
Showing posts with label 2019.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2019.. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

CFP: Issues in Diversity and Difference for Inclusive Education-Panjab University. December 02– 07, 2019.

Issues in Diversity and Difference for
Inclusive Education

December 02– 07, 2019.
Punjab University.

The uniqueness of India lies in its diversity. It is revealed through language, religion, caste, gender, community, social group, economic status, literacy level, ability levels, levels of health, professions and geographical terrain. This diversity brings many differences among people and their level of aspirations which pose challenge for democracy. This course will deal with issues in the theory and practice of education in diverse societies. Theory explains relationships – between knowledge and power, education and society, the educational performance of students/ their life chances and their cultural differences. Practice shows how the process of schooling signifies and represents the relationship. Theory and practice reveal the politics of difference because schooling involves the relationship between cultural visions and differential power. Traditionally, the world view of the dominant group has been taken to be legitimate knowledge and as representing the situation of all citizens. The very consciousness, history, and experiences resulting from differences – in terms of gender, religion, ethnicity, language, class and caste – are not only ignored as knowledge, but demeaned as inferior or inappropriate in comparison to the legitimized
traditional knowledge transmitted through education. Conventional knowledge portrays a particular world or paradigm and epistemology. 

The theoretical challenge to traditional knowledge and meaning in the social sciences by post-modern, postcolonial theories, and the progressive trend in education to include the history, lived experiences, and consciousness of those who are different from the traditionally dominant group represents a paradigm shift. Human rights and social justice issues, sustainable development and peace education are increasingly important. The course will discuss the significance and implications of this paradigm shift as it relates to education. 

It will attempt to narrow the gap between the dramatic theoretical developments in the social sciences, and concept of inclusive education. In sketching the ground for such a project, this course will explore how conceptions of ‘difference’ and ‘knowledge’ converge, and suggest a restructured vision of inclusive education as an important site for cultural transformation.

Module A: Diversity and Differences in Indian Society
Module B:Inclusive Education and Social Justice
December 02– 07, 2019
Number of participants for the course will be limited to fifty.
You Should Attend If… 
o Academic Leaders and Faculty in University, colleges
o School teachers and Educational Managers
o Research Scholars in the field of Social Sciences, Education, Law, Human Rights
o Faculty and students in Research Institutions engaged in research in related fields

Fees The participation fees for taking the course is as follows:
Participants from abroad : US $300
Industry/Research Organization: Rs 5000
Academic Institutions: Rs 2500
The above fee includes all instructional materials and assignments, laboratory equipment usage charges, 24 hr free internet facility. The participants will be provided with accommodation on payment basis.

Visiting Faculty
 Prof. Ratna Ghosh is Distinguished James McGill Professor and William C. Macdonald Professor of Education at McGill University, Canada, where she was Dean of Education. Her many publications and her prestigious research grants and teaching,
reflect her varied research interests in comparative and international development education: especially on inclusive education and social justice issues. She has received several awards from national and international organizations and was featured in TimeMagazine, Canadian Edition (2003), in an article on “Canada’s Best in Education”. She has held important leadership positions which include President of the Comparative and International Education Society of the US, and President of the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute. She sits on the editorial board of several international journals and was on the Board of the  Canadian Human Rights Foundation. A Fellow of Canada’s National AcademyThe Royal Society of Canada, she is also a Fellow of TWAS, The World Academy of Sciences - for the advancement of science in developing countries, and a Full Member of the European Academy of Arts, Letters and Sciences. She was decorated as a Member of the Order of Canada (CM),an Officier, L’ Ordre national du Québec (OQ) and Officer of the Order of Montreal. 

Prof Nandita Singh is a post graduate in Chemistry and Education. After completing Doctorate in Value Education on University fellowship she devoted 30 years to teaching, research and extension activities. During this time she headed the department and contributed to the reforms taking place in teacher education by participating in National committees and commissions. As coordinator of Centre for Swami Vivekananda Studies she organized special self development courses for faculty, research scholars and students across disciplines. She also headed the Institute of Educational Technology and vocational education and served as Dean Students welfare in Panjab University. Currently she is holding the position of Dean International Students. Her interest in human rights and children rights is reflected through her writings and the researches she guided. 

Dr. Latika Sharma is Professor and Chairperson in Department of Education Panjab University Chandigarh. Her PhD is in Adult, Continuing education and Extension through universities. She has guided research in psycho social correlates of education, innovative methods of teaching and teacher education. Twelve scholars supervised by her have been awarded PhD degree. She has been invited to national bodies like NCTE, NIEPA, MGNCRE for contributing in development of curriculum..

Course Co-ordinators
Prof. Nandita Singh
Phone: 00919815913327
Prof. Latika Sharma
Phone: 9988171707