
Showing posts with label Fifth International Conference on Asian Studies-ICAS 2017. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fifth International Conference on Asian Studies-ICAS 2017. Show all posts

Saturday, December 17, 2016

 Fifth International Conference on Asian Studies-ICAS 2017

June 17-18, 2017, Saint Paul University, Ottawa, Canada

Call for Papers 
Unique Conferences Canada, International University of Japan and International Center for Research & Development together with their global conference partners wish to announce the Fifth International Conference on Asian Studies (ICAS2017) will be held in June 17-18, 2017 in Ottawa, Canada. 

ICAS2017 is a two day interactive international forum will create an opportunity for academics, practitioners, and PhD students to come together, review their research findings, exchange ideas, and discuss emerging trends. 

Furthermore, all papers presented will be published as proceedings (online) and will be submitted to indexing agencies. 

You are invited to submit an abstract to this premier conference and to register before 28 February, 2017. You can get more details by visiting the following website. You can participate as a listener or as a presenter.

Participants are encouraged to  dealing with historical, contemporary and future issues related to Asia

Main Sub Themes
Asian Arts & Culture
Language, literature and Linguistics
Educations & Teaching
Media and film
Religious belief & terrorism
Economics and Management
Banking & e-commerce
Politics, foreign policy and international relations
Human rights & refugees

Women, Gender & sexuality
Philosophy, history, religion
Migration and Diasporas
Cultural changes & media
Health & living standard
Tourism & Leisure
Advances in Engineering
Poverty & Malnutrition
Conflict & Civil unrest

Food & Agriculture
Supply Chain Management
Aging societies
Heritage & Archeology
Governance & democracy
Social Welfare
Advances in Science & Technology

Any Other suitable topic…

1) East Asia studies 
1.1 East Asian studies
1.2 Sinology
1.3 Japanese Studies
1.4 Korean studies
1.5 Okinawan studies

2) Southeast Asian studies
2.1 Malaysian Studies
2.2 Thai Studies
2.3 Indonesian Studies
2.4 Philippine Studies
2.5 Vietnam Studies
2.6 Burmese Studies
2.7 Cambodian Studies
2.8 Laos Studies

3) South Asian studies
3.1 Sri Lankan studies
3.2 Indian Studies
3.3 Dravidian studies
3.4 Pakistan Study
3.5 Nepal Study
3.6 Bangladesh Study
3.7 Bhutan Study
3.8 Maldives Study

4) Central Asian studies
4.1 Turkish Studies
4.2 Syria Studies
4.3 Uzbekistan Studies
4.4 Kazakhstan Studies

5) West Asian studies
5.1 Middle Eastern studies
I. Saudi Arabia Studies
II. Oman Studies
III. Yemen Studies
IV. Jordan Studies
V. Iraq Studies
VI. Israel Studies
VII. United Arab Emirates(UAE)

5.2 Iranian Studies

6) Asia & other continents
Asia and Europe
Asia & Africa
Asia & America
Asia & Australia

7) Special Session
Asia & Canada

Final Abstracts Deadline:  30 March 2017

Abstract Acceptance Within 5 Days

Early Bird Registration:   28 February 2017

Camera Ready Paper:    15 April 2017

Conference Date:   17-18 June 2017

General Information

Send Your

Send Your


Conference Convener ( Prabhath Patabendi )

Registration Details
If your Abstract has been selected either for oral presentation or for virtual presentation, you have to pay the relevant registration fees to reserve a speaker’s slot in the conference programme or to publish your paper in conference publications or for both. One registration will cover only one presentation and/or one publication.

Presenter/Co-presenter            450                              550                              600
(ICAS member /IUJ / SLJAA    395                               450                       450
Presenter + Co-presenter or
 Presenter + spouse/partne      750                               1000                         N/A
Listener                                         500                              550                                   650
Virtual                                          250                              275

Showing 1 to 5 of 5 entries
EARLY BIRD : Before 28 February 2017
STANDARD : 01st March to  30 April 2017
LATE : After 01 May 2017

Methods of Payment

For Bank details:

2) Online payments using Debit/Credit card

Registration Package I (Oral/ Poster Presenter)

- Admission to all sessions
- Speakers slot for presentation
- Morning and evening coffee/tea & Lunch for 02 Days
- Abstract book
- Certificate of presentation
- Printed Conference Program
- A membership of our research community
- Opportunity to forward your paper to reputed journals
- Publication of the paper in the conference proceedings ( online) with a ISBN number

Registration Package II (Virtual Presenters)

- An abstract book with ISBN number
- Publication of your paper (online with ISBN)
- An Author certificate
- Upload your presentation slides to the ICRD YouTube or Slide share link
- Opportunity to forward your paper to reputed journals
- Receive your certificate & book immediately after the conference with a tracking number

This conference follows green concept and try to minimize use of papers or plastic products.

Registration Process:-

1) Authors/Presenters-
1.1) Submission of the abstract
1.2) Acknowledgement
1.3) Notification of acceptance /rejection
1.4) Invitation to register
1.5) Registration details
1.6) Payment of registration fees
1.7) Confirmation of the registration
2) Listeners/Observers-
2.1) Send your CV/ resume to for approval
2.2) If approved - Pay the registration fee
2.3) Get the confirmation
2.4) At the conference – access to sessions -get the conference materials (book, programme etc.)

Refund / Cancellation Policy:

Where the registrant is unable to attend, and is not in a position to transfer his/her place to a qualified colleague or to another event, then the following refund arrangements apply:
(a) Cancelations more than 60 days before the event - 50% of the registration fees will be refunded
(b) Cancelations less than 60 but more than 45 days before the event- 25% of the registration fees will be refunded. **( a) and (b) banking fee applies
(c) Cancelations less than 45 days before the event- not eligible for a refund. However, the registration category will be transferred to the virtual presentation category and will be eligible to review process, to receive a conference book and to publication of the paper (Registration Package II).

Note: Refund not possible…..

1) The registration fees will not be refunded if your paper has been reviewed.
2) The registration fees will not be refunded once the invitation letter for visa purposes has been issued.

However, in the above situations, the organizers will send a conference book and the certificate to the Registrant and will publish the paper in conference publications.

Conference website: 
Abstract guidelines:
Abstract acceptance: Within 5 working days
Send your abstract to: 
Registration details :

We hope to meet you in Ottawa, Canada!

Best Wishes

Prof. N.S. Cooray 
International University of Japan 
Conference Chair- ICAS2017