
Showing posts with label Communication & Film 2017. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Communication & Film 2017. Show all posts

Sunday, January 29, 2017

 IAFOR funded The European Conference on Media, Communication & Film 2017

Conference Theme: "History, Story, Narrative"

Tuesday, July 11 - Wednesday, July 12 2017

Abstract Submission Deadline: February 28, 2017

Registration Deadline for Presenters: June 1, 2017

Conference Theme: “History, Story, Narrative”

Historians are far from the only interested party in writing history. In a sense it is an interest we all share – whether we are talking politics, region, family birthright, or even personal experience. We are spectators to the process of history while being intimately situated within its impact and formations.

How, then, best to write it? Is it always the victor’s version? Have we not begun increasingly to write “history from below”, that lived by those who are not at the top of the power hierarchy? Are accounts of history always gender-inflected, hitherto, at least, towards men rather than women? Who gets to tell history if the issue is colonialism or class? How does geography, the power of place, intersect with history? What is the status of the personal story or narrative within the larger frame of events?

This conference addresses issues of writing history from literary and other discursive perspectives. That is to say: novels, plays, poems, autobiographies, memoirs, diaries, travel logs and a variety of styles of essay. One thinks of Shakespeare’s history plays, Tolstoy’s War and Peace, Shi Nai’an’s The Water Margin, Balzac’s La Comédie Humaine. It also addresses oral history, the spoken account or witness, the Hiroshima survivor to the modern Syrian migrant.

Which also connects to the nexus of media and history. The great “historical” films continue to hold us, be it Eisenstein’s October: Ten Days That Shook the World (1925) or Gone with the Wind (1940). We live in an age of documentaries, whether film or TV. There is a view that we also inhabit “instant” history, the download to laptop, the app, the all-purpose mobile. How has this technology changed our perception, our lived experience, of history? What is the role of commemoration, parade, holiday, festival or statuary in the writing of history?

The different modes by which we see and understand history, flow and counter-flow, nevertheless come back to certain basics.

One asks whether we deceive ourselves in always asking for some grand narrative. Can there only be one narrator or is history by necessity a colloquium, contested ground? Is national history a myth? And history-writing itself: is it actually a form of fiction, an artifice which flatters to deceive? What, exactly, is a historical fact?

This conference, we hope, will address these perspectives and others that connect and arise.

For the fourth year, The European Conference on Media, Communication & Film will be held alongside The European Conference on Arts & Humanities. Registration for either of these conferences will allow participants to attend sessions in the other.

In conjunction with our global partners, we look forward to extending a warm welcome to you in Brighton.

The conference theme for EuroMedia2017 is "History, Story, Narrative", and the organisers encourage submissions that approach this theme from a variety of perspectives. However, the submission of other topics for consideration is welcome and we also encourage sessions across a variety of interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives.

Submissions are organised into the following thematic streams:

  • Advertising, Marketing, & Public Relations
  • Digital Media and Use of New Technology in Newsgathering
  • Communication Theory and Methodology
  • Critical and Cultural Studies, Gender and Communication
  • Media Disaster Coverage
  • Media History
  • International Communication
  • Law, Policy & Media Ethics
  • Newspapers & Magazines as Print/Digital Media
  • Mass Communication
  • Broadcast Media & Globalization
  • Journalism
  • Education & Scholastic Journalism
  • Sports, Media & Globalization
  • Media Management and Economics
  • Political Communication and Satire
  • Visual Communication
  • Media & Education: Training journalists
  • Social Media & Communication Technology
  • Film Direction and Production
  • Film Criticism and Theory
  • Film and Literature: Artistic Correspondence
  • Biography
  • Film History
  • Documentary History
  • Archive-Based Studies
  • Films and Digital Distribution (use of the internet and video sharing)

Abstract Submission Process

In order to present at the conference, your abstract must first pass a double blind peer review. Upon payment of registration fees, your presentation will be confirmed. Learn more about conference streams.


Abstracts submission: February 28, 2017
Results of abstract reviews returned to authors: Usually within two weeks of submission
Full conference registration payment for all presenters: June 1, 2017
Full paper submission: August 12, 2017

How to Submit
Create your account. Your email address will be used as your username and you will be asked to submit a password.
Submit your abstract of no more than 250 words, choosing from the presentation formats listed below (Individual, Poster or Virtual).
Submit well before the submission deadline in order to benefit from Early Bird rates.
Your proposal will normally be reviewed within two to three weeks after undergoing a double blind peer review. Those who submit near the extended deadline will usually receive results by March 14, 2017.
If your proposal is accepted you will be invited to register for the conference. Upon payment of the registration fee, you will be sent a confirmation email receipt.
Status of Submission
The status of your abstract can be checked by logging in to the online submission system. The status will be displayed in the "Your Submissions" area. If your paper is accepted, a notification email will be sent to the registered email address. If you do not receive this email, please contact us at

You can return to the system at any time using your username and password to edit your personal information. If you wish your paper to be published in the conference proceedings, please ensure that a paper is uploaded through the online system by August 12, 2017.

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