
Showing posts with label Calcutta.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Calcutta.. Show all posts

Friday, December 15, 2017

ICSSR Funded Workshop on: “Doing Ambedkarism Today: Issues of Caste, Gender, and Community” -19- 22 February 2018,CSSSC, Calcutta.

The Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta (CSSSC), is organizing a workshop on the above mentioned theme sponsored by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi, for research orientation programmes intended exclusively for researchers from Scheduled Caste (SC)/Scheduled Tribe (ST) backgrounds, from 19-22 February 2018.

Concept Note on the Workshop

In a poll conducted in 2012, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar was voted as the greatest Indian. The inspiration for several Dalit and backward caste parties and movements across India, Ambedkar is seen as a political figure that is simultaneously divisive and unifying. Whether they subscribe to his ideals or not, all major parties are compelled to pay obeisance to this icon. Over the past few decades, excellent academic and theoretical contributions have been made regarding the study of Ambedkar’s thoughts. Yet, as it is with any great thinker, there is still a need to expand Ambedkar beyond conventional readings.

How do we read Ambedkar today? How would Ambedkar want himself to be read and applied today? What are the kinds of political forces which seek to appropriate Ambedkar now and why? What are the new trends and tactics of Dalit assertion? What are the critiques that Ambedkarism and feminism pose to each other? What stake do women have in the present debates on Ambedkarism? Does it make sense to talk about unity among oppressed groups in a caste order? How does Ambedkarism engage with the emergence of other identities and contestations? How do we understand the responses of the so-called upper-castes to Ambedkarite scholarship and politics? How do equations of nationalism, region, and language play today and how to make sense of these from an Ambedkarite perspective? Is conversion an option for those who want to reject the caste order? How can Ambedkarite perspectives inform our debates on counting castes and tribes and categorizing them? Can a capitalist economy provide adequate representation for the marginalized? Has modernity exhausted itself?

The workshop invites applications from students and researchers of SC/ST backgrounds who are currently enrolled in an M Phil or PhD programme or engaged in post-doctoral research. The proposals for papers are expected to address the broad theme the questions that are laid out in the concept note. The workshop is intended to give young researchers an opportunity to share their work with the faculty of the CSSSC and other established and upcoming scholars in the field. The morning session of each day will be devoted to presentations of academics each of which will address a specific topic of significant relevance to the theme, contributing to a critical understanding of Indian politics, society, and history. The afternoon sessions are for participant presentations on pre-circulated papers. Participants will be given twenty minutes for their papers, followed by an interactive session.

Travel & Assistance

CSSSC will bear the expenses of AC three-tier rail travel, accommodation (on twin sharing basis) and food in Calcutta for all selected candidates. Priority will be given to women applicants.

Those wishing to participate in the workshop may apply with their current CV, indicating their current academic affiliation, educational qualifications and mailing address and email IDs. Applications must include a summary (500 - 750 words in Word file doc, .docx, .rtf) of the paper they intend to present at the workshop. It is also compulsory to include a scanned copy of the community certificate clearly indicating the category of the participant, i.e. SC or ST.

Application forms for the workshop are available for download on the CSSSC website.

E-mail applications must reach the organizers latest by 31st December 2017 at:

Selected participants will be contacted at the latest by mid-January 2018 and first drafts of papers are expected by 10 February 2018.

For More Details: