after January 05, 2017, will be reviewed and published in the post-conference issues of these journals.

Authors need to observe the following guidelines for submission of articles for publication;
1. Soft copy should be submitted in Microsoft Word format using Times New Roman
2. Title: 15 words maximum, 14 pts centered
3. Abstracts: maximum 150 words, 10 pts. italics and aligned on both sides
4. References: please use MLA style for references
5. Maximum permitted length is 3000 words
6. Articles should be written as continuous expository narrative - not as lists of points or PowerPoint presentation
7. Please ensure that the article is thoroughly checked and proofread before submission
8. Please avoid using certain advanced word features like background or font colors, drawing objects, highlighting, embossing and other complex Word text formatting


The registration process will be open from July 01, 2016. Participants from outside India are advised to register at least three months in advance so that they get enough time for completing the formalities for getting Indian Visa. These participants are also requested to submit the following details along with registration: Name (Surname, Given Name and Father's Name), date and place of birth, nationality, passport number, date and place of issue, expiry date and registered address. These details will be submitted to the Indian Ministry of External affairs in order to facilitate issuing of visa.

Preferred mode of registration is to email, as an attachment, the completely filled in registration form and to use the money transfer facility. Our bank information is as follows:

Bank Account Name: Principal, Institute of Advanced Studies in English
Bank account Number: 20104462641
Bank Name and Branch: Bank of Maharashtra, Aundh Branch, Pune 411007 (India)
IFSC Code: MAHB0000118
Branch Code: 0118

Important: For easy identification of your payment when we receive it, please send a scanned copy of the bank transfer receipt to

We will send you confirmation as soon as we have received the official receipt from the bank. For international bank transfers it can take a few days for the remittance to be received.

However, in case the above procedure cannot be followed, completely filled in registration form along with a Bank Draft (drawn in favor of Institute of Advanced Studies in English, Pune) for the registration fee may be sent to the following address;

Institute of Advanced Studies in English
Sankalp Park, New D P Road
Aundh, Pune 411067 (India)

Registration Fee

Rs. 5000/- for Indian and US $ 180 for International Participants
For students: Rs. 3500/- for Indian and US $ 120 for International Participants

Registration fee covers the conference kit that includes printed material, scribbling pad and a pen, tea/coffee on the first day and lunch and tea/coffee for the next two days.

Participants who need printed and scanned copies of invitation letter/ confirmation of registration for visa should send registration details to with 'Request for Invitation Letter/Confirmation of Registration' typed in the subject field.

Registration Form
ICLLC 2017
1. Name of Participant: .....................................................................................

Nationality ........................................

2. Affiliation/Institute: ......................................................................................

3. Address as per Passport: ...............................................................................

4. Contact Details; Cell: .................................. E-mail: ....................................

5. Registration Fee of Rs./ US $ ................. paid by
(a) Demand Draft drawn in favor of Institute of Advanced Studies in English, Pune

No........................ Date ..................... Bank .................................................

(b) transferred to the bank account on ...../...../ 2016/17 (bank transfer receipt enclosed)

6. Are you making a presentation?: yes/ no

7. Do you require assistance for accommodation?: yes/ no

8. Signature ................................... Date : .......................

Please copy, fill-in and email this form to or print and send by post along with Demand Draft at the following address;

Institute of advanced Studies in English
Sankalp Park, New D P Road
Aundh, Pune 411067


The conference will be held at the MDC, YASHADA located approximately 500 mtrs from Pune University Main Gate, on Baner Road, Aundh, Pune 411007. MDC is a premier state-of-the-art conference center in central part of Pune city. The auditorium, conference rooms, guest rooms and dining hall are air-conditioned, comfortable and equipped with computers, LCD and sound system.


The organizers will not provide accommodation. There are all types of hotels (budget to seven star) in the city of Pune and the participants are advised to book accommodation at their own descretion. Google search will privide you innumerable options. Here are the contact details of some hotels close to the venue:

1. Hotel sahara (1.5 kms from the conference venue)
Senapati Bapat Road, Near Chatushrungi Temple, Pune 411016
Cell: 09822033345; Landline: +91-20-25655405/06
2. Bhairavee Exclusive Residency (2.5 kms from the conference venue)
Varsha Park, Baner Road, Pune 411045
Cell:09850209199; Landline: +91-20-27293999/27293613
3. Hotel Swaroop (3.5 kms from the conference venue, closer to the center of the city)
Prabhat Road, Lane No 10, Pune 411004
Cell: 09422830745; Landline: +91-20-25672662/3/4
4. Hotel Deccan Park (4 kms from the conference venue)
Near British Library, Fergusson College Road, Pune 411004
E-mail: Landline Numbers: +91-20-25656511/65808089

The tariff of these hotels is moderate and works out cheaper if there are two occupants. All the four hotels are located in good localities and with all the normal facilities. Participants are advised to book at their own discretion. A limited number of beds (in two/three-bed rooms) are available in Gokhale Institute Guest House. We recommend this facility, especially for student participants. The contact details are as follows:

Contact Person:
Dr Prabhash N Rath, Officer on Special Duty,
Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, BMCC Road, Pune 411004.
E-mail: /
Landline: +91-20-25650287/25678311

International Film Studies and Cinematic Arts Conference-CINECRI '17 / IV. 

12th to 13th May 2017

Istanbul, Turkey

LILA '17 / IV. International Linguistics and Language Studies Conference will be held at Nippon Meeting Halls in Istanbul. The conference is coordinated by DAKAM (Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center) and will be organized by BILSAS (Science, Art, Sport Productions). Since 2014, more than hundred presentations by scholars from different places of the world has been hosted by DAKAM's LILA Conferences and three proceedings books have been published.

All abstracts are going to be selected according to double blind reviews and accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings E-Book with an ISBN number that will be given to you in a DVD box during conference registration.

We invite you to join us at the event in Istanbul and would like to emphasize that proposals from different parts of the world are welcomed.


Phonetics and Phonology





History of Linguistics

Historical Linguistics and Language Change

Language Acquisition





Evolution of Language

Language Development

Cognitive Studies of Language

Anthropological Linguistics/Linguistic Anthropology

Language Documentation and Endangered Languages

Sign Languages

Language and Philosophy/ Philosophy of Language

Text and Discourse Analysis

Computational Linguistics

Mathematical Models

Machine Translation and Multilingual Processing

Translation Studies


Quantitative Linguistics

Corpus Studies

Language Education


Abstract submission:  MARCH 31, 2017

Registration:  MAY 27, 2017

Full papers submission: JUNE 2, 2017

Venue: NIPPON Meeting Halls in Istanbul


Call For Papers: What’s Left? Marxism, Literature and Culture in the 21st Century
 University of Lincoln, United Kingdom
  Deadline: 20 March, 2017

The crisis and collapse of Marxism as the dominant paradigm of left intellectual thought undoubtedly remains one of the most seismic shifts in the ideological history of the late twentieth century. With the collapse of actually existing socialism in the Soviet Union, the pressure of postmodern concepts, and the rise of new social protest movements in the spheres of race, gender, and sexual orientation, Marxism came to appear the ‘signifier par excellence of theoretical hubris, redundancy and error’ (Pendakis and Szeman, 2014). In the twenty-first century however, precipitated by the succession of economic and ecological crisis scenarios, Marxist criticism has experienced a critical resurgence. Alongside soaring sales of Volume 1 of Capital, Fredric Jameson, David Harvey, and Alex Callinicos have provided new formal readings of Marx’s seemingly ‘inexhaustible’ text (Jameson, 2011). 

In contemporary literary study, Emily Johansen and Alissa G. Karl have distinguished a subset of fictions termed the ‘neoliberal novel’ which, in its focus on time, temporality, and zero-hour work practices, is ‘particularly attuned to the economic rationalities of its time’ (Johansen and Karl, 2015). Mark Fisher’s Capitalist Realism (2009) and John Holloway's Crack Capitalism (2010) have sought out more viable projects of critique by exposing capitalism’s false closures and fault lines. In gender theory Nina Power has read female emancipation outside the ideological climate of consumerism where female desire is routinely rendered as an ‘apparent abdication of any systematic political thought’, while in sociology Frédéric Lordon has affirmed the need for ‘a structuralism of relations and an anthropology of passions’ to properly understand class domination, and our willingness to work for others.

Largely moving away from the post-structuralist concerns of identity, difference, representation, and language, the ‘economic turn’ in contemporary thought has reintroduced a host of ‘real-world’ materialisms, and a new receptivity to theories of gender, ecology, and revolution. Accompanying the apparent epistemological exhaustion of post-structuralist approaches, it remains the task of a Marxist criticism to draw practical conclusions about its current intellectual and political mission. Following on from the success of the conference What’s Left? Marxism, Literature and Culture in the Twenty-first Century, held at the University of Lincoln in July 2016, submissions for a special issue journal are invited. 

Topics for submission may include, but are not limited to:

Science-fiction and Utopia
• (Post) Apocalypse/Dystopia
• ‘Unhappy marriages’ & Queer Unions (Marxism/ Feminism/ Psychoanalysis/ Queer theory
• Marxism and contemporary film 
• Protests, Political Movements, Manifestos
• Literature as praxis and theory
• Marxism and pulp forms – comics, graphic novels, marginal forms 
• Dialectics and totality
• Marxism, ecology, and the Anthropocene

Please send abstracts (500 words max) to Andrew Rowcroft ( by 20th March 2017 (please note, this deadline has BEEN EXTENDED). Final articles of 7,000-8,000 words, including references and bibliography, will be due by 1st July 2017.

Contact Info: 
Andrew Rowcroft
University of Lincoln
Brayford Pool
United Kingdom
Contact Email: