
Showing posts with label 2018 Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous). Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2018 Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous). Show all posts

Sunday, October 29, 2017

National Conference on "Empires Writing Back: Aboriginal and Regional Literatures across Continents and Cultures"23rd January, 2018 Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru

Conference Concept:

CALIBAN: You taught me language, and my profit on 't
Is, I know how to curse. The red plague rid you
For learning me your language! (The Tempest Act I, Sc. 2.)

The response of Caliban to Prospero in Shakespeare’s The Tempest is an epitome of the colonised lashing back to their colonisers. This wave of writing back resulted from the questioning of the indigenous people regarding their (mis)-representations or exclusions from all sorts of narratives written by the colonisers and also for being rendered as the “Other” in one’s homeland. Writing has inevitably been regarded as a mark of superiority and to re-view and re-write one’s position in history, indigenous/ aboriginal people want to tell their version of the stories, in their own way with a purpose of their own. In the light of colonization the spotlight would also fall on the colonization that can arise between human relationships and the hegemonic repercussions it can have on individuals and their concept of self, paving the way for a particular niche in subaltern literature. This conference seeks to look into those native writings across continents and cultures full of richness and diversity. We welcome original, unpublished research papers related to aboriginal and regional literatures across continents and cultures. 

The conference directorate invites papers related to the broad theme “Empires Writing Back: Aboriginal and Regional Literatures across Continents and Cultures” and the following sub-themes:

ϖ Aboriginal autobiographies
ϖ Literary landscapes as portrayed in aboriginal or regional literature
ϖ Aboriginal and regional literatures in comparison
ϖ Race, Gender, Ethnicity
ϖ Languages and cultural heritage
ϖ Folk literature / Tribal literature
ϖ Cultural identity
ϖ Gothic tradition in aboriginal writings
ϖ Diasporic Literature
ϖ Multiculturalism
ϖ Regional writing in India / Aboriginal writing in Africa, Australia

Guidelines for paper submissions
 Standard A4 size paper with 1.5 margins on all sides
Double spacing throughout
Scripts should be in MS Word (2003-2007) – Times New Roman,  Font size 12
Title page: full name of the author(s), designation, affiliation and title of the paper, e-mail id, contact number
All submissions should follow the latest edition of MLA stylesheet for documentation (8th edition)
Abstracts must not exceed 300 words
Full papers must be within 2,500 - 4,000 words
Soft copy of the abstract and full paper may be sent as an e-mail attachment to:

Selected papers will be peer reviewed and published in an UGC Indexed journal as conference proceeding.

Important dates:
Submission of abstracts: 15th November, 2017
Notification of Acceptance: 25th November, 2017
Submission of full papers: 15th December, 2017

For any other queries please mail to: