
Showing posts with label CETRA Summer School Scholarships 2017. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CETRA Summer School Scholarships 2017. Show all posts

Friday, January 13, 2017

CETRA Summer School 2017

29th Research Summer School in TRANSLATION STUDIES
University of Leuven, Belgium
28 Aug - 8 Sep 2017

The CETRA Board has appointed Leo Tak-hung CHAN (Lingnan University, Hong Kong) as CETRA Chair Professor for the 29th Summer School 

Prof. Chan’s bio note can be found here.
For all information about the application procedure (with two rounds and two deadlines!), the scholarships and the venue, please go to this page.
More detailed information about the exact programme will be added later.

In 1989 José Lambert created a special research program in Translation Studies at the University of Leuven in order to promote research training in the study of translational phenomena and to stimulate high-level research into the cultural functions of translation. Since then, this unique program has attracted talented PhD students, postdocs and young scholars who spend two weeks of research under the supervision of a team of prominent scholars, and under the supervision of the Chair Professor, an annually appointed expert in the field of Translation Studies. From 1989 on, the program has hosted participants from Austria to Australia, from Brazil to Burundi, and from China to the Czech Republic. As an illustration of the multi-campus model of CETRA, the 2016 edition of the Summer School will be organized at the Antwerp campus of the KU Leuven, in the city center of Antwerp.

The list of CETRA professors may serve as an illustration of the program’s openness to the different currents in the international world of Translation Studies: Gideon Toury (Tel Aviv, 1989), †Hans Vermeer (Heidelberg, 1990), Susan Bassnett (Warwick, 1991), Albrecht Neubert (Leipzig, 1992), Daniel Gile (Paris, 1993), Mary Snell-Hornby (Vienna, 1994), †André Lefevere (Austin, 1995), Anthony Pym (Tarragona, 1996), Yves Gambier (Turku, 1997), Lawrence Venuti (Philadelphia, 1998), Andrew Chesterman (Helsinki, 1999), Christiane Nord (Magdeburg, 2000), Mona Baker (Manchester, 2001), Maria Tymoczko (Amherst, Massachusetts, 2002), Ian Mason (Edinburgh, 2003), Michael Cronin (Dublin, 2004), †Daniel Simeoni (Toronto, 2005), Harish Trivedi (Delhi, 2006), †Miriam Shlesinger (Tel Aviv, 2007), Kirsten Malmkjaer (London, 2008), †Martha Cheung (Hong Kong, 2009), Sherry Simon (Montreal, 2010), Christina Schaeffner (Aston, 2011), Franz Pöchhacker (Vienna, 2012), Michaela Wolf (Graz, 2013), Arnt Lykke Jakobsen (Copenhagen, 2014), Judy Wakabayashi (Kent, USA, 2015), Jeremy Munday (Leeds, 2016)
Basic activities and components of the Summer Session:
  • Public Lectures by the CETRA Professor on key topics. A preliminary reading list will be furnished and all topics are to be further developed in discussions.
  • Theoretical-methodological seminars given by the CETRA staff. Basic reading materials will be made available in advance.
  • Tutorials: individual discussions of participants’ research with the CETRA Professor and the CETRA staff.
  • Students’ papers: presentation of participants’ individual research projects followed by open discussion.
  • Publication: each participant is invited to submit an article based on the presentation, to be refereed and published on the CETRA Digital Shelf.

Application procedure

How to apply for the CETRA Research Summer School?

Application in two rounds

Participation in the CETRA Research Summer School is limited to a maximum of 25 students (KU Leuven PhD students not included).
The Board welcomes PhD students and postdocs, but also academics and professionals who are actively interested or involved in research in translation and interpreting studies.

Because some participants need time for visa application and application for funding, there will be two rounds with separate deadlines.

First Round (for early bird guarantee)
application deadline: 25 February 2017
notification of acceptance: 10 March 2017

Second Round
application deadline: 13 April 2017
notification of acceptance: 28 April 2017

Students applying for the Summer School will be required:
- to send a motivation letter and a recent curriculum vitae to Steven Dewallens
- to fill in the application form

Based on this information the CETRA Board will evaluate all applications, both for the first and the second round.
Accepted students will be required to send a copy of their ID/Visa, a photograph and a short bio note to Steven Dewallens.

The total enrolment fee is 1200 Euros. This sum includes participation in the workshops, seminars and lectures, individual tutorials with the staff members relevant for your topic, nine warm lunches offered at the campus and two shared dinners in an Antwerp restaurant, registration as KU Leuven visiting scholar with access to library and computer facilities and insurance. The fee does not cover travel expenses and housing.
Participants registered as PhD students at KU Leuven get a 20% discount on the total enrolment fee.
The payment of the fee is due upon written notification that the application has been accepted.

CETRA is sponsoring 5 scholarships of 400 euros to registered (non KU Leuven) participants of the CETRA 2017 Research Summer School.

The applicant must fulfil the following requirements to be eligible for the scholarship:
- being accepted by the CETRA Board (see above)
- having paid the advance of 400 Euros
- sending a brief explanation as to why a scholarship is needed to Steven Dewallens (deadline: 11 May 2017)


Payment policy
An advance of 400 Euros has to be paid by 11 May 2017. No exceptions are allowed. If the advance is not paid by 11 May, candidates on the standby list will be offered the opportunity to replace you. The remaining 800 Euros has to be paid before 20 June 2017.
Payment can be made:
1. by bank transfer to

KBC Bank
Brusselsesteenweg 100
3000 Leuven

For international payments please make use of the international IBAN code for fast payment: BE09 4320 0000 1157

KU Leuven
Krakenstraat 3
3000 Leuven

Please mention the following structured communication: (available later)
Note: Please send a copy of the bank transfer to Steven Dewallens.
2. by credit card
Please follow this link (click in the right corner for the English version; please fill in your name below 'optional information').

Cancellation of participation

Cancellations must be sent via e-mail to Steven Dewallens.
For cancellations made until 28 June an administrative cost of 200 euro will not be refunded.
Cancellations made between 29 June and 20 August will be subject to 25% refund. All refunds will be made after the Summer School.

For cancellations after 20 August no refunds can be made anymore.

Accommodation and travel info

Venue of the Summer School: KU Leuven campus Antwerp, Sint-Andriesstraat 2, 2000 Antwerp. For travel info please click here.
The Antwerp campus of KU Leuven is located in the old town centre of Antwerp, near the “Nationalestraat” and the “Groenplaats” and close to the “Grote Markt”. The main railway station “Antwerpen Centraal” is also only a 20 to 25 minutes’ walk away.
For more information about the city of Antwerp, please visit the following website:
For student accommodation, we collaborate with two institutes both very close to the campus (approx. 500m):
1/ There are two nice studios available at the Thomas More campus, both with two single beds and a kitchen. They can be booked for single or for double use. Price per day: 27 €. Booked on first come, first serve basis. For information and booking: contact Please mention ‘CETRA Summer School KU Leuven’.

2/ 20 single rooms are available at the Institute for Tropical Medicine, see the brochure at
 The rooms available are those in the Karibu building, the prices are listed under ‘others’. Price per week: 190-220 € (+ administration cost). For information and booking: see contact details of Patricia Braat in brochure. Please mention ‘CETRA Summer School KU Leuven’.

Besides student accommodation, there are a lot of nice hotels and B&B’s available in the centre of Anwerp, for example Hilton (, Elzenveld ( or Theater Hotel (
Most hotels and B&B’s can be booked online on websites such as or the website of the Antwerp Hotel Association:

For those who prefer budget accommodation: there is also a youth hostel very close to the campus (less than 5 minutes’ walk): Pulcinella, Bogaardeplein 1: 

Accommodation is not organized through CETRA, but by the participants themselves.


Please feel free to ask whatever additional information about the program to Luc van Doorslaer, Director of CETRA
For administrative questions please contact Steven Dewallens, the CETRA Secretary