
Showing posts with label Hyderabad.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hyderabad.. Show all posts

Saturday, September 1, 2018

CFP: II Annual International Conference of Caesurae Collective Society on Translation Across Borders: Genres and Geographies 9-11 October 2018, Department of English, MANU University, Hyderabad.

Call For Papers:

Etymologically translation means carrying across, and commonsensically, we assume that the carrying happens across language. But, the boundaries of a language are often coterminous with the boundaries of nation, state, culture, and community (whether imagined or real). What happens when a text crosses these boundaries is an interesting phenomenon to explore in Translation Studies and allied fields. The questions that such boundary-crossing raises are many: What happens to the text? What happens to the nation, state, culture, community into which it is translated? What happens to the language, nation, state, culture, community which allows its texts to go across? What happens to the translator, when texts are moved across borders? How do translators move?These questions have been addressed to some extent and fascinating answers are before us. Still, there are many facets of this phenomenon of moving across borders which need to be investigated and conceptualized.

In recent times, we find texts moving not only across languages, but also across mediums, genres, literary traditions both within and across languages. Novels and short stories becoming plays; plays turning into short stories; films/videos reincarnating as remakes, dubbed versions or with subtitles; multi-lingual texts and multi-medial texts are all around us today. In the last decade or so, we have also witnessed a shift in interest from time (History) towards space (Geography) and interesting work has been published in the area of Translation and Cities. We are hoping that this conference will bring together scholars working in these areas to further our knowledge of the field.

Following is an indicative list of rubrics under which abstracts are invited:

Ø  Translation and Space
Ø  Translation and Cities
Ø  Translation and Borders
Ø  Translation and Places
Ø  Dubbing
Ø  Subtitling
Ø  Remakes
Ø  Translation as Crossing Genres
Ø  Audio-video Texts in Translation
Ø  Authors in Translation
Ø  Genres in Translation
Ø  Function of Translation in Source and / or Target Culture
Ø  Translational Spaces
Ø  Translational Relations Between Languages, Cultures, Texts

v  Conference dates: 9-11 Oct 2018.
v  Conference venue: Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU), Hyderabad.
v  Last date for receiving Abstracts: 8 Sep 2018.
v  Email for sending Abstracts: <>
v  Date of intimation of acceptance of Abstracts: 15 Sep 2018.
v  Publication: Selected papers from the Conference will be considered for publication in future editions of our UGC-approved multi-media e-Journal Caesurae: Poetics of Cultural Translation.
v  Workshops, Exhibitions and Cultural programmes
Along with the academic sessions of the Conference, a host of cultural events, including Art and Music Workshops by leading artists and musicians, Exhibitions and Cultural programmes will be held. (Updates at: <>)

v  Registration fees
o   With accommodation: Rs. 3500 for Indian / 200 $ for overseas participants
(Registration fees will cover accommodation on twin-sharing basis at MANUU Guest House; breakfast, lunch, refreshments on Conference days; Conference kit; and access to Exhibitions and Cultural programmes)
o   Without accommodation: Rs. 1500 for Indian / 150 $ for overseas participants
(Registration fees will cover working lunch and refreshments on Conference days, Conference kit, and access to Exhibitions and Cultural programmes).
o   Separate fees (to be notified later) will be charged for the Art and Music Workshops
(Participants who wish to attend only the Workshops without attending the Conference can pay the fees for the Workshop/s, along with the Caesurae membership fees [see below], and have access also to the Exhibitions and Cultural programmes).

v  Membership fees
      All those who wish to participate in the II Annual International Conference of Caesurae Collective Society are required to pay the membership fees of Caesurae Collective Society
o   Life Membership: Rs 5000
o   Annual Membership: Rs 500 (renewable on 1 April every year)

v  How to pay Registration fee and Membership fee: Please email <> for details.

About Caesurae Collective Society
Caesurae Collective Society is a registered non-profit organization devoted to academic and cultural activities. We organize academic seminars, creative writing, music, dance, film, graphic arts, photography, and art workshops and events. Our organization prides itself on members who come from different disciplines. We have academicians who are creatively inclined, and we have professionals from different cultural streams. Caesurae Collective Society intends to bring together creative arts with academic discursiveness on culture and cultural translation. If you have the creative and/or academic zeal in you, and wish to become one of “us”, you just have to write to with your interests and a brief note about yourself. Our multi-media E-Journal (International, peer reviewed, UGC-approved journal) Caesurae: Poetics of Cultural Translation, is free for readers and contributors. However, one is required to become a member to participate in our conferences and workshops.

Monday, July 9, 2018

CFP:GIAN Workshop on Language policy, language in human rights, language imperialism, languages and linguistic genocide in education, language ecology.-Nov 19, 2018 to Dec 1, 2018. NALSAR, Hyderabad.

There are around 7,000 spoken languages in the world today. According to some UNESCO prognoses, before the year 2100 at least 50% of them will either be extinct or very seriously endangered so that only the oldest generations know something of them. Many researchers anticipate a much higher percentage, up to 90-95%. India has one of the highest percentages of endangered languages in the world. Why do languages disappear? The course analyses reasons for this. Globalisation, growthism, and the world’s military, economic and other structural inequalities: linguistic imperialism and internal colonialism are some drivers of this. The media,and lack of linguistic human rights in education are important direct causal factors. Most formal education of speakers of Indigenous/tribal, minority and minoritised (= ITM) children – if they have access to it in the first place - is organised subtractively, using a dominant language (e.g. English, Hindi, or a regional language in India) as the teaching language. All serious research recommends instead mother-tongue-based multilingual education – this is the most important linguistic human right. Current ITM education violates the right to education and can be seen as linguistic genocide educationally, psychologically, linguistically and socially, according to at least two definitions of genocide in the UN Genocide Convention. It can also be seen as a crime against humanity. Much of the detailed knowledge about how to maintain biodiversity and healthy ecosystems is encoded in the small ITM and local languages. When they disappear, the knowledge is not transferred to the replacing languages. Thus maintaining and revitalising the endangered languages is vital for the future of humankind on the planet.

 Presenting fundamental knowledge about linguistic imperialism, and the limitations on language  rights in international human rights instruments and in court cases, especially in relation to            education.

 Analysing the role of English nationally and internationally, and ideologies that legitimate linguistic imperialism and lack of language rights.

 Presenting solid language planning and language policy research from all over the world,  particularly in school and higher education, that leads to increased social justice.

 To enhance the capability of participants to plan social and educational policies that respect  linguistic human rights.

The Faculty
Robert Phillipson is an Emeritus Professor at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. British by origin, he studied at Cambridge and Leeds Universities, UK, and has a doctorate from the University of Amsterdam. His main books are Linguistic imperialism (1992), English-only Europe? Challenging language policy (2003), and Linguistic imperialism continued (2009). Recent co-edited publications: Why English? Confronting the Hydra (2016) and Language Rights (four volumes, 1668 pages, with Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, 2017). He has collaborated with Indian scholars for four decades. He was awarded the UNESCO Linguapax prize in 2010. 
For details see:

Dr. Tove Skutnabb-Kangas has been actively involved in minorities’ struggle for language rights for five decades. She has published in 51 languages. Some books: Bilingualism or Not: the Education of Minorities (1984); Linguistic Genocide in Education - or Worldwide Diversity and Human Rights? (2000); Indigenous Children’s Education as Linguistic Genocide and a Crime Against Humanity? A Global View (2010) with Robert Dunbar; Multilingual Education for Social Justice: Globalising the Local (2009), ed. with Ajit Mohanty, Minati Panda, and Robert Phillipson; Multilingual Education Works: from the Periphery to the Centre (2010, ed. with Kathleen Heugh). She was awarded the UNESCO Linguapax prize in 2003.
For more, see

Important dates
Course Commencement: Nov 19, 2018 to Dec 1, 2018.
Last date for registration: Oct 10, 2018.
Course Fee1 (for reading material): INR 2000 (students); INR 3000 ( others)

You Should Attend if you are… 
 Students/faculty/researcher/administrator in the Department of Law,Development Studies, Human Rights, Education, Applied Linguistics,Language Education, Sociology, Political Science,          Language Policy and Language Planning.
 Activists working for Human Rights and Educational Rights of the children from tribal   communities.

Course Coordinator:
Dr Uma Maheshwari Chimirala is a teacher at NALSAR University of Law. Her doctoral work analysed the language and cognitive components of the collaborative dialogue in a collaborative text construction across languages. She makes a compelling case for a languages curriculum. Her current research investigates the relationship between language, engagement in academic tasks and achievement across languages. 
Contact details:

 Note: Out Station participants will be provided accommodation on payment of Rs 5000 only 

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

CFP: Funded National Level ‘YOUNG RESEARCH’ Workshop 2018 On New Directions in New Humanities Research: Theories, Modalities and Praxis 21-22 July, 2018, The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad.

Call For Papers:
The Department of English Literature, EFLU, Hyderabad is organizing a two-day workshop  on New Directions in New Humanities Research on 21st & 22nd July, 2018. The workshop,

intended for researchers working in new and emergent areas of humanities research, aims to 

a) provide them with an opportunity to present their topic areas to a scholarly audience
b) receive feedback from experts who have worked on/ are conversant with these and allied areas, and
 c) create special interest groups that will contribute to the creation of new knowledge, and application of the theoretical insights in the analysis of new and emerging socio-cultural phenomena.

We invite abstracts from research scholars registered with an Indian university for their MPhil and PhD programmes in the area of English Studies. Preference will be given to MPhil scholars who are close to submitting their dissertations, and PhD scholars in their second and third years of research. Research papers in newer approaches to theory, praxis, themes, methods and orientations will be given priority. Scholars are invited to submit abstracts on rubrics including, but not limited to, the following:

o Fantasy, Myth and Folklore in a Post-Truth World
o Posthumanisms
o Narrative Philosophies
o Populism and Neo-Cultural Nationalism
o New Directions in Gender Studies
o New Materialisms and Embodied Subjectivities
o Oral, Visual and Performative Cultures from a Post-Theory Perspective
o Digital Discourses: Then and Now
o Postcolonial Cosmopolitanism
o Interdisciplinarity in Today’s Academy
o Minority Studies Today
o Reading Science and Ecology
o Re-visiting Culture and Identity Politics
o Studies on Vulnerability, Affect and Emotions
o Comics, Caricatures, Videogames and other Graphic Narratives
o Enacting Everydayness: Newspapers, Letters, and Blogs

Abstract details: Kindly email a 250 words abstract, with a title, your name, institutional affiliation, email ID and phone number. The deadline for submission of abstracts is June 30, 2018 and you will be intimated about the selection by 3 July, 2018. Full papers should be reach us by July 13, 2018

Dates will not be extended any further, so make sure to submit on time.

Email your abstracts to:

Please follow the format given below:
Institutional Affiliation:
Research Programme details:
Email address:
Phone number:
Title of the paper:
Abstract with keywords:

Participation details: Travel allowance and local hospitality will be provided to out-station participants (paper presenters only). This includes sleeper-class return railway fare and board and lodging at the EFL U Hostel/Guest House.

Workshop Schedule: Each day of the workshop will consist of four sessions with a lunch, and two tea breaks. Each session will have three paper presentations of 15 minutes each followed by the feedback of the subject expert, and a brief discussion.

We look forward to your participation. 

For further details, contact Workshop Co-ordinators

Prof. Samson Thomas and Dr Aparna Lonjewar

Department of English Literature