
Showing posts with label Historiography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Historiography. Show all posts

Sunday, January 28, 2024

CFP: Travel and Accommodation Sponsored #International #Conference on #Historiography and #Hagiography in #Buddhism and Beyond -#University of #Cambridge, United Kingdom, on 8-10 July 2024


This international conference aims to bring together scholars working on practices of record-keeping, historiography, and hagiography in the Buddhist tradition and in related cultural fields. Recent years saw a steadily-growing interest in the impact of Buddhism on historiography and hagiography, in tandem with an unprecedented increase in the availability of textual and visual primary sources. Ambitious digitization projects (especially of premodern sources) and the changing landscape of the digital realm offer new opportunities to study premodern and contemporary practices of writing and narration. In this three-days conference, we seek to foster an interdisciplinary discussion on practices of textual and visual recording, storytelling, and memory in Chinese Buddhism and beyond – past, present, and future.

This conference is generously sponsored by the Tzu Chi Foundation (慈濟) and hosted by the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Cambridge.

The conference will take place at the University of Cambridge in Cambridge, United Kingdom, on 8-10 July 2024 (08/07/2024-10/07/2024). Accommodation and meals will be provided for the duration of the conference. Travel expenses to Cambridge will be covered for conference presenters (please contact organizers for further details).  

We welcome proposals for papers on topics relating to historiography, hagiography, and narration, including but not limited to:

  • Buddhist historiography and record-keeping
  • Historiography and record-keeping in other Chinese religious traditions
  • Narrating lives of extraordinary individuals (e.g. biographies, autobiographies, hagiographies) in textual, oral, visual, and material forms
  • The intersection of Buddhism and literature
  • Book culture and production of texts in the Buddhist tradition (e.g. in print culture, manuscript culture, publishing practices, patronage of textual production, production of temple gazetteers and mountain gazetteers etc.)
  • Uses of visual arts and the performance arts in creating or supporting Buddhist historiography and hagiography

Proposals for papers should include the following information:

  1. Name, affiliation, and title of position at the affiliated institution (independent scholars are also welcome to apply; please note “independent scholar” in your proposal if relevant)
  2. Title
  3. 250 word abstract
  4. Contact information: email, address, and phone number(s)

The deadline for all proposals is Friday, February 23rd, 2024 (23/02/2024). Proposals should be sent as either Word or PDF to the following email address:

For general information and logistical questions, please email the organizing committee at:

Regarding the conference, please contact the primary organizer, Dr Noga Ganany at

*Proposals must be submitted in English.

Contact Email

Monday, December 11, 2023

CFP: Contemporary Theatres of the Indian Sub-Continent: Perspectives and Prospects-Thespian Magazine(ISSN 2321-4805)

 In the introduction to her edited anthology, Modern Indian Theatre (2009), Nandi Bhatia pointed to the increasing number of critical works devoted to the history and development of modern Indian theatre. Such works, Bhatia argued, were crucial in reconstructing an Indian theatrical past and in dispelling oriental myths about modern Indian theatre. According to Bhatia, “. . . it indicates a growing interest in Indian theatre history and points towards the need for more work that subjects this highly pluralistic diverse field to critical scrutiny” (xii). The first decade of the twenty-first century saw the publication of crucial critical works on the historiography of Indian theatre which included Nandi Bhatia’s Acts of Authority/ Acts of Resistance(2004), Aparna Dharwadker’s monumental Theatres of Independence (2005), Vasudha Dalmia’s Poetics Plays and Performances: The Politics of Modern Indian Theatre (2006) and Erin B Mee’s Theatre of Roots: Redirecting the Modern Indian Stage (2008). Around the same time appeared Syed Jamil Ahmed’s Achinpakhi Infinity (2000), a major work in studying the indigenous theatre traditions of Bangladesh. These signposts have inspired theatre scholarship in diverse fields in the next decade leading to works that have addressed the plurality of theatre in the Indian sub-continent. The richness of theatrical and performative forms in the Indian sub-continent have expanded considerably in the contemporary times, manifesting a plural and vibrant theatrical culture that awaits further interpretation. 

While contemporary theatres and performances in the Indian sub-continent have been exploring the proscenium space in diverse ways, they have also moved out of the proscenium into alternative spaces, into the experimental realms of installation art and performance. These have resulted in greater engagement with immersive, intimate and interactive theatre practices where the ‘fourth wall’ has come down and the audience have been immersed into the play itself. What have been the ways in which audience reception has transformed in new experimental performance forms? How have contemporary theatres explored the proscenium space? How has alternative theatre spaces emerged? Did the widespread pandemic of Covid-19 foster the search for new spaces of performance? What emergent social and political issues are being addressed by the contemporary theatres? How ‘political’ is today’s theatre? How far do marginalised groups represent themselves and/or are being represented in contemporary theatre? How have the legacies of traditional and classical theatre been carried on in contemporary theatres? How far can the theatre discourse centring around Natyasastra be applied as a critical/theoretical context in today’s theatre? What are our theatrical ‘futures’ and ‘prospects’?                     

Premised on the above thoughts and questions, the proposed title invites scholarly articles on various issues related to contemporary theatre and performance in the Indian sub-continent. While we consider the phenomenon of performance as an inclusive concept ranging from daily life’s performance observations through indigenous tradition and classical to avant-garde initiatives, there are innumerable areas to be explored in the realm of the sub-continental performance tradition with the support of diverse theoretical tools from Natyasastra to recent theories. Once we see theatre and performance as a product of social process and its craft as a product of extensive enquiries to discover new expressive idioms, immense potential for further research and enquiry emerges. The frequent crossover of Indian theatre with various international criticism and streams of writing from the second half of the twentieth century onwards has also considerably impacted the contemporary scenario, which is a subject of intensive study. The call for papers and articles thus aims to address the plurality of Indian Sub-Continental theatre and drama, and its multiple streams that have variously contributed to the rich repository of Indian Sub-Continental performance practices.


Papers are invited (but not limited to) the following sub themes/ topics:

  • Current trends in research on Indian Sub-Continental theatre, performance and drama
  • Historiography and Post-Independence Indian theatre and drama
  • Women in the theatre, performance and drama of the Indian sub-continent
  • Queer identities in the theatre and drama of the Indian sub-continent
  • Gender inclusivity in the theatre and drama of the Indian sub-continent
  • Theatres of Protest
  • Theatre In Education
  • Political theatre
  • Theatres of Alternative spaces: Immersive, interactive and intimate theatre experiences
  • Relevance of Indigenous performance practices in Contemporary Theatre
  • Beliefs and motifs of Tribal theatrical traditions and its relevance in contemporary practices  
  • Urban-Folk theatre
  • Theatres of Ritual/Ritual Theatre
  • Covid-19 and the theatre and drama of the Indian sub-continent
  • Theatre of Roots
  • Environmental theatre
  • Theatre from the Margins
  • Contemporary Indian theatre and Drama
  • Post-Independence Indian theatre and Pedagogy
  • Regional theatre and criticism
  • Playwrights and Theatre Directors of the Indian sub-continent.
  • Wide practices of Amateur Theatre/Mobile Theatre in the Sub-Continent


Full articles within 5000 words (approx.) conforming to the latest MLA style guidelines should be sent along with a short bio-note (within 250 words) to

Last Date of Submission

20 December 2023


For details, please strictly follow the guidelines provided on the website.


Work Cited

Bhatia, Nandi, editor. Modern Indian Theatre: A Reader. Oxford UP, 2009.