
Showing posts with label Hyderabad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hyderabad. Show all posts

Sunday, June 24, 2018

CALL FOR PAPERS International Conference Indian Diaspora and Trans-nationalism: Global Perspectives,-4 - 5 October 2018-University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad


International Conference
Indian Diaspora and Transnationalism: Global Perspectives
Organized by
UGC-Centre for Study of Indian Diaspora (CSID), University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
Organization for Diaspora Initiatives (ODI), New Delhi
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India
4 - 5 October 2018

The major themes of the international conference ‘Indian diaspora and
Transnationalism’ are as follows:
Transnationalism, diaspora and development
Transnationalism and religion/religious communities
Social media and transnational networks
Transnational social/familial obligations
Transnational political mobilization
Transnational return visits
Comparative transnational studies

Submission Dates
Abstract Submission: 30 June 2018
Full Paper Submission: 20 September 2018
Send your abstracts & paper to Dr. Ajaya Sahoo:

Monday, December 4, 2017

Three-day International Conference on Commonwealth Literature, 8-10 February 2018, Osmania University, Hyderabad

Concept Note
“A room without books is like a body without soul.” (Cicero)

In today’s multicultural and multi-lingual society, the focus of literary studies has drastically changed. The focus has shifted to postcolonial theory, lesbian and homosexual writing, diaspora, ethnic studies and corporate fiction. In the last three decades, writers across the globe have enriched the literary scene by dealing with contemporary themes and issues. Some of these writers are Margaret Atwood, Peter Carey, David Malouf, J.M. Coetzee, Gunter Grass, Kazuo Ishiguro, Milan Kundera, Rohinton Mistry, Toni Morrison, Ben Okri, V.S. Naipaul, Michael Ondaatje, Zadie Smith and Ngugi wa Thiong’o. Today Indian English literature has registered a remarkable growth and many of our writers like Anita Desai, Bharati Mukherjee, Amitav Ghosh, Vikram Seth, Salman Rushdie and Jhumpa Lahiri have achieved international recognition. As Indian writing in English has come of age, it is time to examine where it stands in terms of other literatures in the world, and what are the reasons of its popularity.

Comparative Approach
Some of the books published during last three decades have made indelible impact on us. We now are the citizens of the world and can no longer afford to neglect the excellence of other literatures in the world. Just as national literature is the reflection of the national history, so is the world literature a by-product of comparative literature. We are glocal—both local and global. While comparing Indian writers/ movements with overseas writers/ movements, we are mainly concerned with relationships, resemblances and differences. Such an approach will give wider dimensions to the realm of contemporary literature.

Humanities/ Social Sciences
The conference is both comparative and interdisciplinary in character. Literature is closely related to humanities and social sciences. Certain political and social movements have all-pervading influence on common people as also on literary milieu. A writer is essentially the conscience bearer and moral watchman of his people. The conference will therefore discuss, apart from literature, like Terrorism, Popular Culture, Human Rights, Feminism, in all spheres of knowledge. Papers are therefore invited from scholars in the disciplines of History, Political Science, Philosophy and Psychology, within the larger framework of the theme of the conference.


• Landmarks in Indian and World Literature 1990-2018
• Globalism and Literature
• Diversity, Multiculturalism
• Local, Glocal and Global Identity
• Feminism
• Eco-Criticism
• Diaspora literature
• Minority literature
• Subaltern Studies
• Comparative literature
• Special sessions on Canadian, Irish, African and Australian literatures


• Renowned Keynote Speakers and Resource Persons
• Plenary Lectures
• Panel Discussions
• Release of the Journal
• Readings by Creative Writers
• Book Releases/Book-Exhibition
• Conference Dinner
• Cultural Evening

Creative Writing Session

A number of creative writers will participate in the session. Ms. Roswitha, German writer in India, will deliver a special lecture on her recent novel.


Select Papers presented at the Conference will be brought out as a volume of essays—an ISBN publication—or as a special issue of the U.G.C.-approved bi-annual journal The Commonwealth Review. However, articles of only the subscribers will be considered for inclusion.

The aim of this International Conference is to encourage academics, scholars and practitioners representing an exciting diversity of countries, cultures and languages to meet and exchange views in a forum encouraging respectful dialogue.


The deliberations of the conference will be useful for sharpening the research tools and strategies by the teachers and research scholars. The conference will discuss multiculturalism focusing on the ideological issues of caste, gender, religion, and the social movements affecting the new literatures written in different languages and regions with a view to bringing out the multicultural diversity of the globe. It is hoped that the conference will enlighten the delegates and scholars about the nature of the new literatures, the ideological and cultural deep structures lying behind them, and the way the multiculturalism of the writers has questioned the established beliefs and systems to uphold humanism based on the values of liberty, equality, and fraternity.

The City of Hyderabad

Hyderabad, the Capital of Telangana, is a historical city—well-known for pearls. It is a seat of learning and has more than seven universities. A multicultural city, it is famous for grandeur and royalty. Places to visit include Char Minar, Salar Jung Museum, Fort and the Lake. Weather in November is pleasant. Accommodation will be provided in the OUCIP Guest House on twin-sharing basis.

Book Exhibition

There will be a Book Exhibition where members can display their publications. Members who wish to get their books released may send copies of the books preferably in advance.

What to send

A 200-word abstract should be submitted by 30 December 2017 along with the information in this order: a) author b) affiliation c) email address d) title of the abstract. Abstracts may be sent to:


Acceptance will be sent by the Academic Committee, within three days from the receipt of the abstract. Submission of registration fee and travel bookings may follow.Certificate of Participation in the International Conference will be given to all registered delegates. Convener, Academic Committee: Professor Jagdish Batra, Jindal Global University. Sonepat.

Important Dates

Abstract Submission: 20 December 2017

Registration Fee: 10 January 2018

Registration Fee
Foreign delegates :USD 300, includes accommodation for 4-5 nights, hospitality and conference kit
India delegates:
  • Rs. 3500 per person. It includes Conference fee, accommodation, Conference kit and hospitality.
  • Rs. 2500 per person, not needing accommodation. It includes Conference fee, Conference kit and hospitality.
  • Research scholars, not employed and below 30:
  • Local Rs. 2000;
  • Outstation with accommodation Rs. 3000.
  • Spot registration will not be possible.

Late Fee after 10 January 2018: Rs. 300

Kindly note that we are not in a position to assist with the conference travel or subsistence. Participants are requested to approach their institutions for travel grant and conference fee.

For all queries, contact:

Secretary, ISCS:

Dr. Suman Mobile: 0-9891097657

All correspondence may be addressed to:

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

International Conference on Indian Literature as World Literature: Past, Present, Future -18 to 20 January 2018. EFL University, Hyderabad, Telangana

Call For Abstracts:

In recent years Indian Literature in English has been generating renewed interest in its writers and writings not just among students and scholars of literature but also intellectuals and thinkers working in other areas of Humanities and Social Sciences. There has also been a huge global increase in sales of literary works produced by Indian writers living in India as well as writers of Indian origin living outside the country. This new era in Indian Writing, as we all know, was ushered in by the epic-success of Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children published in 1981. Today, interestingly, many of the works published in the 80s and 90s, especially Rushdie’s own magnum opus, Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things and Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger and others feature on the reading lists of departments of World Literature in universities across the globe.

Not very long ago, classical literatures of India produced over the last two millennia, had generated a similar interest among scholars of British India. English translations of The Rāmāyaṇa, The Mahābhārata, Pañcatantra, Kathāsaritsāgara, Jātaka Tales, Abhijñānashākuntala, Raghuvaṃśa, Mṛcchakaṭika, Svapnavāsavadattam, Harṣacarita, Pṛthvīrāj Rāso and Padmavat began to come into the public domain as early as the last quarter of the 1800s and after. The contribution of indologists and translators like Ralph Griffith, Arthur Ryder, E. B. Cowell, Charles Henry Tawney, Sir William Jones and others in the preservation and dissemination of India’s most loved classical texts across the limits and boundaries of the ancient languages is unquestionably one of the most important milestones in the journey of Indian literatures. Sadly, however, these extraordinary texts, or at least parts of them, despite their incomparable literary quality and universal appeal have rarely been featured on reading lists of World Literature departments.

The fate of literatures produced in the regional languages of India has not been very different. Most of the literature produced in Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam and a host of other languages has to a large extent remained unknown both to readers outside the language of its origin as well as to the English-speaking world simply for lack of translation across  languages within India and of course, into English. Can an understanding of World Literatures ever be complete without having known the worlds of Kalidas, Kabir, Meera, Mir Taqi Mir, Mirza Ghalib, Kaifi Azmi, Gulzar, Sri Sri, Gurram Jashuva, Kuvempu, Premchand, Sarat Chandra Chatterjee, Nirala, Sumitranandan Pant, Maithili Sharan Gupt, Bhisham Sahni and O V Vijayan,  to name a few?
Thus, the range of possibilities and array of questions that glare at those engaged in a serious and sincere promotion of the idea of “world literature” are overwhelming and intriguing at the same time. But the ride, however bumpy and bouncy it may seem, has also been immensely rewarding in terms of the varied points of arrivals, the reactive and commendatory responses, fresh challenges and new possibilities in the domain of world literatures.

Today, “world literature”, presents itself as a field of study with major thrust on global circulation, transcultural reading methods, wide ranging stylistic patterns, “intertextuality,” and interesting affiliations between texts and readers, hitherto not so evident. Indian writers, in their elaborate visions of particular locales/settings, have all along been challenging the notions of worldliness as something divorced from the local and the indigenous as something insulated from the world as the West would prefer to view them. These writers preferred rather to display the synergies between the local, national, regional, and global, and show how the local and the familiar function as the co-ordinates of the world. Being quite in consonance with one of the major pursuits of postcolonial literatures - fostering an understanding of the traffic between the local and the global, and that of world literature insisting that power and the way one is socially situated affect how one reads and writes the world - Indian literature does not seem to have any different purpose or end from that of world literature. The world then becomes not something exotic, menacing, and inhospitable but an accretion of what we consider home, a larger community to which we are all native.

The conference aims to explore the promising avenues of exchange between Indian literary studies and world literature. What role can writers, readers, critics, scholars, teachers, translators, literary agents, publishers, journalists, film makers, print and electronic media professionals etc. can play in promoting Indian literatures in English and translation at the global level? Consequently, the Conference looks to bring experts from various fields on to a single stage, all looking to share their learning and expertise in addressing the concerns. 

Well-researched and unpublished papers are invited on topics related to all aspects of Indian literature and literary criticism in English, in translation as well as regional language literatures. However, all submissions must strictly be in English only. If you choose to make an impact submit your abstract in not more than 250 words along with the keywords.  Do not forget to mention your name, place, affiliation, mobile number, and email address.  All submissions and correspondence may be made at

Important Dates:
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 20 November 2017
Notification of Acceptance: 30 November 2017
Deadline for Registration: 15 December 2017
Full paper: 25 December 2017
Registration Fee:
Faculty Members (Out-station paper presenters) Rs 5000/-
Research Participants (Out-station paper presenters) Rs 2500/-
Local Participants (presenters & non-presenters) Rs 1500/-
EFLU Research Scholars Rs 1000/-
Foreign Delegates 100 USD
Please pay conference registration fee through Money Transfer to the bank account provided below. You are requested to email us your name and complete transaction details like amount, transaction number, date and name of the bank along with a scanned copy of the counterfoil.
Beneficiary’s Name: Internal Income Account
Acc No.: 62122901303
Type of Account: Savings
State Bank of India
IFSC Code: SBIN0021106
Bank Address: SBI, EFLU Branch, Hyderabad-500007

Payments may also be made through a Demand Draft drawn in favour of Internal Income Account, A/C No.62122901303, SBI, EFLU Branch, Hyderabad and sent to The Conference Coordinator, Dept. of Indian and World Literatures, EFL University, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500007. Please furnish complete transaction details like amount, Transaction number/DD No., date, Name of the Bank etc. in your communication. The Registration Fee includes the conference kit, three lunches, the conference dinner on January 18, and tea & snacks at intervals. Outstation participants will be provided breakfast on all three days. Accommodation will be available from 3 pm on 17 January to 10 pm on 20 January. ¬-Participants making joint presentations need to register separately.

Our Distinguished Conference Speakers

Prof. Graham Huggan, Professor of Commonwealth and Postcolonial Literatures, University of Leeds, UK will deliver the Keynote Address. Prof. Huggan is one of the world’s most renowned critics in the comparative postcolonial literary/cultural studies.

Prof. Vinay Dharwadker, Professor of Comparative Literatures and Folklore Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, is an expert in Indian and South Asian literatures and culture. 

Prof. Aparna Dharwadker, Professor of English and Interdisciplinary Theatre Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, specializes in comparative modern drama, modern Indian theatre and contemporary world theatre.

Mr. Ananth Padmanabhan is Chief Executive Officer of HarperCollins India and was former senior vice-President of Penguin India, the biggest multinational publishing houses in India. Mr. Padmanabhan has been at the helm of publishing business in India for more than 20 years now.

Dr. Arshia Sattar specializes in South Asian languages and civilizations and Indian narrative. She is one of the finest experts in Ramayana, an extraordinary translator of ancient texts and author of several books inspired by Indian mythology.

Volga is a popular Telugu novelist, short story writer, poet and translator. She was honoured with the Sahitya Academi Award for her collection of short stories titled Vimuktha.

Ms. Bhawana Somaaya, film journalist, critic, author and historian will deliver the Valedictory Address. Ms. Somaaya was recently honoured with the Padma Shri, India’s fourth highest civilian award, by the Honourable President of India Shri. Pranab Mukherjee. She has also served on the advisory panel of the Central Board of Film Certificate.

Prof. N. Ramadevi Murru, Dean, School of Literary Studies
Conference Coordinator
Dr. Chinnadevi Singadi, Assistant Professor
Joint Coordinator
Dr. Thoty Subramaniam
Head, Department of Indian and World Literatures
The EFL University, Hyderabad