
Showing posts with label 3rd World conference on Media and Mass Communication-2017. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3rd World conference on Media and Mass Communication-2017. Show all posts

Sunday, December 18, 2016

3rd World conference on Media and Mass Communication (MEDCOM 2017)

"Information, Persuasion, Relationships, and Power: The Many Functions of Media"
Date - 20th, 21st and 22nd of April 2017
Location - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Academic Partner - Gaziantep University

We cordially invite you and your colleagues to submit original research papers and take part in the International Conference on Media and Mass Communication (MEDCOM 2017). We welcome papers for Oral and Poster selections. 

The MEDCOM conference will provide the opportunity to present papers in a wide range of areas of
study in media and communication, and to meet scholars from around the world with overlapping research interests. MEDCOM 2017

The 3rd World Conference on Media and Mass Communication – MEDCOM 2017 will be held from April 20th -22nd in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The conference theme is “Information, Persuasion, Relationships, and Power: The Many Functions of Media”. At the MEDCOM annual conference it will provide the opportunity to present papers in a wide range of areas of study in media and communication, and to meet scholars from around the world with  overlapping research interests.

The main goal of 3rd World conference on Media and Mass Communication is to provide a multinational platform where the latest trends in communication and media can be presented & discussed in a friendly environment with the aim to learn from each other. Prospective presenters are encouraged to submit abstracts and posters that offer new research or theoretical contributions.

All papers presented will be published in conference Abstract Book with ISBN. Full papers will be published electronically with ISSN in conference proceedings with a DOI number after the conference and selected manuscripts will be published in conference supporting journals. All full papers will be under double-blind review.

Conference Tracks
Abstracts are welcomed under the following tracks:
-Asian Perspectives on Communication
-Communication Arts and Sciences
-Communication and Democracy
-Communication Policy and Regulation
-Communication Theory and Methodology
-Contemporary Theater and Performance
-Critical and Cultural Studies, Youth, Gender and Communication
-Disaster Coverage in the Media
-Film Studies
-Law and Policy
-Mass Communication
-Mass Communication, Society and Globalization
-Media, Climate Change and Environmental Studies
-Media Education Research
-Media, Information and Communication Literacy
-Media and Entertainment

Abstract Submission Deadline: 20th January 2017 
Early Bird Registration deadline: 30th January 2017
Submit your abstracts to:

Features - 03 day Conference, Publication Workshop, Students’ Gathering, Round Table Discussions, Gala Dinner, Field Visit.

Round Table Discussion
A round table discussion will be organized for the senior scholars to involve in debates and issues to be addressed in a complex platform where is expected for ideas and innovations to come into existence. The close of the round table discussion will be marked by a Cocktail Dinner that will create a more relaxed surrounding to engage in talks with the colleagues and share some thoughts. Target Audience
Leading international experts in Media and Mass Communication
Government policy makers
Research funding and commissioning agencies
More Details
Date: 21st April 2017
Time: 17:30 – 19:30
The Round Table Discussion and the Cocktail Dinner is not included in the conference delegate
Tickets ($50 per person) can be purchased on the day of the discussion from the registration desk or you can pre-register for the discussion. Only limited number of seats will be available.

Excellence Award
Individuals who have contributed to the field of Media and Mass Communication will be awarded and recognized for their hard work and dedication in the innovation. The Excellence Award is organized with the intention of valuing one’s contribution to the field and behind the idea of encouraging for more active involvement for the betterment of the industry as a whole. The concept shall motivate youths to achieve more which will in turn benefit the industry and could lead towards a policy implementation in nurturing for a fruitful tomorrow.

Conference Chair Workshop
A workshop will be arranged by the Conference Chair to discuss on the outcomes of the Conference and the plans to be executed when organizing for MEDCOM 2018 providing an opportunity for participants to voice their suggestions in terms of the venue, dates and any other applicable.

More Details: Date: 22nd April 2017 Time: 17.00 – 18.00.

Abstract Submission Process
In order to present at the 3rd International World Conference on Media and Mass Communication (MEDCOM 2017), your abstract must first pass a double-blind peer review. Upon payment of registration fee, your presentation will be confirmed.


  • Abstracts submission: 20th January 2017
  • Acknowledgement of receipt will be sent within 3 days
  • Results of abstract reviews are returned to authors: Usually within two weeks of submission
  •  Final conference registration for all presenters: 20th March 2017
  •  Full paper submission: 22nd May 2017

How to Submit

  •  Please submit you abstract to
  • Submit your abstract of no more than 250 words, please download the abstract template in the
  • website (The format will help you to submit your abstract, therefore you are requested to follow the format carefully for your abstract submission).
  •  Please send in a brief biography together with the Abstract.
  •  Submit well before the submission deadline in order to benefit from Early Bird rates.
  •  Your Abstract will undergo a double-blind peer review within two to three weeks after receipt.

If your abstract is accepted, you will be invited to register for the conference. At least one of the authors of the paper must register for the conference by 20th March 2017. Upon payment of the registration fee, you will be sent a confirmation email receiptFull Paper Guidelines If your abstract is accepted and you have paid the registration fee, you are encouraged to submit the full paper before 22nd May 2017 and final papers must be send to the .

The full manuscript must be submitted as a MS Word document in .doc format (not as a PDF or .docx format). Please ensure that your paper is not having any errors; this is especially important if English is not your first language. Download the given Full Paper Template which will help you to present your full paper. Full papers that do not follow this format will be rejected. Download the additional Full Paper Template and thoroughly take after the designing rules. That format will help you to present your full paper, subsequently you are asked for to take after the configuration thoroughly. Full papers that do not follow this format will be rejected.

Full papers will be undergo by a double blind peer reviewing process. If paper is requested for revise we will send back to you with comments and you must send the corrected paper within a week. If you have any technical issue or if you need any further assistance in submitting your full paper, please contact Ms. Udayangani at . 

Journal Proceedings Guidelines
If you wish to submit your manuscript in our supporting journal please follow the supporting
journal’s submission process and the template guidelines. For more info please visit the MEDCOM
2017 website.

Conference Proceedings
All accepted abstracts will be published in the conference abstract book with ISBN. All full papers will be accepted through a double blind reviewed process and will be published electronically with
ISSN in proceedings with a DOI number (DOI prefix-10.17501). 
Papers presented (oral presentations, virtual presentations and poster presentations) in the conference being considered for possible publications in following journals. Best selected full papers will be published for free of charge.

Publication Process
All papers presented will be published in conference abstract book with ISBN. All the manuscripts will be published in electronically with ISSN in proceedings with a DOI number (DOI prefix: 10.17501). Selected manuscripts will be published in collaborated journals. All full papers will be under double-blind review.

Free Publication Opportunity 
Journal of Children and Media 
ISSN 1748-2798 (Print) ISSN 1748-2801 (Online)
Publisher - Taylor and Francis
Abstracted and Indexed by: British Humanities Index and SCOPUS.

*Selected Full papers will be publishing in Conference supporting Journals.
Keynote Speakers
-Prof. Toby Miller, Emeritus Distinguished Professor, University of California, Riverside, USA.

-Asst. Prof. Richard Koci Hernandez, Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley Graduate, School of Journalism, University of California.

We look forward to your positive responses at your earliest convenience and kindly ask you to disseminate this mail among your enthusiastic colleagues.

Conference Secretariat,
#288/1/1, Old Kottawa Road, Embuldeniya, 
Nugegoda 10250, Sri Lanka.
Tel: +94 113 132 832
Fax: +94 112 835 571
Web site: