
Showing posts with label ICSSR Invites applications from the Indian Social Scientists Research Programme on “Research Studies on Specific Issues in Special Regions”. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ICSSR Invites applications from the Indian Social Scientists Research Programme on “Research Studies on Specific Issues in Special Regions”. Show all posts

Sunday, April 30, 2017

ICSSR Invites applications on
Research Programme on “Research Studies on Specific Issues in Special Regions”

The proposal of the study (app. 1500 words) should belong to a discipline of social sciences, and it may relate to political/social history; constitutional aspects of integration with India; bilateral treaties and agreements; issues of refugees, migrants and displaced persons; economic, political and social status of various sub-regions of these regions; state of Panchayati Raj institutions; status of women, children, elderly people and weaker sections; demographic changes; status of traditional and modern education; assessment of absolute and relative economic performance since independence and so on in respect of such special regions like J&K, North-East etc.

Details about eligibility/terms and conditions etc can be accessed and downloaded as under:
Application format (Click to view and download)

Last date of receipt of the application is 17th May 2017(Wednesday)

Applicants will require to submit the following:

1. Proposal of the proposed study in 1500 words.
2. Composition of the research team, including Co-Project Director,      Department and Institutions.
3. CVs of each Researchers.
4. Forwarding letter from the University/Institute of Affiliation.
5. Application form in prescribed format, and
6. Budget proposed.
7. SoftCopy of the proposal and CVs of Research Team should be sent through email at

Assistant Director
RP (RPR & RPS) Division incharge
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg
New Delhi-110067
For More Details Visit: