
Showing posts with label International Conference Buddhism & Australia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label International Conference Buddhism & Australia. Show all posts

Friday, May 26, 2017

International Conference Buddhism & Australia

1-3 February, 2018
Perth, Western Australia 

Call For Papers

It is our great pleasure to announce that the 7th International Conference Buddhism & Australia will be held on 1-3 February, 2018 in Perth, Western Australia. All Buddhists, scholars and members of the general public interested in Buddhism are invited to present their papers in this coming conference. Researchers across a broad range of disciplines are welcomed as well the submission of pre-formed panel proposals

The main themes 2018
  • Rituals
  • Rituals and the Image of Buddha
  • Silk Road Buddhism
  • Death of the Buddha
The organizers are open to proposals for contributions on Buddhist history, philosophy, texts as well for proposals on any related theme.

Important Dates
Deadline for Abstract Submission : 25 October, 2017 
Deadline for Full Paper Submission : 25 November, 2017
! Early Bird registration : 1 August, 2017
What to Send
Proposals may be in Word or RTF formats with the following information:
  • author(s);
  • title of proposal,
  • body of proposal; no more than 250 words,
  • up to 10 keywords.
  • CV max 2 pages
Proposals should be submitted to the following email:
We acknowledge receipt and answer to all proposals submitted. Please use another email ( if you have not received confirmation from us in 5 days.

Call for Essays on Buddhism

Those who have prepared for certain big task and who are able to put some sort of idea on certain topics, we have a proposal to compose an essay which needs to create a bridge back to the Buddha. Anyone, from any country, is free to apply. Selected essays will be published on the conference website.
  • Buddha for every home
  • Buddha versus Jesus
  • Who reads the teachings of the dead Buddha
  • Buddhism is in the way of economy
  • Buddhist monks - people with weak vitality and mentality
  • Buddhist cosmology and contemporary astronomy and astrophysics are not brothers
  • Virtual reality as the modern day Nirvana
  • Could Buddha turn on a computer?
  • Is virtual reality beyond our reality or not?

  1. The essay should be at least 800 words and not over 2300 words.
  2. All essays must be absolutely original and in your own words.
  3. Images are encouraged. You are free to use images but they must be copyright-free.
  4. Submissions are accepted only in Microsoft Word documents (doc or docx).
  5. The cover page of your essay must contain your complete details such as your full name, phone number and email.
  6. The essay must be written in English.

Conference Registration

Payment of the conference fee of 540 AUD should be made by December 1, 2017
Registration fee will include -participation in all sessions for 3 days and lunches & coffee breaks during the conference.
  • Early Bird registration fee of 460 AUD is possible until 1 August, 2017
To participate in the Buddhism & Australia 2016 please contact Marju Broder by the following email:

All of the accepted and presented papers will be included in the conference proceedings.
The time for paper presentation is 30 min including questions and answer time.
Papers to be presented in the conference will be published on conference website.
Papers must not have previously been published and, if accepted, cannot be published through other media.
Copyright owner for published papers will be Buddhism & Australia Inc.


Organizing Chair Marju Broder:
tel. +61 0 405549923