
Showing posts with label DECEMBER 20-21. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DECEMBER 20-21. Show all posts

Thursday, August 10, 2017



The Srini Raju Centre for Information Technology and the Networked Economy (SRITNE) at the Indian School of Business (ISB) will host the eleventh edition of Conference on the Digital Economy (CODE) on December 20 – 21, 2017 at Neemrana Fort-Palace, Rajasthan, India.

Technology is also increasingly emerging as a driver of socioeconomic transformation and growth in government and society. The purpose of CODE is to bring together researchers from around the world who are interested in generating insights about the antecedents, nature and consequences of such digital transformations.

Call for Papers

Papers are invited across a range of areas including but not limited to those listed below. A variety of methodological approaches are also welcome at the workshop.

Illustrative Topics
Economic Value of IT
E-Business and E-Government
Crowds, Contests and Communities
Digital Platforms and Open Governance
Security, Privacy and Ethics of Technology
Technology Adoption and diffusion
Human Behaviour and IS
Strategy, Structure and Organizational Impacts of IT
Data Science, Decision Analytics and Visualization
Research Methods
Service Science and IS
HCI, Design Issues and Design Science Research
Social Media and Digital Collaboration
IT and Social Change.

Submission Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit abstracts of their work for consideration at the conference. Please submit a 2-page single spaced (including text, diagrams, tables and references) abstract of your research study by October 5, 2017.

Abstracts will be evaluated based on their potential research contribution and the ability to stimulate interest and discussion at the conference. If your abstract is accepted for presentation at the conference, it will be published in a Book of Abstracts.

The Book of Abstracts contains a brief (300 words) summary of each of the researches to be presented at the conference. Conference on the Digital Economy (CODE) does not take any copyright on this. The purpose of the Book of Abstracts is to circulate your work amongst key practitioners in India.

Your research study should be sufficiently complete by the time of the conference to enable a stimulating presentation and meaningful discussion. At least one co-author of an accepted abstract for the conference must pre-register on or before November 5, 2017 for its continued inclusion in the programme.

Please submit abstracts by EasyChair.

Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline: October 5, 2017
Notice of acceptance of abstracts: October 20, 2017
Deadline for early registration: November 5, 2017
Conference dates: December 20 – 21, 2017


Neemrana Fort Palace, Rajasthan, India


Karthik Rapaka, Srini Raju Centre for IT and the Networked Economy (SRITNE)
Indian School of Business, Hyderabad- 500 111. Email:

For more information :-