
Showing posts with label 10th–Sunday 11th February 2018. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 10th–Sunday 11th February 2018. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Funded UK - US Early Career Research Collaboration Workshop,10th–Sunday 11th February 2018, USA

Saturday 10th–Sunday 11th February 2018
136 Irving Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

Call For Applications:

The British Academy, in collaboration with the American Academy of Arts & Sciences and the American Philosophical Society, is inviting applications for early career researchers in the humanities and social sciences to attend a research collaboration workshop on the broad theme of violence. The workshop format will enable the exchange of ideas across disciplinary as well as national boundaries with the aim to help create and build exchange, cooperation and partnership between the researchers attending in the short- and long-term.

Purpose and Focus
Violence is a near ever-present reality for much of humanity, but there are significant limits to how narratives and experiences of violence are understood in the public imagination and policy process. This workshop will investigate how violence is defined and conceptualised by fostering an interdisciplinary discussion of some key themes related to our understanding of violence, and considering the implications for research and policy engagement.

Some seed funding will be made available at the end of the workshop to support collaborations between UK and US scholars on a competitive basis for research proposals formulated by participants, which will be presented in a group session on the final afternoon of the workshop. This funding is only one of the ways in which the Academy will provide mechanisms for participants to continue the conversations and research ideas developed through the workshop and of course the participants will be welcome to discuss and collaborate outside any Academy support.

The Workshop
The workshop will take place in Boston from 10th–11th February 2018. The British Academy will meet the costs for travel, accommodation and subsistence for all participants over the course of the workshop. 

Application Process
Applicants should provide a CV which should not exceed two sides of paper. Applicants are also asked to provide a justification (not exceeding two sides of paper) explaining:

  • Why they are interested in violence based on their research and/or teaching areas;
  • What disciplinary and interdisciplinary skills and/or experience they would contribute to the workshop; and,
  • How the workshop could help to develop their own research and career development.

Applications should be sent to no later than 5pm (GMT) on Wednesday 6 December.

Contact Info: 
Christina Moorhouse
Contact Email: