
Showing posts with label CFP- Second NA’AMAT USA Research Fellowship in Honor of Elizabeth J. Raider.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CFP- Second NA’AMAT USA Research Fellowship in Honor of Elizabeth J. Raider.. Show all posts

Saturday, June 24, 2017

CFP- Second NA’AMAT USA Research Fellowship in Honor of Elizabeth J. Raider.

Call For Proposals:

NA’AMAT USA is pleased to invite proposals for the Second NA’AMAT USA Research Fellowship in Honor of Elizabeth J. Raider. A lifelong member of NA’AMAT USA, Ms. Raider is the organization’s immediate past national president. The fellowship was inaugurated in 2015-16 and previously awarded to Dr. Pnina Lahav (Boston University) for her work on “The Political Leadership of Golda Meir: Pioneer Women and the Campaign for Jewish Statehood.”


The 2017-18 theme of the fellowship program is “Jewish Women’s Contributions to Israeli Society.Scholars from all academic disciplines working on Jewish women’s activism, critical engagement, and/or leadership in varied arenas including art, medicine, culture, history, education, politics, etc. are encouraged to apply. 
The fellowship carries an honorarium of $2500.

Applicants must propose a serious research plan that will result in one of the following: 
(a) chapter and/or substantial part of a Master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation,            or 
(b) a scholarly study of publishable quality. 

The fellowship recipient must commit to delivering one public lecture based on his/her research, submit a completed draft of his/her scholarly study, and provide a version of his/her work to be adapted for a popular audience and published on the NA’AMAT USA website and/or in the magazine NA’AMAT Woman.

How to Apply

To apply, submit a cover letter with a research plan, a current CV, and two letters of support, preferably from academic colleagues. In the case of graduate and doctoral students, one of the two letters must be from the thesis/dissertation advisor. Preference will be given to applicants who are ABD and early career scholars.

The fellowship committee members are Dr. Karla Goldman (University of Michigan), Dr. Daniel Greene (Northwestern University), Dr. Shirley Idelson (Independent Scholar), Dr. Laura Levitt (Temple University), and Dr. Mark A. Raider (University of Cincinnati). The deadline for applications is July 31, 2017. An announcement about the award will be made in August 2017. All application materials should be sent electronically in the pdf format to: Prof. Mark A. Raider (, NA’AMAT USA Research Fellowship Committee Chair, c/o History Department, University of Cincinnati.


 The Zionist women’s organization NA’AMAT USA, the sister movement of Na’amat Israel, is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for women, children, and families in Israel, the U.S., and around the world. Founded in 1925, NA’AMAT USA (originally named Pioneer Women) has a rich and storied history. Over the course many decades, it has been instrumental in helping to create, build, and sustain the State of Israel.


Contact Info: 
Prof. Mark A. Raider, History Department, University of Cincinnati
Contact Email: