
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Institute of Advanced Studies in English
 FEBRUARY 03-05, 2017


The academic fraternity world over is preoccupied with various ways of understanding language, literature and culture. In addition to their interrelations and interdependence, the new ideas and approaches emerging from various disciplines like literary theory, philosophy, anthropology, linguistics, pragmatics and discourse analysis alongside technological revolution and socio-cultural transformations, have a bearing on our study of language and literature. The conference aims at exploring this dynamics with a focus on the complementary nature of language, literature and culture and their centrality in human life.

This year, we especially encourage papers that examine the intersection of digital technology and the Humanities. What are the new methodologies, theories, and sites of study that are emerging from this intersection? What kind of collaborations between the Humanities and Sciences must we envision for 21st century education and research? Papers that take up these and related issues should be submitted under the Digital Humanities, New Media Studies, and Future of Humanities Studies tracks.

Tracks for Discussion and Presentation

The ICLLC 2017 will address a range of important tracks including the following:

  • Language, Literature and Ideology
  • Culture, Communication and Identity
  • Cultural Studies
  • Postcolonial Literature and Theory
  • Diaspora Identities
  • Feminist and Gender studies
  • Language, Gender and power
  • Postmodernism
  • Ecocriticism
  • Pragmatics
  • Discourse Analysis
  • Contemporary Literature and Media
  • Science Fiction
  • Digital Humanities
  • New Media Studies
  • Film Studies
  • Future of Humanities Studies

Keynote Speech will be given by Bill Ashcroft, Australian Professorial Fellow, School of Arts and Media, UNSW, Sydney.
A Special Plenary on Digital Humanities will be given by Padmini Ray Murray.

Submission of Abstracts

Proposals (abstracts) can be submitted to as an attachment with 'Submission of Abstract' typed in the subject field. Proposals should include title, author's name/s, affiliation, contact email address and 150 word abstract of your paper. Approval/Acceptance of the proposal will be communicated in 5-6 working days.

Abstracts received till January 15, 2017 will be scheduled in the printed program. Late submissions will be adjusted on the site.

Publication of Conference Papers

Conference presenters may choose to submit their full papers for publication. All submitted papers will be peer reviewed, and accepted papers will be published in two stages:

1. Full articles received from registered participants by January 05, 2017, will be reviewed and published in the pre-conference issues of our refereed, international journals published at the Institute of Advanced Studies in English, Pune:Asian Journal of English Studies and Asian Quarterly: An International Journal of Contemoporary Issues (ISSN 2227-2606 and ISSN 2229-581X).
2. Full articles received after January 05, 2017, will be reviewed and published in the post-conference issues of these journals.

Authors need to observe the following guidelines for submission of articles for publication;
1. Soft copy should be submitted in Microsoft Word format using Times New Roman
2. Title: 15 words maximum, 14 pts centered
3. Abstracts: maximum 150 words, 10 pts. italics and aligned on both sides
4. References: please use MLA style for references
5. Maximum permitted length is 3000 words
6. Articles should be written as continuous expository narrative - not as lists of points or PowerPoint presentation
7. Please ensure that the article is thoroughly checked and proofread before submission
8. Please avoid using certain advanced word features like background or font colors, drawing objects, highlighting, embossing and other complex Word text formatting


The registration process will be open from July 01, 2016. Participants from outside India are advised to register at least three months in advance so that they get enough time for completing the formalities for getting Indian Visa. These participants are also requested to submit the following details along with registration: Name (Surname, Given Name and Father's Name), date and place of birth, nationality, passport number, date and place of issue, expiry date and registered address. These details will be submitted to the Indian Ministry of External affairs in order to facilitate issuing of visa.

Preferred mode of registration is to email, as an attachment, the completely filled in registration form and to use the money transfer facility. Our bank information is as follows:

Bank Account Name: Principal, Institute of Advanced Studies in English
Bank account Number: 20104462641
Bank Name and Branch: Bank of Maharashtra, Aundh Branch, Pune 411007 (India)
IFSC Code: MAHB0000118
Branch Code: 0118

Important: For easy identification of your payment when we receive it, please send a scanned copy of the bank transfer receipt to

We will send you confirmation as soon as we have received the official receipt from the bank. For international bank transfers it can take a few days for the remittance to be received.

However, in case the above procedure cannot be followed, completely filled in registration form along with a Bank Draft (drawn in favor of Institute of Advanced Studies in English, Pune) for the registration fee may be sent to the following address;

Institute of Advanced Studies in English
Sankalp Park, New D P Road
Aundh, Pune 411067 (India)

Registration Fee

Rs. 5000/- for Indian and US $ 180 for International Participants
For students: Rs. 3500/- for Indian and US $ 120 for International Participants

Registration fee covers the conference kit that includes printed material, scribbling pad and a pen, tea/coffee on the first day and lunch and tea/coffee for the next two days.

Participants who need printed and scanned copies of invitation letter/ confirmation of registration for visa should send registration details to with 'Request for Invitation Letter/Confirmation of Registration' typed in the subject field.

Registration Form
ICLLC 2017
1. Name of Participant: .....................................................................................

Nationality ........................................

2. Affiliation/Institute: ......................................................................................

3. Address as per Passport: ...............................................................................

4. Contact Details; Cell: .................................. E-mail: ....................................

5. Registration Fee of Rs./ US $ ................. paid by
(a) Demand Draft drawn in favor of Institute of Advanced Studies in English, Pune

No........................ Date ..................... Bank .................................................

(b) transferred to the bank account on ...../...../ 2016/17 (bank transfer receipt enclosed)

6. Are you making a presentation?: yes/ no

7. Do you require assistance for accommodation?: yes/ no

8. Signature ................................... Date : .......................

Please copy, fill-in and email this form to or print and send by post along with Demand Draft at the following address;

Institute of advanced Studies in English
Sankalp Park, New D P Road
Aundh, Pune 411067


The conference will be held at the MDC, YASHADA located approximately 500 mtrs from Pune University Main Gate, on Baner Road, Aundh, Pune 411007. MDC is a premier state-of-the-art conference center in central part of Pune city. The auditorium, conference rooms, guest rooms and dining hall are air-conditioned, comfortable and equipped with computers, LCD and sound system.


The organizers will not provide accommodation. There are all types of hotels (budget to seven star) in the city of Pune and the participants are advised to book accommodation at their own descretion. Google search will privide you innumerable options. Here are the contact details of some hotels close to the venue:

1. Hotel sahara (1.5 kms from the conference venue)
Senapati Bapat Road, Near Chatushrungi Temple, Pune 411016
Cell: 09822033345; Landline: +91-20-25655405/06
2. Bhairavee Exclusive Residency (2.5 kms from the conference venue)
Varsha Park, Baner Road, Pune 411045
Cell:09850209199; Landline: +91-20-27293999/27293613
3. Hotel Swaroop (3.5 kms from the conference venue, closer to the center of the city)
Prabhat Road, Lane No 10, Pune 411004
Cell: 09422830745; Landline: +91-20-25672662/3/4
4. Hotel Deccan Park (4 kms from the conference venue)
Near British Library, Fergusson College Road, Pune 411004
E-mail: Landline Numbers: +91-20-25656511/65808089

The tariff of these hotels is moderate and works out cheaper if there are two occupants. All the four hotels are located in good localities and with all the normal facilities. Participants are advised to book at their own discretion. A limited number of beds (in two/three-bed rooms) are available in Gokhale Institute Guest House. We recommend this facility, especially for student participants. The contact details are as follows:

Contact Person:
Dr Prabhash N Rath, Officer on Special Duty,
Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, BMCC Road, Pune 411004.
E-mail: /
Landline: +91-20-25650287/25678311