
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

 National Seminar
“Mass Media and Modern Indian Culture”
24th and 25th February, 2017

Organized by
UGC-sponsored -Department of English and Publication Committee,
North Lakhimpur College (Autonomous)
Khelmati, North Lakhimpur, Assam, in collaboration with North Lakhimpur Press Club.

There are a number of examples of mass media being financed and controlled by individual private enterprises or political parties. Because of the sheer amount of money filtered to these institutions by this affluent class with vested interest, they create programmes to suit their political motives and design their presentations in a way that catches the public eye. It is observed that these mass media institutions become subservient either to the propaganda of a particular political party or to the selfish motives of an influential individual/ individuals instead of catering to the idea of common good. As a corollary, the welfare of the many gets blurred by the profits of a few. Hopefully, this seminar will be effective in highlighting the ways in which the various sections of the society can contribute to change this status quo. The following issues will be specifically discussed in the seminar—

Themes of the Seminar:

-The role of mass media in the growth of civilization
-The impact of mass media on Indian culture
-Sociopolitical responsibility of mass media.
-Objectivity in mass media
-Political interest in mass media
-Competition in mass media and its impact
-The social and ethical responsibility of a journalist
-Post-Truth Politics and Social Media
-or any other related issue

Proposals / Papers submission:
Proposals for presentations, workshops and poster presentations in English, Hindi, and Assamese dealing with the sub-themes of the seminar mentioned in the post as well as any other related aspects are invited. The abstract should be about 300 words and 

please send it to

 The abstract in English may be prepared using MS-Word according to the following format:
Title of the paper : Bold – in the title format, Times New Roman Font-14.
Name of the author(s) : In Capital letters, Times New Roman Font - 12.
Address : Full address with email id and phone number should be given.

The abstracts in Hindi and Assamese may be prepared using similar fonts in Adobe Pagemaker.Abstracts will be published in the Seminar proceedings. Selected full papers are likely to be published with ISBN number separately. 

Last date of submission of abstract: 15-02-2017. 

Last date of submission of full paper: 20-02-2017. 

The full papers within 3000 words should be sent to .
-Dr. Sarat Kr. Doley
Dr. Arabinda Rajkhowa