
Thursday, June 29, 2017

Senior and Junior Fellowships at Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg for Social Sciences & Humanities, Germany

Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (Institute for Advanced Study), Delmenhorst, Germany - Senior and Junior Fellowships

Call For Applications:

The Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK) in Delmenhorst, Germany is an Institute for Advanced Study in the Northwest of Germany. It offers outstanding scholars the opportunity to focus on research without the distraction of everyday routines in academia, to interact with colleagues from other disciplines, and to benefit from the wide range of academic traditions represented at the institute. The HWK awards Fellowships to highly qualified scholars of all career levels, from postdoctoral researchers to senior scientists.

The HWK is pleased to announce its annual call for applications for senior and junior fellowships in the research areas BRAIN, EARTH, ENERGY and SOCIETY. Excellent researchers with a Ph.D. from all disciplines (not only social sciences and humanities) and from all parts of the world are welcome to apply; we also accept applications involving experimental and lab research.

Fellowship duration ranges from 3 - 10 months. 

Residence at HWK is obligatory. 

Financial conditions are to be negotiated on an individual basis.

Detailed information on fellowship terms and on the application procedure is available at:

Please download and read our guide on how to apply and financial conditions carefully and contact the head of your respective program, if you have further questions.

The deadline is July 15, 2017, late applications cannot be considered.

Contact Info:
Research Managers:
Dr. Dorothe Poggel +49 (0) 4221 9160-109

Dr. Doris Meyerdierks +49 (0) 4221 9160-104

Wolfgang Stenzel +49 (0) 4221 9160-103

Dr. Susanne Fuchs +49 (0) 4221 9160-123