
Showing posts with label 20th Feb-01st March 2018. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 20th Feb-01st March 2018. Show all posts

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Funded ICSSR sponsored National Workshop on Research Methodology,20th Feb-01st March 2018, CSSRM,Ambedkar University Delhi

Aims and Objectives

The workshop aims to dwell into a set of theoretical perspectives that inspire ethnographic and qualitative research, engage with the set of sensibilities and values that underlie research in these traditions and in acquiring a collection of skills such as rapport building, knowledge on specific data collection methods, maintaining data/notes in different forms, analysing the data and writing.

The objectives of the workshop are:
(1) To make participants gain an understanding of the current theoretical basis that underlie qualitative research and ethnography
(2) To equip the participants with knowledge and skill of using one or more qualitative methods including ethnography
(3) To build the capacity of participants to analyse qualitative data, and
(4) To facilitate the participants to learn different forms of writing that involves qualitative research.

Course Contents

Theoretical basis of qualitative research
Data collection methods in qualitative research
Rigour in qualitative research and ethnography
Analysis in qualitative research
Using Atlas-Ti for analysis of qualitative data
Writing Qualitative Research

Course Transaction
A combination of lecture, interaction, self-study, out-door exercise, demonstration and in-class hands-on exercises.

Eligibility Criteria
Current MPhil and PhD research scholars registered in a social science discipline/area of study. Preference will be given to applicants registered with universities in Delhi or neighboring states.

Outstation participants are eligible for sleeper class train or actual bus fare as per ICSSR norms. Reimbursement shall be made only on submission of proof of confirmed train tickets or original bus tickets.

Board and Lodging
Outstation participants would be provided modest facilities for stay (twin sharing) and food on request. Local participants would be provided only lunch and tea/snacks during the programme break.

Key dates
Last date for receipt of filled application forms: 02 Feb 2018
Date for intimation of selected applicants: 03 Feb 2018
Date for confirmation of participation by selected participants: 07 Feb 2018
Dates of workshop: 20th Feb to 01st Mar 2018.

How to Apply
(1) Send scanned copy of duly filled application form available at by email to or by post to
The Course Director (ICSSR Research Methodology Workshop), Centre for Social Science Research Methods, Ambedkar University Delhi, Lothian Road, Kashmere Gate, Delhi, 110006 on or before 02 Feb 2018.
(2) Application has to be forwarded by competent authority
(3) Application form has to be sent along with a copy of MPhil/PhD registration certificate and
(4) A synopsis on current state of their research.

More information: Click here (pdf)
Application form: Click here (pdf)